sábado, 9 de mayo de 2015

Event: Reducing Isolation in Youth Facilities: Strategies and Lessons Learned from the Field

Event: Reducing Isolation in Youth Facilities: Strategies and Lessons Learned from the Field

SAMHSA Headlines

Reducing Isolation in Youth Facilities: Strategies and Lessons Learned from the Field

Friday, May 15, 2015 | 2:00 PM -- 3:30 PM EDT
In recent years the juvenile justice field has increasingly recognized the dangers and costs of using isolation in juvenile correctional and detention facilities. Across the country, administrators and facility staff seek ways to limit the practice and implement additional strategies to manage resident behavior. In response to this call for assistance, in April 2015 the Council of Juvenile Correctional Administrators released an important new resource, the “CJCA Toolkit: Reducing the Use of Isolation.” Based in research, best practices and lessons learned, the Toolkit sets forth a series of action steps juvenile facilities can take to address the issue. This webinar will explore in detail the strategies listed in the Toolkit and offer participants an opportunity to hear from field leaders who have successfully led system reforms and limited the practice in youth facilities. 

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