lunes, 13 de julio de 2015


Gender Ideolgy checkmate, Generating Retina tissue major advance, etc. Nº 32

Human cloning for reproductive and therapeutic purpose. Ethical aspects. | Observatorio de Bioética, UCV

nº 27

                                                             Contact us HERE   May 2015 -  UPDATED




Human cloning for
reproductive and therapeutic purpose. Ethical aspects.

Human cloning for reproductive and therapeutic purpose. Ethical aspects.

Human somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) or human cloning  for reproductive and therapeutic purpose has ethical problems principally that it objectifies the human embryo produced, ... However, another ethical problem of this practice is the large number of oocytes (eggs) that it requires. … Leer más.
consciousness after clinical death
Southampton University scientists have found evidence that awareness continue for at least several minutes after clinical death which was previously
thought impossible

Consciousness after clinical death. The biggest ever scientific study published

Southampton University scientists have found evidence that awareness continues for at least several minutes after clinical death which was previously thought impossible. A recent  interview with Dr. Sam Parnia is head of a multidisciplinary team at … Leer más.


assisted reproduction last
report reproducción asistida en el mundo las clinicas continuancon alto índice de fracasos y pérdiadas de embriones humanos y se
detecta un creciente retraso de la maternidad

Assisted reproduction. Latest statistics

Assisted reproduction statistics for Europe for the year 2010 have just been published by The European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) 14th report.  16 countries were included. 267,120 assisted reproduction cycles were recorded … Leer más.
Physicians bioethics position Discrepancy
between convictions and clinical practice in 44% , is alarming too that ethical criteria have little influence

Physicians' bioethics positions

A recent survey about physicians' bioethics position held by doctors in particualr cases  features the opinions of American and European physicians on the ethical criteria that should be applied in certain difficult situations. A total of 21,531 physicians … Leer más.


Sexual abuse on the increase in
English hospitals.Sexual abuse on the increase in English hospitals. A total of 1615 attacks were recorded in three years 2011, 2012 and 2013, which
is a 50% rise since 2011.

Sexual abuse on the increase in English hospitals

Sexual abuse is on the increase in English hospitals. A total of 1615 attacks were recorded in three years, which is a 50% rise since 2011.   … Leer más.
Sexually transmitted infections continue
to rise in the United States

Sexually transmitted infections STD continue to rise in the United States

The spread of sexually transmitted infections continues to rise. More than 17,375 cases of primary and secondary syphilis were detected ... Ninety-one percent of cases occurred in men, 75% of which were in homosexual men. "STDs are a … Leer más.
Genital mutilation doctor jailed in Egypt

Genital mutilation doctor jailed in Egypt

For the first time, a doctor has been jailed in Egypt for performing genital mutilation in girls. The landmark appeals court ruling overturned the original acquittal of the medic and the father of 14-year-old Sohair al-Bataa last November. The doctor, Raslan Fadl, was sentenced … Leer más.

Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome in assisted procreation

Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome is an objective risk in assited reproduction procedures. Ovarian hyperstimulation, which can cause objective medical problems in women and even, albeit rarely, death. A recent study. Leer más.
First organ transplants from a newborn
in the United Kingdom

First organ transplants from a newborn in the United Kingdom

The first organ transplants have been performed  from a newborn who died 6 days after birth. The kidneys and the liver were harvested. One recipient with renal failure received kidneys, and another was given a …Leer más.

Surrogate pregnant with her grandchild

Lorenzo Lamas's wife is pregnant with his grandchild. In a gesture approved by her husband, 57, Shawna Craig has become a surrogate for her stepdaughter, … Leer más.

Paediatric euthanasia in the Netherlands

After the approval of paediatric euthanasia in Belgium, this practice has been reviewed in Holland, where it is legal for children aged 12 or over. However, its use has been … Leer más.

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