sábado, 12 de julio de 2014

AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Surgical teams are distracted or interrupted about 10 times an hour, which may compromise safety.

AHRQ Patient Safety Network

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Surgical teams are distracted or interrupted about 10 times an hour, which may compromise safety.J Surg Res. 2014;188:21-29.

Identification and interference of intraoperative distractions and interruptions in operating rooms.

Antoniadis S, Passauer-Baierl S, Baschnegger H, Weigl M. J Surg Res. 2014;188:21-29.

This direct observation study revealed that surgical teams were distracted or interrupted an average of 9.8 times per hour, and these disruptions detracted from interoperative teamwork. Mirroring prior studies, these findings suggest that operating rooms have yet to provide an optimal environment for safe surgery despite efforts to decrease risks.

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