PCD Editor in Chief Co-Leading Scientific Writing Institute at APHA Conference
Announcement posted 07/03/14
Are you a public health practitioner looking to turn your work into a manuscript for publication?Preventing Chronic Disease (PCD) Editor in Chief Samuel Posner, PhD, will be co-leading a learning institute on scientific writing at this year’s annual meeting of the American Public Health Association in New Orleans, Louisiana. Dr Posner will be joined by Michael Kogan, PhD, Director of Epidemiology and Research at the Maternal and Child Health Bureau at the University of Alabama at Birmingham’s School of Public Health. Drs Posner and Kogan will be assisted by other experienced authors and editors who will work with attendees on their partially completed manuscripts. Participants are strongly encouraged to bring with them an abstract, manuscript outline, data analysis results, or a draft of an article that they would like to publish. The course will be a mixture of presentations and hands-on work. To learn more about this class and to register, search for learning institute number LI1007
Lancet Special Series, “The Health of Americans,” Features CDC Scientists
Announcement posted 06/30/14
The Lancet releases a special series for the July 4th holiday entitled “The Health of Americans,” featuring a collection of articles from the CDC:
- Improving health in the USA: progress and challenges; Harold W. Jaffe; Thomas R. Frieden
- Prevention of chronic disease in the 21st century: elimination of the leading preventable causes of premature death and disability in the USA; Ursula E Bauer; Peter A Briss; Richard A Goodman; Barbara A Bowman
- Challenges of infectious diseases in the USA; Rima F Khabbaz; Robin R Moseley; Riley J Steiner; Alexandra M Levitt; Beth P Bell
- Prevention of injury and violence in the USA; Tamara M Haegerich; Linda L Dahlberg; Thomas R Simon; Grant T Baldwin; David A Sleet; Arlene I Greenspan, Linda C Degutis
- The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act: opportunities for prevention and public health; Frederic E Shaw; Chisara N Asomugha; Patrick H Conway; Andrew S Rein
- Global health and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Anne Schuchat; Jordan Tappero; John Blandford
- Health security in 2014: building on preparedness knowledge for emerging health threats; Ali Khan; Nicole Lurie
Beginning July 1 through July 4, the articles will be available online at
. Find additional article series and collection on health and chronic disease in Preventing Chronic Disease at
New PDF Collection and Podcast Now Available
Announcement posted 06/02/14
Preventing Chronic Disease (PCD) has made available its Research to Reality collection from the National Cancer Institute in a convenient PDF package, which can be accessed on the PCDCollections page. Also, make sure to listen to our podcast interview with Michael D. Celestin Jr, associate director for the Louisiana Tobacco Control Initiative and instructor at the Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center New Orleans School of Public Health. In this interview, Mr. Celestin discusses one of the articles in this collection, which focuses on assessing the tobacco treatment practices and beliefs of clinicians.
PCD App Now Available for Android™
Announcement posted 02/20/14
The PCD app is now available on smartphones and tablets for Android™! Download your free copy of the PCD app today to get all your favorite articles on the go. Have an Apple device? You also can download the free app that gives you access to PCD’s articles and information wherever you may be. Visit the App Store or Google Play™ to download the app today!
PCD Offers New Multimedia Submission: GIS Maps
Announcement posted 10/31/13
Beginning in October, Preventing Chronic Disease (PCD) will publish a new submission under its Multimedia category entitled GIS Snapshots. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are powerful tools for enhancing the surveillance, prevention, and treatment of chronic diseases. This new feature will enable public health professionals to demonstrate the diverse uses of GIS to efficiently and innovatively improve chronic disease prevention and health promotion.
Through the use of GIS, public health professionals can create maps and overlay data by location, often revealing unseen patterns not readily apparent in data tables and other graphic representations. These maps are a great way to communicate public health burdens or the public health needs to the general public, decision makers, and partners. When GIS is integrated into the decision-making process of state and local health departments, community-based organizations, health care facilities, and other organizations, it can play a key role in guiding effective development for chronic disease prevention and control.
PCD’s first GIS Snapshots map posted October 31. This inaugural map features data detailing vascular care from the Minnesota Department of Health.
Accepting GIS Submissions
PCD invites all public health professionals using GIS for the surveillance, prevention, and treatment of chronic disease to submit their maps for publication as a GIS Snapshot under the Multimedia category. The maps may address the following aspects:
- chronic disease outcomes (eg, morbidity or mortality data)
- chronic disease risk factors
- access to preventive or curative health care
- the built environment
- the socioeconomic environment
- health care and socioeconomic policies
- health care programs
- other conditions relevant to chronic disease prevention and health promotion
For additional information and submission requirements, visit our Types of Articles page.
PCD Author Talks About Her Photo Documentary Study During Live Twitter Chat
Announcement posted 06/06/13
Join Preventing Chronic Disease (PCD) as we host our next Twitter chat on Thursday, June 13 at 3 PM EDT. We will talk with University of Pennsylvania Assistant Professor of Family Medicine and Community Health Dr. Carolyn Cannuscio about her community-focused nutrition and tobacco photo documentary and the importance of community involvement when creating health interventions. Dr. Cannuscio’s study is slated to publish in PCD on June 13. CDC experts and Dr. Cannuscio will be available to answer your questions and take your comments on this exciting health topic. Follow our chat on @CDCChronic
and make sure to include #CDCpcd in all your tweets. Join the discussion by typing #CDCpcd in the Twitter search box or in
. We look forward to this important discussion and to reading all your great comments and questions. Check out @CDCChronic
before the chat for daily tweets from the CDC’s National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. Also, don’t forget to sign up for your free subscription to PCD at so you never miss an issue.
MCC Podcast and PDF Collection Now Available
Announcement posted 05/20/13
Preventing Chronic Disease (PCD) has made available its collection on multiple chronic conditions in a convenient PDF package, which can be accessed on the PCD Collections page. Also, make sure to listen to our podcast interview with Dr Anand Parekh, US Department of Health and Human Services Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health, and with PCD Editor in Chief Dr Samuel Posner. In this interview, Drs Parekh and Posner discuss the definition of multiple chronic conditions, their burden in the United States, and the importance of this particular collection.
OASH releases New Inventory of MCC Programs; PCD MCC Collection Out in April
Announcement posted 03/21/13
Interventions, strategies, tools, training or research relevant to the multiple chronic conditions (MCC) population can now be found through the Inventory of MCC Activities: Database of Programs, Tools, and Research Initiatives to Address the Needs of Individuals with Multiple Chronic Conditions. This searchable database, developed by the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health (OASH), with the help of its partners and stakeholders, contains approximately 250 activities that support one or more goals, objectives, and strategies contained in the Department’s Multiple Chronic Conditions: A Strategic Framework 
. To further expand on these activities, OASH developed a companion piece that further highlights the goals of the Framework. The report, Private Sector Activities Focused on Improving the Health of Individuals with Multiple Chronic Conditions: Innovative Profiles, features innovative and successful activities to help stakeholders. Click here to view the innovative profiles report 
and inventory database
In additional, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) recently released additional resources and tools, CMS State Reports and the CMS Chronic Conditions Dashboard
, which will allow users to conduct state-level examinations of patterns of chronic conditions and multiple chronic conditions among Medicare beneficiaries. The CMS State Reports
on chronic conditions provides an aggregate prevalence of chronic conditions and multiple chronic conditions as well as utilization and Medicare spending for beneficiaries with multiple chronic conditions for the 50 US states and Washington, DC.
Visit the HHS MCC Initiative Web Site
for additional details and updates, and don’t forget to watch for Preventing Chronic Disease’s (PCD) collection of articles on multiple chronic conditions publishing April 25. Sign up for a free e-mail subscription to PCD today.
PCD Twitter Chat on Healthy Eating Designs for Schools
Announcement posted 03/01/13
Join Preventing Chronic Disease for our first Twitter chat at 1 P.M. EST Wednesday, March 13. We will discuss healthful school food environments and chat with the authors of an article entitledHealthy Eating Design Guidelines for School Architecture. Look for our tweets with tips and facts about nutrition in schools and follow our discussion on which school environments foster healthful lifestyles for students. The authors and CDC experts will be available to answer your questions and take your comments. Follow our chat on @CDCChronic
and make sure to include #CDCpcd in all your tweets. Link in to the chat by typing #CDCpcd in the Twitter search box or in
. We look forward to this important discussion and to reading all your great comments and questions. Check out @CDCChronic
before the chat for daily tweets from the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, and don’t forget to read the article that drives this chat, which was published online February 28.
Announcement posted 01/31/13
Thinking about submitting an abstract for display at this year’s Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) conference March 23-27? Develop your abstract into an article and submit it toPreventing Chronic Disease (PCD) for publication. The deadline for BRFSS conference submissions is February 15, but PCD is always taking article submissions. Visit our author information page to learn more about the submission process and requirements.
PCD Now Offers Citation Downloads
Announcement posted 01/24/13
Look for the “Download citation” link inside the Article Tools box that appears with each article. We hope this new feature provides a convenient way to add PCD data to your personal research and reference libraries.
New PCD iPad Application Available
Announcement posted 9/18/12
Preventing Chronic Disease (PCD) is now available as a free app on your iPad or iPhone, bringing you the latest and most relevant peer-reviewed research on public health efforts to prevent chronic disease. Established by CDC’s National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, PCD publishes articles that cut across sectors and disciplines to address at-risk populations, health disparities, policy and legislation, and technical innovations and interventions that address major public health crises. Whether you are a researcher, health practitioner, student, or policy maker, PCD provides an open exchange on the very latest in chronic disease prevention, research findings, public health interventions, and the exploration of new theories and concepts.Visit iTunes and download the app for free today
Radio Program Educates About Chronic Disease
Announcement posted 8/02/12
The August 2 issue of Preventing Chronic Disease (PCD) features an article describing a preventive health education model that employs Spanish-language radio novellas, or soap operas, aimed at reducing the risk of chronic diseases in the Hispanic community. The article, Engaging a Community in Developing an Entertainment Education Spanish-Language Radio Novella Aimed at Reducing Chronic Disease Risk Factors, Alabama, 2010-2011, describes how the authors developed and evaluated 48 novellas and how they engaged the community in the process. In addition to the article, PCDinterviewed two of the authors for an audio podcast. Listen in to the short interviews— in Spanish or in English—to hear what sparked the idea for the radio dramas and to find out how successful the shows were in educating the Hispanic community about chronic diseases.
Listen to the Author Podcasts:
PCD Awarded First Impact Factor of 1.819
Announcement posted 7/26/12
PCD received its first Thomson Reuters impact factor in June 2012. With an impact factor of 1.819,PCD is one of the highest debuting public health journals in 2012. Preventing Chronic Disease (PCD) is a peer-reviewed electronic journal published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. The journal has a circulation of more than 46,000 and content is available via our webpage, RSS feeds, and the CDC iPad app.PCD is indexed in PubMed, Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Sciences Citation Index, and Current Contents (Social and Behavioral Sciences, Clinical Medicine). Full-text content is available in PubMed Central, EBSCOhost, CrossRef, and LinkOut. Articles report on the latest developments in prevention, screening, surveillance, and population-based interventions that focus on preventing and controlling chronic diseases and conditions, promoting health, and examining the biological, behavioral, physical, and social determinants of health and their effect on quality of life, illness, and death across the life span.
PCD Board Member Weighs in on HBO Series, IOM Report
Announcement posted 5/17/12
Founding board member and contributing author to Preventing Chronic Disease (PCD) Shiriki Kumanyika, PhD, MPH, was recently featured in The Weight of the Nation, a unique documentary series that premiered on HBO this month. The documentary — a collaboration between HBO and the Institute of Medicine (IOM), in association with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) — featured case studies and interviews with the nation’s leading experts as well as people struggling with obesity. The 4-part series took an in-depth look at the damage obesity is doing to our nation’s children and the major driving forces behind the obesity epidemic. Dr Kumanyika was featured in the series when it aired on HBO May 14 and 15.
Related to the series, IOM released Accelerating Progress on Obesity Prevention: Solving the Weight of the Nation. The report, released May 8, is IOM’s latest on combating the obesity epidemic. Authored by a team that includes Dr Kumanyika, the report focuses on strategies that various sectors of society can take to support individuals’ and families’ efforts to achieve healthy diets and physical activity levels. Dr Kumanyika is the chair of the IOM Standing Committee on Childhood Obesity and Prevention and was interviewed in the HBO documentary to glean information from her, and others, about her previous work and expertise.
PCD had a chance to speak with Dr Kumanyika about her involvement with the report and the documentary. Read our question and answer session.
PCD Board Member Featured in HBO Docu-Series
Announcement posted 5/04/12
Founding board member and contributing author to Preventing Chronic Disease (PCD), Shiriki Kumanyika, PhD, MPH, will be featured in a unique docu-series premiering on HBO this month. The documentary — a collaboration between HBO and the Institute of Medicine, in association with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Institutes of Health — features case studies and interviews with the nation’s leading experts, as well as people struggling with obesity. The 4-part series, entitled The Weight of the Nation, will also take an in-depth look at the damage obesity is doing to our nation’s children and the major driving forces behind the obesity epidemic. Look for Dr. Kumanyika in The Weight of the Nation when it airs on HBO Monday, May 14, at 8:00 PM ET/PT, beginning with “Consequences” followed by “Choices” at 9:10 PM. The series continues May 15 with “Children in Crisis” at 8:00 PM followed by “Challenges” at 9:10 PM. Find out more by visiting HBO’s website at
PCD Now Offers Medscape CME
Announcement posted 3/29/12
Preventing Chronic Disease (PCD) recently offered its first article for continuing medical education (CME) as part of its partnership with Medscape. PCD plans to offer at least 1 article per month for credit. CME activities have been planned and implemented in accordance with the Essential Areas and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint sponsorship of Medscape, LLC, and PCD. Medscape, LLC, is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians. Visit PCD’s CME page to learn more.
Join the conversation in PCD Dialogue
Announcement posted 02/16/10
Preventing Chronic Disease has established an online forum called PCD Dialogue for our readers to share observations and thoughts on research findings and practical experience. Readers may comment on selected articles in PCD issues by visiting PCD Dialogue or by selecting the "Comment on this article" link located on the article page. We look forward to a stimulating discussion from our readers.
Submit an Announcement
We welcome brief announcements (25 to 75 words) of events of interest to our readers. In this section, we also include information (no more than 100 words) about upcoming conferences related to the prevention of chronic disease. Announcements should list the topics to be covered during the conference and may refer readers to a website with a full description of conference activities. These announcements will be put on our website within 2 weeks of approval for publication. Send all announcement requests to
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