Reviews, News & Commentaries
Functional genomics for personalized cancer therapy,
Jeffrey W. Tyner Science Translational Medicine, July 2, 2014
Jeffrey W. Tyner Science Translational Medicine, July 2, 2014
Multiple evidence strands suggest that there may be as few as 19 000 human protein-coding genes.
Iakes Ezkurdia et al. HMG, July 1, 2014
Iakes Ezkurdia et al. HMG, July 1, 2014
The cost of genetic testing for ocular disease: who pays?
Capasso JE Curr Opin Ophthalmol 2014 Jul
Capasso JE Curr Opin Ophthalmol 2014 Jul
It’s not all in the genes,
by Timothy Caulfield, Policy Options Blog, Jul 2014
One of a kind- what do you do if your child has a condition that is new to science?
By Seth Mnookin, the New Yorker, Jul 21 [by subscription only]
The BMJ Today: Explaining telomeres,
BMJ Blogs, Jul 15
The fight against type 2 diabetes: The promise of genomics,
Medscape, Jul 11 [by free subscription only]
Health care professionals trained in genetics may improve quality of care and reduce unnecessary testing,
Oncology Nurse Advisor, Jul 11
Genetic test use by insurance firms discouraged by privacy watchdog,
CBC News, Jul 11
Maximizing the efficacy of genetic testing,
GEN, Jul 10
Scaling up bioinformatics training online,
Ewan's Blog, July 10
NCI press release: Study identifies novel genomic changes in the most common type of lung cancer; TCGA finds mutations in a key cancer-causing pathway, expanding targets for existing drugs,
Jul 9
"Common disorders" are really collections of rare genetic conditions,
by Kevin Mitchell, Wiring the Brain, Jul 8
With gene disorders, the mother's age matters, not the egg's,
by Kara Manke, NPR News, Jul 7
GM mosquitoes could breed to extinction, leaving malaria parasite no host,
Genetic Literacy Project, Jul 7
Using genetic risk and math, scientists predict which teen drinkers will develop problem,
by Virgina Hughes, Genetic Literacy Project, Jul 7
We need to talk about genomics: leaving a legacy for the National Health Service,
Lucia von Bredow, PHG Foundation, Jul 7
Bad teeth? Blame your genes,
by Paul Frysh, CNN, Jul 3
Study identifies modifiers of breast and ovarian cancer risk in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers,
by Matthew Stenger, ASCO Post, Jul 3
Genetic basis for distinct type of autism uncovered. Sleep, digestive problems common in autism linked to CHD8 gene variation,
by Bobbi Nodell, HSNewsBeat, Jul 3
Wilson disease – a genetic success story,
By Ricki Lewis, DNA Blog News, Jul 3
Prospects for blood test to predict breast cancer risk,
PHG Foundation, Jul 3
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