New AHRQ Resources Encourage Relationships Between Health Care Providers and Their Communities To Address Obesity
New toolkits on AHRQ’s website offer insights for clinicians interested in developing sustainable links with community resources to help increase patient engagement in obesity management. Developing relationships between organizations that share a common goal of improving the health of people and their communities can improve patient access to preventive and chronic care services. One toolkit,“Community Connections: Linking Primary Care Patients to Local Resources for Better Management of Obesity,” provides broad strategies based on actual experiences that practices can customize according to their own needs. Another resource, “Integrating Primary Care Practices and Community-Based Resources to Manage Obesity: A Bridge Building Toolkit for Rural Primary Care Practices,” provides tools and concepts informed by the real world of six primary care practices in three rural Oregon communities.
Integrating Primary Care Practices and Community-based Resources to Manage Obesity
A Bridge-building Toolkit for Rural Primary Care Practices
This toolkit has been developed for primary care practices to manage obesity. It provides tools and concepts that have been informed by the real world of six primary care practices in three rural Oregon communities.
Prepared by
Paul McGinnis, M.P.A., Oregon Rural Practice-based Research Network, Oregon Health & Science University
Melinda M. Davis, Ph.D., Oregon Rural Practice-based Research Network (ORPRN); Department of Family Medicine, Oregon Health & Science University
Sonya Howk, M.P.A.:H.A., Oregon Rural Practice-based Research Network, Oregon Health & Science University
Molly DeSordi, B.A., Oregon Rural Practice-based Research Network, Oregon Health & Science University
Michelle Thomas, M.S.W., Oregon Rural Practice-based Research Network, Oregon Health & Science University
Prepared for the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) under Contract No: HHSA290 2007 10016i 4, Task Order #21; Grant No. UL1 RR024140 01 to Oregon Clinical and Translational Research Institute, from the National Center for Research Resources, a component of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and NIH Roadmap for Medical Research.
Oregon Rural Practice-based Research Network (ORPRN)
Why Was This Guide Developed?
Quick Start Guide
Chapter 1: Attaining Zoning and Building Permits
Assessing Clinic Readiness for Change and Leadership Support
Developing Strategies to Support Process Leadership for Change
Building Clinic-wide Engagement (Bridge Building Planning Meeting)
Chapter 2: Building and Assessing the Clinic Foundation
Chart Reviews or Audits
Observations of Practice Flow and Organizational Behaviors
Patient Survey
Chapter 3: Getting Patients Excited About Crossing the Bridge
Obesity Screening
Documenting Weight Status and Addressing It with Patients
The Five (or Six) A's. The Five A's are: Ask, Advise, Assess, Assist, and Arrange
Motivational Interviewing
Documenting Brief Counseling and Patient Goals
Chapter 4: Building the Community Foundation
Identify Community Resources
A Step-By-Step Process to Learn About "the Other Side of the Ravine"
Chapter 5: Crossing the Bridge and Returning
Get Patients Ready to Use Community Resources
Receiving Feedback from the Resource
Chapter 6: Reflections on the Critical Elements for Successful Bridge Building
Tool 1. Staff Meeting Discussion Guide
Tool 2. Chart Audit Form and Instructions
Tool 3. Clinical Care Observation Guide
Tool 4. Patient Waiting Room Survey
Tool 5. BMI Protocol Template
Tool 6. Worksheet: Establishing Protocols for BMI Screening
Tool 7. Documenting the Conversation in Your Charts
Tool 8. Sample Community Inventory Form
Tool 9. Sample Prescription Pad
Tool 10. Sample Brochure
Tool 11. Sample Poster
Tool 12. Sample Punch Card
Current as of May 2014
Internet Citation: Integrating Primary Care Practices and Community-based Resources to Manage Obesity : A Bridge-building Toolkit for Rural Primary Care Practices. May 2014. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.
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