viernes, 15 de mayo de 2015

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What's Happening in Health IT

In This Issue

Comment on Proposed Rules

We are looking for your input on our 2015 Certification Criteria proposed rule and theproposed Meaningful Use rule issued by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (@CMSgov) (both are open for comment until May 29). If you missed our recent webinar on our proposed rule, you can check out the slides we just posted on And, we have developed a public comment template that can be used to respond to the specific proposals of interest to you.

While we are still talking about comments, the deadline for comments on the criterion for electronic clinical quality measure (CQM) reporting in the CMS 2016 Hospital Inpatient Prospective Payment Systems proposed rule is June 29. You also have until June 30 to comment on the 2015 Edition Draft Test Procedures.

ONC CHPL 4.0 Released

The ONC Certified Health IT Product List (CHPL) was recently updated to version 4.0. The new release includes a completely refined user interface. You will find improved search functions, better filtering options and new product selection processes. The new site can be accessed via

Additional information on the new 4.0 release can be found on the ONC CHPL webpage at

If there are any questions or concerns about the new CHPL, please

Market R&D Pilot Challenge Winners Named

Earlier this week we announced the six winners of our Market R&D Pilot Challenge. The challenge is designed so app developers partner with health care organizations to live test new health information technology applications in an environment where the apps can be tested with the most important stakeholders – the patients. Read more about the six winning partners on the Buzz blog!

Interoperability Roadmap Comments Posted

Curious about what your colleagues have to say about our draft Nationwide Interoperability Roadmap? Well, we've got the goods! We have posted the nearly 250 comments we received on the draft Roadmap on We appreciate everyone's input and will do our best to make sure the next version of the Roadmap reflects stakeholders' vision of using health IT to achieve better health, smarter spending and healthier people. Read the comments!

Community Interoperability and #HIE Grant Deadline

ONC is seeking applications for the Community Interoperability and Health Information Exchange Cooperative Agreement Program (yes, that's a mouth full). The deadline for applications is June 15, so take a look at the information and help us scale up "community efforts to ensure health information is appropriately accessed and used to support people improve their health."

Meet Bonnie (version 1.3.7) The eCQM Testing Tool

Bonnie, a Clinical Quality Measure Testing Tool , has been updated to support Health Quality Measures Format (HQMF) R2.1 as the default import format when loading eCQM files exported from the Measure Authoring Tool (MAT). Bonnie is a tool for testing electronic clinical quality measures (eCQMs) designed to support streamlined and efficient pre-testing of eCQMs, particularly those used in the Meaningful Use (MU) program. This tool is designed for use by measure developers and allows evaluating the performance of eCQMs during the test-driven development process by providing specific feedback on the behavior of the eCQM logic. Additionally, vendors may see a benefit when testing measure implementation into EHRs either by using a test deck built by a measure developer, or since Bonnie is an open source tool, by building its own patient test deck.

Federal Advisory Committee Schedule Week of May 18 (all times EDT)

The FACA schedule for the upcoming week is here:
Monday 10:00 a.m.: The Health IT Standards Committee (#HITSC) Semantic Standards Workgroup meets.

12:00 noon: The #HITSC Content Standards Workgroup meets.

2:00 p.m.: The Health IT Policy Committee (#HITPC) Privacy & Security Workgroup meets.
Tuesday 9:00 a.m.: The #HITSC Standards, Implementation, Certification & Testing WG meets.

11:00 a.m.: The #HITPC Advanced Health Models & MU Workgroup meets.
Wednesday 9:30 a.m.: The full Health IT Standards Committee meets.
Thursday 2:00 p.m.: The #HITSC Architecture, Services & APIs Workgroup meets..
Friday 11:00 a.m.: The Health IT Policy Committee (#HITPC) holds a virtual meeting.

Note: The agenda and other materials will be available on before the meeting.

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