sábado, 11 de julio de 2015

AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► How can we improve the recognition, reporting and resolution of medical device-related incidents in hospitals? A qualitative study of physicians and registered nurses.

AHRQ Patient Safety Network

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How can we improve the recognition, reporting and resolution of medical device-related incidents in hospitals? A qualitative study of physicians and registered nurses.

Polisena J, Gagliardi A, Clifford T. BMC Health Serv Res. 2015;15:220.

This qualitative study of physicians and nurses found that they were more likely to report device-related adverse events if errors were severe and if they received feedback following reports. These results are consistent with prior studies of incident reports and suggest that device-related incidents are under-reported.

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Origin of Adverse Drug Events in US Hospitals, 2011.
Weiss AJ, Elixhauser A, Bae J, Encinosa W. HCUP Statistical Brief #158. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; September 2013.
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Hohl CM, Karpov A, Reddekopp L, Stausberg J. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2014;21:547-557.
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