miércoles, 8 de julio de 2015

Fundamentación de la bioética : How to Elevate Bioethics Deliberations to a National Level

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Fundamentación de la bioética : How to Elevate Bioethics Deliberations to a National Level
Enviado por Biblio on 18/6/2015 15:54:00 (129 Lecturas)

How to Elevate Bioethics Deliberations to a National Level

Written by Mary Darby on May 27, 2015

The Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues (Bioethics Commission) continued its discussion about democratic deliberation in bioethics and turned its attention to how bioethics issues are treated in the national dialogue, and the role of national bodies like the Bioethics Commission in fostering democratic deliberation on bioethics. The Bioethics Commission heard from F. Daniel Davis, Ph.D., the director of bioethics at the Geisinger Health System and former executive director of the President’s Council on Bioethics under President George W. Bush, and Jason Schwartz, Ph.D., M. Bioethics, the Harold T. Shapiro Fellow in Bioethics at the University Center for Human Values, Princeton University.

Davis noted that during his three-year tenure as director of a national bioethics advisory body, he never heard the term “democratic deliberation.” But he believes that active citizen participation in bioethics issues is important and should be encouraged. At Geisinger, he said, he has been involved in several efforts to engage patients and elicit their views on research issues that affect them. For example, Geisinger in 2006 established a biobank after conducting a survey to assess community attitudes toward genetic research and approaches to patient consent.

- See more at: http://blog.bioethics.gov/2015/05/27/how-elevate-bioethics-deliberations-national-level/?utm_source=Presidential+Commission+for+the+Study+of+Bioethical+Issues+List&utm_campaign=0b1262fac2-RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_336f8c07f0-0b1262fac2-78447265#sthash.xPW55cOW.dpuf

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