SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot.com.ar]: DIRECTORIO DE DOCUMENTOS EDITADOS EN NOVIEMBRE de 2017 [*] ▲ SALUD EQUITATIVA - GESTIÓN EN SALUD PÚBLICA ► Contenidos Copyright by Cerasale Morteo, Víctor Norberto, 2008 a 2017. SALTA / ARGENTINA.
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2017 (12327)
- ▼ noviembre (900)
- Medication errors in pediatric anesthesia: a repor...
- Patient involvement for improved patient safety: a...
- Working with influenza-like illness: presenteeism ...
- A piece of my mind. Despite my best intentions. | ...
- Pediatric weight errors and resultant medication d...
- What happened to my patient? An educational interv...
- Safe handover. | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- The NHS: sticking fingers in its ears, humming lou...
- The new diagnostic team. | AHRQ Patient Safety Net...
- CDER New November 27, 2017
- CDRH New Update
- FDA Issues Final Guidance on Pediatric X-ray Imagi...
- El Servicio Extremeño de Salud indemniza los abuso...
- Los ADR mejoran la atención personalizada y más hu...
- De ‘neurosis’ ya sólo habla el juez - DiarioMedico...
- Enfatizan en un control precoz del foco en el mane...
- La SEN busca más participación y proyección intern...
- Este martes, Comisión de Sanidad marcada por espec...
- Fin a una década de 'bloqueo' a los nuevos product...
- Sanidad promete el portal de transparencia de sani...
- Un médico condenado por no informar de los riesgos...
- El solapamiento de jornada no es tiempo de trabajo...
- La mediación, 'antibiótico' para tratar el conflic...
- Pathogen|Genomics|CDC
- Genomics and Health Disparities Lecture Series
- Genomics, Health Disparities, and Missed Opportuni...
- Novel genetic risk factors for asthma in African A...
- Population differentiation in allele frequencies o...
- Analysis of factors influencing molecular testing ...
- Universal Genomics Instructor Handbook and Toolkit...
- National organizations support outreach efforts fo...
- Genomics and Precision Medicine: How Can Emerging ...
- Public health genomics information is now easily a...
- Prioritizing diversity in human genomics research....
- Standards and Guidelines for Validating Next-Gener...
- Integrating surgery and genetic testing for the mo...
- Developing a Clinician Friendly Tool to Identify U...
- What?s Happening to Your DNA Data?: Genetic Testin...
- 2017 News Feature: Genomics handbook provides cust...
- G-TRUST (Guideline Trustworthiness, Relevance, and...
- Improving -Omics-Based Research and Precision Heal...
- Genomic Medicine Without Borders: Which Strategies...
- I paid $300 for DNA-based fitness advice and all I...
- Errors in Genetic Testing: Common Causes and Strat...
- Taiwan Biobank: making cross-database convergence ...
- Re-Framing Biotechnology Regulation. - PubMed - NC...
- Gene therapy: evidence, value and affordability in...
- Designing Ethical Trials of Germline Gene Editing....
- What You Need to Know About FDA Oversight of Genom...
- CRISPR cas9 - licensing the unlicensable. - PubMed...
- Legislation of direct-to-consumer genetic testing ...
- Consent, ethics and genetic biobanks: the case of ...
- Ethics and Genetics: Examining a Crossroads in Nur...
- Genomics & Health Impact Scan Database|Weekly Scan...
- SMDL: Medicaid Access to Care Implementation Guida...
- CDC - November 2017 Edition - Public Health Law Ne...
- Public Health Law News: Interview with Aila Hoss, ...
- New Report Looks at Racial and Ethnic Disparities ...
- CDRH New Update
- Robotic Surgery for Pancreatic Cancer - Ivanhoe Br...
- Effective Health Care Program Update
- General Principles for Evaluating Abuse - Deterren...
- Keeping surgical instruments sterile, safe | Healt...
- Strengthening capabilities, fostering partnership ...
- Navy, international entomologists collaborate to f...
- MHS GENESIS deployed in Pacific Northwest | Health...
- Let's talk about sex, occupational therapist says ...
- NCR Quality Symposium engages patients and care te...
- Improvements in preventive care coverage with TRIC...
- Public Health Emertgency Weekly Report
- Mobile App | FEMA.gov
- Disaster Distress Helpline | SAMHSA - Substance Ab...
- BARDA Supports a Rapid, Deployable, Sensitive Diag...
- CMS and Disasters: Resources at Your Fingertips
- RITN What You Need To Know
- ASPR TRACIE-NETEC Highly Pathogenic Infectious Dis...
- MMWR Vol. 66 / No. SS-24
- BioEdge: Cephalosomatic anastomosis forges ahead
- Oral Contraceptives Linked to Suicide
- Doctors who receive a complaint are more likely to...
- BioEdge: Russian surrogacy, controversial and unre...
- BioEdge: ‘Uber for birth control’ creates new ethi...
- “Care” vs “overzealous treatment”: Pope Francis sp...
- BioEdge: Victoria one step away from legalising eu...
- BioEdge: Untested stem cell therapies finally draw...
- La investigación en Cáncer estimula la supervivenc...
- El último libro de la Fundación Bamberg cuestiona ...
- La lucha contra las resistencias bacterianas requi...
- La salud es prioritaria en la Estrategia de Intern...
- El gasto farmacéutico hospitalario subió alrededor...
- Precariedad y disfuncionalidades formativas atenaz...
- El mercado farmacéutico hospitalario sigue al alza...
- El Vall d´Hebron acumula 2.400 trasplantes de riñó...
- Conoce los hospitales españoles galardonados en lo...
- La tasa de vacunación contra la gripe en España si...
- Merck, premiado por su programa de eHealth de la h...
- La SEFH aborda la gestión integral del medicamento...
- 18 millones de profesionales sanitarios europeos s...
- Happy Thanksgiving from Preventing Chronic Disease...
- SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot...
- ▼ noviembre (900)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2017 (12227)
- ▼ noviembre (800)
- MMWR News Synopsis for November 24, 2017
- MMWR Vol. 66 / No. 46
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Ley de Sida: no se tratará ...
- CDER New November 24, 2017
- Euthanasia debate halted in Victoria after MP rush...
- Swiss assisted suicide rates increased by 30% in 2...
- BioEdge: Social egg freezing adverts are often she...
- BioEdge: Should Americans excuse FGM as a minority...
- BioEdge: Jehovah Witness woman in Quebec freely ch...
- BioEdge: NEJM debates repairing human germlines
- BioEdge: Nitschke designs new euthanasia machine w...
- BioEdge: We need a more comprehensive ethics of di...
- La investigación con ‘Big Data’ peligra por falta ...
- El 40% de la privada apura el plazo para aplicar l...
- Sanción por no evaluar los riesgos laborales en un...
- Murcia: Una aplicación facilitará el control de la...
- El síndic de Greuges abre una queja para ver si fa...
- Educación modificará los nuevos criterios docentes...
- La ley de la oferta y la demanda debería estar a f...
- 'El reto es que la terapia celular y génica en Esp...
- Retail Worker Safety and Health during the Holiday...
- CMS updates Medicare Advantage Value-Based Insuran...
- New Online Tool Helps PrEP Users Assess Marketplac...
- CMS NEWS: Weekly Enrollment Snapshot: Week Three
- Marketplace 101 Webinar
- Observatorio de Salud UBA: Se aprueba el Convenio ...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Empresa de medicina prepaga...
- CDER New November 22, 2017
- “La calidad de la Sanidad en España es muy buena, ...
- La Fundación AMA convoca 106 becas de posgrado en ...
- El avance de la investigación clínica pasa por la ...
- Los internistas buscan recuperar la atención globa...
- Se desconvoca la huelga de la Sanidad privada en M...
- Los neurólogos de Canarias, Extremadura y Galicia,...
- CSIF Andalucía se queja de la demora del SAS para ...
- Nuevo programa de simulación virtual dirigido a fu...
- El PSOE madrileño reclama reactivar la carrera pro...
- Los médicos han perdido un tercio de su poder adqu...
- Ante el nuevo decreto de troncalidad, “todos los d...
- La formación del médico, a debate - El médico inte...
- Association of HbA1c with hospitalization and mort...
- Incidence and In-Hospital Mortality of Acute Kidne...
- Funding the Next Generation of Learning-Health-Sys...
- RFA-HS-17-012: Agency for Healthcare Research and ...
- Health Literacy Universal Precautions Are Still a ...
- WebM&M Cases & Commentaries | AHRQ Patient Safety ...
- Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Home
- Chartbook on Patient Safety | Agency for Healthcar...
- 2016 National Healthcare Quality and Disparities R...
- HCUP-US Home Page
- HCUP-US Home Page
- AHRQ 2.0: The Importance of Data-Informed Insights...
- Development and Validation of Trigger Algorithms t...
- Developing Recommendations for Evidence-Based Clin...
- Revascularization in Patients With Multivessel Cor...
- Evaluating the Initiation of Novel Oral Anticoagul...
- AHRQ-Funded Study Helps Providers Screen for and T...
- Diagnostic Accuracy of Screening Tests and Treatme...
- Diagnostic Accuracy of Screening and Treatment of ...
- A Comparison of All-Cause 7-Day and 30-Day Readmis...
- Feasibility of Behavioral Weight Loss Treatment En...
- Evaluating The Role Of Payment Policy In Driving V...
- The Potential Cost-Effectiveness of HIV Vaccines: ...
- Drug Approvals and Databases > Approved Drug Produ...
- What’s New for Biologics
- FDA Drug Shortages (Updated)
- FDA introduces patent submission date updates to t...
- FDA Law Blog
- Observatorio de Salud UBA: Asumió el nuevo ministr...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Limitarán la edad para la c...
- ONC Annual Meeting: Final Agenda Now Available
- NGC Update Service: November 20, 2017
- Final recommendation statement: healthful diet and...
- ACG clinical guideline: management of patients wit...
- NQMC Update Service: November 20, 2017
- Emergency department (ED): admit decision time to ...
- QualityNet - Specifications Manual
- CMS Coverage Email Updates
- FDA Law Blog - Please Wait: AMS (Again) Delays the...
- CDER New November 21, 2017
- CDRH New Update
- Reminder: Prepare to Apply for the FY18 NURSE Corp...
- Health Workforce Connector - Home Page
- Dr. Collins speaks to the Washington Post about hi...
- Press Announcements > Statement from FDA Commissio...
- CFSAN Constituent Update - FDA Releases Small Enti...
- Cada 12 segundos fallece un paciente con DM2 por p...
- La RANM y Farmaindustria trabajarán conjuntamente ...
- SEOM y SERVEI firman un acuerdo para mejorar la at...
- El registro de marcadores, entre los retos pendien...
- Expertos insisten en que los fármacos antidiabétic...
- Cantabria convocará "lo más rápido posible" las pl...
- La Asociación de Hospitales Privados de Madrid pla...
- “Las reclamaciones aumentan la práctica de la Medi...
- Los sindicatos de Cantabria desconvocan la huelga ...
- Andalucía avanza en la Estrategia de Renovación de...
- Farmaindustria se muestra colaborativa en la “muda...
- Ámsterdam, nueva sede de la EMA - El médico intera...
- Centro de Información sobre el Suministro de Medic...
- SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot...
- ▼ noviembre (800)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2017 (12127)
- ▼ noviembre (700)
- TeamSTEPPS® 2.0 for Long-Term Care | Agency for He...
- CDER New November 17, 2017
- AHRQ Prevention & Chronic Care
- FDA Takes Steps to Build a Stronger Workforce | FD...
- What's New at HCUP User Support
- What's New at HCUP User Support
- New Research on Worker Tobacco Use | | Blogs | CDC...
- Step on a Van to Have a Mammogram: MQSA Covers Mob...
- New MMWR Defining Moments Podcast: Dr. Kathy Shand...
- New AHRQ Analysis of Health Literate Practices Ava...
- CMS NEWS: Rural Community Hospital Demonstration
- La gestión integral del paciente con EPOC, todavía...
- Detenido un hombre por amenazar de muerte con una ...
- La Rioja contará con el primer Comité de Bioética ...
- Roche ensaya precios diferentes según la indicació...
- Si usted es residente: estudie lo que le pidan; el...
- La Audiencia de Castellón invalida la cláusula de ...
- “Se incumple con la protección de datos por descon...
- La evaluación de tecnologías sanitarias no es sólo...
- Club Excelencia en Gestión entrega sus primeros pr...
- La plataforma logística del Sergas ampliará su red...
- La OCDE y la CE esperan publicar en 2018 un inform...
- Problemas que empañan el éxito demostrado de las v...
- Barcelona se queda sin la EMA; la nueva sede será ...
- CDER SBIA Webinar - REMS Integration Initiative: A...
- REMINDER: Webinar 11/21: De Novo Classification Pr...
- Recently Posted Guidance Documents
- CDER New November 20, 2017
- FDA Drug Shortages (New and Updated)
- CDRH New Update
- HCUP 2015 Nationwide Readmissions Database (NRD) R...
- ProMED-mail
- What's New at HCUP User Support
- ONC Health IT Certification Program Updates (11/17...
- CMS NEWS: 2018 Medicare Parts A & B Premiums and D...
- FDA Law Blog - An Extra Dollop of Ketchup is Not a...
- Introducing FDA Law Blog 2.0!
- Events|Genomics|CDC
- Genomics and Precision Medicine: How Can Emerging ...
- Genome-wide association analysis of insomnia compl...
- Implementing a web-based introductory bioinformati...
- Physician Assistant Genomic Competencies
- NHGRI to Fund Short-Term Genomic Education Courses...
- Identifying Health Information Technology Needs of...
- Woman's Pre-Conception Evaluation: Genetic and Fet...
- Physicians' perspectives on the uncertainties and ...
- Cross-sectional epidemiological analysis of the Na...
- Competency Guidelines for Public Health Laboratory...
- GeneEd: Genetics,, Education and Discovery
- Your Genes, Your Health: The Importance of Genetic...
- Genomics handbook provides customized education fo...
- Advanced Molecular Detection Clips Database|AMD Cl...
- Genomics & Health Impact Scan Database|Weekly Scan...
- Latest WebM&M Issue | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Latest Perspectives | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Did You Know | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Medication groups that trigger drug allergy alerts...
- SIDM Diagnostic Fellowship. | AHRQ Patient Safety ...
- TeamSTEPPS Master Training Course: An Active Appro...
- 1st Annual Africa Forum on Quality and Safety in H...
- Medical misdiagnosis: more common than you think. ...
- Quality Improvement. | AHRQ Patient Safety Network...
- Patient Safety in the Office-Based Practice Settin...
- A World Health Organization field trial assessing ...
- The effectiveness of assertiveness communication t...
- Patient centred diagnosis: sharing diagnostic deci...
- How guiding coalitions promote positive culture ch...
- Medication-related clinical decision support alert...
- Residency evaluations where is the patient voice? ...
- The lost art of doctoring: reflections of a pediat...
- Nurses' communication of safety events to nursing ...
- One needle, one syringe, only one time? A survey o...
- The iatrogenic potential of the physician's words....
- Creating a highly reliable neonatal intensive care...
- Night-time communication at Stanford University Ho...
- Out-of-hospital pediatric patient safety events: r...
- Identifying patient-centred recommendations for im...
- Sustaining teamwork behaviors through reinforcemen...
- "It's the difference between life and death": the ...
- NGC Update Service: November 13, 2017
- VA/DoD clinical practice guideline for the managem...
- Radiation therapy for oropharyngeal squamous cell ...
- Pharmacologic management of newly detected atrial ...
- What's New at CBER
- CMS BLOG: National Rural Health Day (November 16, ...
- CMS releases proposed rule to increase choices and...
- CMS Proposes Policy Changes and Updates for Medica...
- FDA Law Blog: An Extra Dollop of Ketchup is Not a ...
- Observatorio de Salud UBA: Una por una, cuáles son...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Laboratorios nacionales con...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Laboratorios nacionales con...
- Acute Renal Failure Hospitalizations, 2005-2014 #2...
- Keep it going: maintaining health conversations us...
- Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Diabetes Screenin...
- Diagnostic Errors in Primary Care Pediatrics: Proj...
- Discrepancies in Communication Versus Documentatio...
- Effect of Preoperative Opioid Exposure on Healthca...
- Longer Periods Of Hospice Service Associated With ...
- Electronic Health Records | AHRQ Patient Safety Ne...
- SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot...
- ▼ noviembre (700)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2017 (12027)
- ▼ noviembre (600)
- Impacts of Geographic Distance on Peritoneal Dialy...
- Serum Creatinine Trajectories for Community- versu...
- Patient-health care professional gender or race/et...
- WebM&M Cases & Commentaries | AHRQ Patient Safety ...
- Antibiotic Awareness Week: Why It Matters | Agency...
- U.S. Antibiotic Awareness Week | U.S. Antibiotic A...
- AHRQ's Healthcare-Associated Infections Program | ...
- NHQDR Web Site
- Chartbook on Rural Health Care | Agency for Health...
- Manejo del insomnio | Effective Health Care Progra...
- Ácidos grasos omega-3 y la enfermedad cardiovascul...
- Tratamiento y prevención de infecciones por C. dif...
- TeamSTEPPS® 2.0 for Long-Term Care | Agency for He...
- Special Open Door Forum: Revisions to DMEPOS Quali...
- CDRH New Update
- National organizations support outreach efforts fo...
- CDER New November 16, 2017
- Press Announcements > Statement from FDA Commissio...
- HCUP 2015 National Inpatient Sample (NIS) Released...
- Press Announcements > FDA announces comprehensive ...
- FDA Law Blog: What to Do When You Receive a DEA Or...
- MMWR Vol. 66 / No. 45
- Racial/Ethnic Health Disparities Among Rural Adult...
- Epidemiología anuncia una batería de informes 'par...
- Farmaindustria: nuevo código de conducta para conc...
- Condena por omitir una biopsia en un cáncer de mam...
- 'Me da igual el baremo, busco la reparación integr...
- Conceden antiviral de acción directa contra el VHC...
- Los 4.000 eventuales canarios ven más cerca ser in...
- La esperanza de vida no modula una indemnización m...
- Sanidad evaluará el impacto de la crisis en la sal...
- Urgencias: cómo hacer un parte de lesiones ante ag...
- Qué es y cómo funciona el Comité Nacional de Bioét...
- Qué derechos laborales se pueden ejercer durante u...
- Funciones de una asociación que ayuda en el cáncer...
- Tipos de responsabilidad sanitaria ante demandas d...
- Cómo preparar con éxito la defensa de un médico de...
- En qué casos no se debe acceder a la historia clín...
- El Sermas estudiará el coste de la carrera, que ya...
- Madrid: los sindicatos amenazan con una huelga por...
- Médicos de Cataluña critica la modificación del RD...
- La Clínica Universidad de Navarra de Madrid funcio...
- Valencia: plan estratégico de La Ribera a diez año...
- 'En picos de gripe hay que drenar el hospital e im...
- Los pacientes piden poner fin a la inequidad regio...
- New Format for the PGHS
- Consumer Updates > FDA Warns About Stem Cell Thera...
- Air pollution exposure in early pregnancy linked t...
- Mass Violence and Behavioral Health
- España está por encima de la media en el número de...
- La AEPap remarca el papel de los pediatras contra ...
- Beneficios y riesgos de la telemedicina en la aten...
- “Siete erres para las organizaciones de salud: rep...
- La AP une su voz para pedir al Gobierno que atiend...
- El PSOE pide financiar los sistemas de monitorizac...
- El cáncer de pulmón es el mejor ejemplo de la Medi...
- El número de diabéticos en Europa ha aumentado en ...
- Cambios de hábito en tres enfermedades evitarían 1...
- El SM de Cantabria denuncia que solo el 9% de los ...
- El Congreso urge a la creación de un Plan Nacional...
- El Sergas insiste en que “las camas hospitalarias ...
- Darpón pide reforzar la AP y la financiación de nu...
- Sindicatos madrileños convocan huelga indefinida p...
- El Congreso pide al Gobierno unificar los criterio...
- “Los profesionales sanitarios nos ven cada vez más...
- Press Announcements > Statement from FDA Commissio...
- FDA warns about illegal use of injectable silicone...
- FDA MedWatch - Injectable Silicone for Body Contou...
- CMS’s Seema Verma keynotes 2017 ONC Annual Meeting...
- Drug Safety and Availability > FDA works to help r...
- Compounding > FDA investigates two adverse events ...
- What's New at CBER
- Observatorio de Salud UBA: Semana mundial para el ...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Condena millonaria a una ob...
- FDA Law Blog: FDA Finalizes Guidance on When to Su...
- FDA Supports ISMP Launch of First High-Alert Medic...
- TeamSTEPPS® 2.0 for Long-Term Care | Agency for He...
- CDRH New Update
- CMS NEWS: Weekly Enrollment Snapshot: Week Two
- CFSAN Constituent Update - FDA Announces Draft Gui...
- How is product assessment different during a publi...
- Is voluntary stopping of eating and drinking an et...
- Why French women are quitting the pill |MercatorNe...
- Latest WebM&M Issue | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Latest Perspectives | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Did You Know | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Reasons for medication ordering error. | AHRQ Pati...
- AAMI Foundation Annual Forum: Hot Topics in Patien...
- Creating a Culture of Safety and Quality Through A...
- AMA Quality Improvement Webinar. Root-cause analys...
- How a change in hospital policy saved thousands of...
- Lost Mothers: Maternal Care and Preventable Deaths...
- Stem the Tide: Addressing the Opioid Epidemic. | A...
- Clearing the Error: Using Public Deliberation to D...
- Unreadable barcodes and multiple barcodes on packa...
- 'No one is coming': hospice patients abandoned at ...
- Safer paediatric surgical teams: a 5-year evaluati...
- Automatable algorithms to identify nonmedical opio...
- Efficiency and safety of speech recognition for do...
- SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot...
- ▼ noviembre (600)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2017 (11927)
- ▼ noviembre (500)
- Parents' perspectives on navigating the work of sp...
- Adverse event reporting: harnessing residents to i...
- Comparison of internal medicine and general surger...
- Improving admission medication reconciliation with...
- A contemporary medicolegal analysis of outpatient ...
- Workarounds are routinely used by nurses but are t...
- Repeat prescribing of medications: a system-centre...
- Diagnostic errors: impact of an educational interv...
- A novel ICU hand-over tool: the glass door of the ...
- Standard admission order sets promote ordering of ...
- Patient Safety Primers | AHRQ Patient Safety Netwo...
- Individual Clinician Performance Issues | AHRQ Pat...
- Electronic Health Records | AHRQ Patient Safety Ne...
- AHRQ's Healthcare-Associated Infections Program | ...
- Specimen Almost Lost | AHRQ Patient Safety Network...
- Delayed Diagnosis of Endocrinologic Emergencies | ...
- Palliative Care: Comfort vs. Harm | AHRQ Patient S...
- The Role of Patient-facing Technologies to Empower...
- In Conversation With… Wanda Pratt, PhD | AHRQ Pati...
- BLOG: National Action Plan Drives Progress in Figh...
- REMINDER: FDA Webinar on November 16, 2017 to disc...
- CDER New November 14, 2017
- Stomach Cancer Awareness Month (see related measur...
- National Alzheimer's Disease Awareness Month (see ...
- Lung Cancer Awareness Month (see related measures)...
- Diabetic Eye Disease Month (see related measures) ...
- COPD Awareness Month (see related measures) | Nati...
- American Diabetes Month (see related measures) | N...
- NQMC Update Service: November 13, 2017 | Announcem...
- NQMC Update Service: November 13, 2017 | Centers f...
- What's New at CBER
- Observatorio de Salud UBA
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Formularon cargos a los méd...
- Press Announcements > FDA approves pill with senso...
- FDA Drug Shortages (Updated)
- CDRH New Update
- FDA Law Blog: FDA Denies Millennium Petition on Ge...
- Advanced Molecular Detection Clips Database|AMD Cl...
- Genomics & Health Impact Scan Database|Weekly Scan...
- FDA Drug Shortages (New)
- Phenotypic and genotypic heterogeneity of Lynch sy...
- Association of genetic variants of hemostatic gene...
- Screening Children at Risk for Retinoblastoma: Con...
- Expanding Role for Genetic Counselors: Good for Ou...
- Pharmacogenomics AND (genetic OR genomic) AND revi...
- Medications for the Masses? Pharmacogenomics is an...
- Pannexin1 Single Nucleotide Polymorphism and Plate...
- Relationship between asymmetric dimethylarginine, ...
- An assessment of the impact of pharmacogenomics on...
- Integrating Pharmacogenomics in Practice: One GIFT...
- Indemnizan el daño moral ante la duda de padecer u...
- Los médicos del paciente con gripe A apuntan a la ...
- Sanidad apunta a finales de 2018 para tener el bar...
- Tres proyectos de salud móvil mejoran procesos - D...
- El sector biotecnológico español, presente en Euro...
- ProMED-mail
- Facme, sobre el grupo de trabajo de falta de médic...
- El ministerio confía a David Elvira la sanidad cat...
- España, bien en acceso al sistema aunque un 4% no ...
- Sanidad pide ideas para regular la financiación de...
- 'El fallo del TS confirma la tolerancia cero con e...
- Condena por retraso en el diagnóstico de un cáncer...
- El Gobierno aprueba el proyecto de la nueva ley de...
- Esperanza y escepticismo profesional ante la prome...
- UK-US partnership to advance interoperability betw...
- Robots, chips, apps y otros avances en bioingenier...
- Javier Ellena cede el mando de Lilly España
- Madex 4D se integra al grupo empresarial Bidco Pal...
- FDA Law Blog: FDA’s Digital Health Software Precer...
- REMS Integration Initiative
- CMS NEWS: Weekly Enrollment Snapshot: Week One
- FDA Is Making It Easier To Meet Required Extra Saf...
- The next Home Health, Hospice & DME Open Door Foru...
- CDRH New Update
- HHS/FDA Diabetes Town Hall Meeting November 16, 20...
- Important New FDA Action to Support Generic Drug D...
- Leveraging Health Literacy and Patient Preferences...
- Scientists grow skin to save Syrian boy’s life | S...
- BioEdge: Let death be didactic | Sunday, November ...
- BioEdge: German serial killer nurse may have kille...
- BioEdge: Should Facebook have its own chapter in a...
- BioEdge: Is human gene editing around the corner? ...
- Choice and non-choice in an organ market | Sunday,...
- Woman in minimally conscious state should be allow...
- Japanese grant residency to AI chatbot | Sunday, N...
- BioEdge: Demand for euthanasia surges in the Nethe...
- Rising health insurance costs frighten some early ...
- Healthcare organizations urge Congress to take imm...
- What's New Related to Drugs
- Novel Methods and Data Sources for Surveillance of...
- Pricing Strategies to Encourage Availability, Purc...
- A Public Health Opportunity Found in Food Waste
- Maternal Obesity, Gestational Weight Gain, and Ast...
- Food Insecurity and Cardiometabolic Risk Factors i...
- Neighborhood Resources to Support Healthy Diets an...
- A Diabetic Retinopathy Screening Tool for Low-Inco...
- Diabetes Awareness Month
- Monthly NPA e-Letter October 2017
- Capacity Building Opportunity Available for Intens...
- SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot...
- ▼ noviembre (500)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2017 (11827)
- ▼ noviembre (400)
- 2017 ONC Annual Meeting: Tackling Barriers to Inte...
- Join Us for the 8th Annual NIH Clinical Center Fam...
- DEA to Emergency Schedule all Fentanyls
- MMWR Vol. 66 / No. 44
- MMWR Vol. 66 / No. SS-22
- CIB: Programmatic and Financial Information Regard...
- Observatorio de Salud UBA ► 9 de Noviembre: Día Na...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Apuran nueva agencia para f...
- The next CMS Rural Health Open Door Forum is sched...
- El sistema NIDO reproduce el ambiente materno en e...
- El presupuesto de Salud en Euskadi registra un cre...
- Déficit en el acceso a equipos de radioterapia en ...
- Los Premios iMujer ya son una realidad
- Angelini patrocina la primera app para la valoraci...
- Reig Jofre apuesta con Pulmiasma por la formación ...
- El Hospital de Día Médico San Rafael reduce un 80%...
- Roche y FEGADEM celebran la primera edición de Diá...
- Epson, reconocida con el EcoVadis Gold en sostenib...
- Folksonomy ofrece nuevas posibilidades al sector s...
- Mejorar la accesibilidad a la innovación sanitaria...
- Según Sanidad no faltan médicos en las Comunidades...
- El SMS creará en 2018 las primeras plazas de Farma...
- REMINDER! Live CE Webinar Sponsored by the Divisio...
- FDA Law Blog: Just in time for Halloween, Californ...
- New study casts doubt on effectiveness of euthanas...
- Contract pregnancies exposed: Surrogacy contracts ...
- New AHRQ Views Blog Post: Taking a Closer Look – S...
- WebM&M Cases & Commentaries | AHRQ Patient Safety ...
- All-Payer Claims Database Measure Inventory | Agen...
- All-Payer Claims Databases | Agency for Healthcare...
- Treatment for Adults With Schizophrenia | Effectiv...
- AHRQ Research Summit on Learning Health Systems: E...
- Cancer Control P.L.A.N.E.T. - Home
- Assessing Wire Navigation Performance in the Opera...
- Utilization of Preventive Health Care in Adults an...
- Association between atopic dermatitis and extracut...
- Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Insurance Compone...
- Does rural residence impact total ankle arthroplas...
- Practice Gaps in Pruritus. - PubMed - NCBI
- EvidenceNOW | Agency for Healthcare Research & Qua...
- Hypertension Control Challenge | Million Hearts
- A Comparison of All-Cause 7-Day and 30-Day Readmis...
- Information needs for making clinical recommendati...
- Serum urate gene associations with incident gout, ...
- Emergence of community-associated methicillin-resi...
- Taking a Closer Look—State-by-State—at Health Care...
- Final Research Plan: Hepatitis B Virus Infection i...
- Opportunity for Public Comment - US Preventive Ser...
- 2016 National Healthcare Quality and Disparities R...
- Achievements in Heart Health | Agency for Healthca...
- AHRQ’s EvidenceNOW Practices Named 2017 Million He...
- FDA Awards Funding to Support Pediatric Clinical T...
- El Supremo pide a la Unión Europea que aclare qué ...
- La formación especializada del futuro - El médico ...
- Primera condena por delito de tráfico ilegal de ór...
- SEDISA publica las 10 claves sobre la colaboración...
- Comienza campaña para dar a conocer la utilidad de...
- La inercia clínica, un problema fuera de control -...
- Hepatitis, amenaza para la Salud Pública - El médi...
- Médicos hacen llamado para reducir errores de labo...
- "La industria farmacéutica, comprometida con la in...
- Planificación estratégica y evaluación de coste-ef...
- La plantilla de Osakidetza podrá desarrollar la ca...
- La Fundación Atlético de Madrid, Janssen e Ipsen c...
- Expertos debaten sobre la importancia de las vacun...
- Canarias mejora los presupuestos sanitarios de 200...
- País Vasco aumenta el gasto per cápita en Sanidad ...
- Médicos de AP reclaman soluciones para la excesiva...
- La falta de transparencia impide la medición de la...
- PSOE y Podemos, en contra de bloquear el copago de...
- La ministra anuncia que ya se ha iniciado el trámi...
- El Ministerio permitirá a las CC.AA. incentivar a ...
- Free AHRQ book chapter on learning to be a health ...
- Compounding > FDA investigates two adverse events ...
- CDER New November 9, 2017
- Statement on the departure of Dr. Roderic Pettigre...
- Safety Alerts for Human Medical Products > Compoun...
- Special Open Door Forum: New Medicare Card Project...
- Durable End to the HIV/AIDS Pandemic Likely Will R...
- What’s New for Biologics
- FDA Drug Shortages (Updated)
- FDA Law Blog: Nevada Scares Diabetes Drug Industry...
- Observatorio de Salud UBA
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Traslado garantizado
- REVISTA MÉDICOS || Edición Digital - Noviembre 201...
- CDER New November 8, 2017
- Register for National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week
- Webinar: Oral Health Best Practices for Persons Wi...
- CDRH New Update
- Observatorio de Salud UBA: III Jornadas Nacionales...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Todos podemos necesitar un ...
- FDA Law Blog: NOP Issues Interim Instruction Regar...
- Achievements in Heart Health | Agency for Healthca...
- NOT-HS-18-003: Reminder: FORMS-E Grant Application...
- AHRQ Privacy Program | Agency for Healthcare Resea...
- El I Congreso de la SEGRA, CIMER17, tratará la rad...
- Is euthanasia for psychological suffering changing...
- CFSAN Constituent Update - Menu Labeling Supplemen...
- STD New Resources and Project Updates
- SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot...
- ▼ noviembre (400)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2017 (11727)
- ▼ noviembre (300)
- CMS has posted the the Medicaid Drug Utilization R...
- La moda del análisis genético llega a España
- Andalucía reduce en un 16% el uso de antibióticos ...
- El 50% de los cuidadores no profesionales precisa ...
- El Congreso SEOM 2017 celebra el décimo concurso d...
- Teknon suma a su equipo un quirófano híbrido con l...
- ASEBIR se prepara para su IX Congreso Bienal y la ...
- QuintilesIMS es ahora IQVIA
- Hay que tener claro que la multirresistencia mata ...
- Recomiendan limitar el uso de daclizumab en la esc...
- La SEFH presenta su documento de posicionamiento s...
- Los profesionales inciden en la vacunación como pr...
- Mejorar la accesibilidad a la innovación sanitaria...
- Médicos de AP y farmacéuticos comunitarios dan vid...
- Happening This Week: Secure API Server Showdown Ch...
- Drug Enforcement Administration collects record nu...
- Dr. Collins shares his perspective on advancements...
- CMS NEWS: Verma Outlines Vision for Medicaid, Anno...
- Hospice Item Set Data Freeze Date: November 15
- “This is Our Watch”: FDA Supports Retailers in Kee...
- Health Workforce Connector - Build Your Searchable...
- 'Colaboración y lealtad' sanitaria en la aplicació...
- Sespas pide reinventar las políticas sobre salud p...
- 'El médico de primaria cumple; es la política la q...
- 'Hay más farmacias que médicos de primaria; sería ...
- AP se alía con la botica en pro del crónico - Diar...
- Libertad con cautelares para Comín, Puigdemont y t...
- Acoso sexual: denuncia frente a la presunción de i...
- El Supremo confirma la primera condena por intento...
- 'El gran reto de la investigación en salud es part...
- Los MIR de cardiología 'tratarán' a robots - Diari...
- Valencia: más presupuesto para mejorar condiciones...
- La 'prescripción' enfermera, aún pendiente del BOE...
- Dependencia: Sanidad planea subir cada año el dine...
- The FDA Recommends Against Using Laserworld and Ra...
- Un juez suspende una convocatoria que no reserva a...
- El fiscal pide prisión para dos médicos acusados d...
- Extremadura y Murcia no encuentran un seguro para ...
- CDER SBIA Webinar - Optimizing Your Study Data Sub...
- NGC Update Service: Health Awareness Topics: Novem...
- NEATS Assessment Feature Launched
- Society of Critical Care Medicine
- Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario
- Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes
- NGC Update Service: Multiple Chronic Conditions: T...
- Press Announcements > FDA clears common blood cell...
- Recently Posted Guidance Documents on Supply-Chain...
- Medicare Evidence Development & Coverage Advisory ...
- Join Us November 17! Webinar - Digital Health Prec...
- The Nov. 9 FDA Grand Rounds is filling up fast: FD...
- CFSAN Constituent Update - FY 2015 Pesticide Analy...
- ProMED-mail
- Observatorio de Salud UBA: Para evitar el colapso ...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Obligación de indemnizar al...
- FDA Law Blog: FTC Releases FY 2015 Staff Report on...
- Northern California Wildfires - Disaster Exception...
- Join the NIAID Transition Program in Clinical Rese...
- Outcomes of referrals on diagnosis. | AHRQ Patient...
- Did You Know | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Patient Safety Certificate Program. | AHRQ Patient...
- Moving Beyond Safety-I to Safety-II to Transform P...
- Identifying risk in your organization: does error ...
- Assessment of Reasoning Tool. | AHRQ Patient Safet...
- Infection prevention and control in pediatric ambu...
- So much care it hurts: unneeded scans, therapy, su...
- High-alert medications: the safeguards that you sh...
- Translating staff experience into organisational i...
- The evolution of procedural competency in internal...
- Joy in medical practice: clinician satisfaction in...
- Peers without fears? Barriers to effective communi...
- Clinical decision support alert malfunctions: anal...
- Sustained user engagement in health information te...
- A novel process audit for standardized perioperati...
- Randomised controlled trial to assess the effect o...
- Using fault trees to advance understanding of diag...
- A piece of my mind. A death in the family. | AHRQ ...
- Non health care facility cardiovascular medication...
- Opioid abuse and poisoning: trends in inpatient an...
- Complications: acknowledging, managing, and coping...
- A comparison of error rates between intravenous pu...
- Comparative performance of pediatric weight estima...
- Disparities - OMIM - NCBI
- Disparities AND (genetic OR genomic) AND review - ...
- Novel genetic risk factors for asthma in African A...
- Health Disparities and the Microbiome
- Health disparities among adult patients with a phe...
- Increased Frequency of KRAS Mutations in African A...
- Universal state newborn screening programs can red...
- Genomic Study Seeks Clues to Help Explain Breast C...
- NIH-CDC Webinar: Precision Medicine and Health Dis...
- An assessment of the impact of pharmacogenomics on...
- Press Announcements > Statement from FDA Commissio...
- CDER New November 6, 2017
- Summary of REMS@FDA website updates for October, 2...
- FDA Law Blog: Sixth Circuit Affirms Dismissal of O...
- CDRH New Update
- ¡No te quedes sin tu plaza! Fundación Lovexair
- Readout of Acting HHS Secretary Hargan's Visit to ...
- SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot...
- ▼ noviembre (300)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2017 (11627)
- ▼ noviembre (200)
- Observatorio de Bioética, UCV | Todo sobre Bioétic...
- Observatorio de Bioética, UCV | Todo sobre Bioétic...
- BioEdge: Is euthanasia for psychological suffering...
- BioEdge: New Hippocratic Oath for doctors approved...
- New study casts doubt on effectiveness of euthanas...
- Saudi Arabia grants citizenship to a robot
- Victorian euthanasia bill one step closer to passi...
- Is there any difference between euthanasia and pal...
- BioEdge: Stem cell superstar crashes and burns
- BioEdge: The Eleanor Rigbys of the world are healt...
- Association of genetic variants of hemostatic gene...
- The Genetic Counselor in the Pediatric Arrhythmia ...
- Analysis commons, a team approach to discovery in ...
- Genetic Analysis of Venous Thromboembolism in UK B...
- 'It is an entrustment': Broad consent for genomic ...
- One health - GTR - NCBI
- One health - OMIM - NCBI
- One health AND (genetic OR genomic) AND review - P...
- One Health: Addressing Global Challenges at the Ne...
- National Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring Syste...
- Factor V Leiden in women with repeated IVF failure...
- One Health and zoonoses activities at 17 select in...
- Top stories to read on One Health Day
- One Health: From Concept to Action
- Events|Genomics|CDC
- WHO guidelines on ethical issues in public health ...
- U.S. GAO - High-Containment Laboratories: Coordina...
- Advanced Molecular Detection Clips Database|AMD Cl...
- The Evolution of Patient Diagnosis | Electronic He...
- An Assessment of a Shortened Consent Form for the ...
- Online Education and e-Consent for GeneScreen, a P...
- National Society of Genetic Counselors Code of Eth...
- National Society of Genetic Counselors Code of Eth...
- Public trust and 'ethics review' as a commodity: t...
- Gene-Editing: Interpretation of Current Law and Le...
- Genomics & Health Impact Scan Database|Weekly Scan...
- Data sharing - OMIM - NCBI
- Data sharing AND (genetic OR genomic) AND review -...
- Empty rhetoric over data sharing slows science
- Considering the Benefits and Risks of Research Par...
- The FTO A/T polymorphism and elite athletic perfor...
- Laboratory and clinical genomic data sharing is cr...
- NIH Genomic Data Sharing (GDS) Policy
- Considering the Benefits and Risks of Research Par...
- Precision Medicine and Health Disparities The Prom...
- Disparities - GTR - NCBI
- Disparities - OMIM - NCBI
- Disparities AND (genetic OR genomic) AND review - ...
- Novel genetic risk factors for asthma in African A...
- Persistent gender disparities in invasive pneumoco...
- Health disparities among adult patients with a phe...
- Increased Frequency of KRAS Mutations in African A...
- Implementing a screening tool for identifying pati...
- Universal state newborn screening programs can red...
- Genomic Study Seeks Clues to Help Explain Breast C...
- NIH-CDC Webinar: Precision Medicine and Health Dis...
- An assessment of the impact of pharmacogenomics on...
- El plan de hepatitis C costó 1.600 millones pero r...
- Substantially Equivalent 510(k) Device Information...
- Readout of Acting HHS Secretary Hargan's Visit to ...
- MMWR Launches New Web Trends, Report Metrics, Opio...
- View Opportunity | GRANTS.GOV
- Public Health Crisis Notice of Funding Opportunity...
- Did You Know? | December 11 deadline for public he...
- HRSA eNews November 2, 2017
- AHRQ Technology Assessments Update
- FDA Drug Shortages (New and Updated)
- FDA Law Blog: Citizen Petition to Declare Pyridoxa...
- FDA Law Blog: “Mutual Recognition” Kicks Into High...
- FDA Law Blog: 2017: A Banner Year for State Laws o...
- ICD-10 - Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
- Taking a Closer Look—State-by-State—of Health Care...
- FDA Publishes Revised Draft Guidance: ANDAs: Pre-S...
- La AP tiene mucho que decir en la OPE - El médico ...
- Osakidetza llega a un acuerdo con los sindicatos p...
- La Fundación AMA convoca sus XVII Premios Científi...
- La Hepatitis C podría quedar eliminada en el año 2...
- Información y concienciación, principales objetivo...
- El Consejo Gallego de Colegios Médicos reclama reg...
- Aragón prevé que se jubilen más de 500 médicos has...
- España, a la cabeza de Europa en la puesta en marc...
- Expertos reclaman una innovación en la gestión san...
- El PSOE de Andalucía insta al Gobierno central a a...
- La Atención Primaria tiene mucho que decir en la O...
- “Las autoridades regulatorias siempre van por detr...
- It’s time to talk about sepsis: New posters
- NIOSH eNews - November, 2017
- Antibiotic resistance, a One Health problem: Join ...
- AHRQ Research Summit on Learning Health Systems: E...
- AHRQ Research Summit on Learning Health Systems | ...
- CFSAN Constituent Update - FDA Issues Guidance to ...
- CMS Hospital Value-Based Purchasing Program Result...
- BLOG: Advancing the Practice of Pain Management Un...
- Newsletter Mensual de Derecho de la Salud - Octubr...
- Newsletter Mensual de Derecho de la Salud - Octubr...
- Newsletter Mensual de Derecho de la Salud - Octubr...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Aldo Neri ¿Por qué el siste...
- ‘Right to life’ means right to abortion and euthan...
- SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot...
- ▼ noviembre (200)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2017 (11527)
- ▼ noviembre (100)
- Blogs de Medicina para Profesionales médicos | Els...
- MMWR Vol. 66 / No. SS-21
- Medicaid and CHIP Managed Care Final Rule | Medica...
- HRSA Twitter Chat
- CoE IECMHC Survey
- Beyond Beds - Treatment Advocacy Center
- HHS, SAMHSA to maintain funding formula for $1B op...
- SAMHSA Reaffirms Efforts to Address the Public Hea...
- Webinar on Clinical Best Practices in Oral Health ...
- New! November 2017 CMS National Training Program U...
- CDRH New Update
- Press Announcements > Statement from Susan Mayne, ...
- Drug Safety and Availability > Medication Guides
- Public Health Grand Rounds Presents “Meeting the C...
- FDA’s Role in Medical Device Cybersecurity | FDA V...
- What you don’t know about the safety and effective...
- Press Announcements > FDA warns companies marketin...
- Immunization Managers | Home | Vaccines | CDC
- Products - NHIS Early Release Program - Homepage
- The next CMS Long-Term Services and Supports Open ...
- CDC - October 2017 Edition - Public Health Law New...
- Public Health Law News Announcements: November 2, ...
- CDRH New Update
- AHRQ National Advisory Council to Meet November 3 ...
- Assessing User Fees Under the Generic Drug User Fe...
- Request for Information from the Center for Faith-...
- HHS activates aid for uninsured U.S. Virgin Island...
- MMWR News Synopsis for November 2, 2017 | CDC Onli...
- MMWR Vol. 66 / No. 43
- FDA Widens Scope of Navigator – Information Tool f...
- FDA publishes draft guidance for industry: Control...
- The next CMS Hospital/Quality Initiative Open Door...
- Active Surveillance, Early Reporting
- CMS Finalizes Policies that Reduce Provider Burden...
- Behavioral Health Services | Medicaid.gov
- Centers of Excellence align under Defense Health A...
- Program Releases | Medicaid.gov
- Los premios Somos Experiencia, Somos Futuro recaen...
- Roche Farma concede la beca `Stop fuga de cerebros...
- Nuevas fronteras y cambios de paradigma en Hemosta...
- Existen diferencias notables a la hora de evaluar ...
- Es necesario buscar el tratamiento más intensivo y...
- Casi 2.000 inscritos y un total de 116 ponentes pa...
- Expertos en innovación en la Sanidad apuntan a la ...
- Ética y obsolescencia, temas de futuro inmediato e...
- FIPSE abre la IV Convocatoria de Ayudas para la Fi...
- Rising health insurance costs frighten some early ...
- BIOETHICS NEWS || Institute of Life Sciences
- Spike in Traffic from facebook.com on saludequitat...
- What's New at HCUP User Support
- Treatment for Adults With Schizophrenia | Effectiv...
- Multiple Chronic Conditions: The Balance of Benefi...
- NEATS Assessment Feature Launched | National Guide...
- NEW G-I-N NA Webinar Stream
- Surgical treatment of female stress urinary incont...
- Clinically localized prostate cancer: AUA/ASTRO/SU...
- Eating disorders: recognition and treatment. | Nat...
- Readability assessment of patient-provider electro...
- 2016 National Healthcare Quality and Disparities R...
- State Snapshots | Agency for Healthcare Research &...
- Health Care Quality: How Does Your State Compare? ...
- AHRQ’s Updated State Snapshots Show Variations in ...
- In-hospital measurement of left ventricular ejecti...
- Trends in Emergency Department Visits, 2006-2014 #...
- Do race/ethnicity or socioeconomic status affect w...
- Food entries in a large allergy data repository. -...
- Smartphone Applications for Mental Health. - PubMe...
- WebM&M Cases & Commentaries | AHRQ Patient Safety ...
- Using Fault Trees to Advance Understanding of Diag...
- Variation in 60-day Readmission for Surgical-site ...
- Pharmacodynamic assessment of vedolizumab for the ...
- Analysis of health care claims during the peri-tra...
- Characteristics of Homeless Individuals Using Emer...
- CMS Finalizes Policies that Lower Out-of-Pocket Dr...
- EHC Program Update: Bipolar Disorder Draft Report;...
- CMS announces new Medicaid policy to combat the op...
- La inmunoterapia y la Medicina de precisión cambia...
- Se presenta Resilab, manual para la interpretación...
- Expertos insisten en que la sostenibilidad del SNS...
- Valencia reduce la lista de espera quirúrgica en c...
- El presupuesto para Sanidad de la Comunidad de Mad...
- Fenin perfila con Sanidad, Hacienda y las CC.AA. u...
- El Código Ético de Fenin modifica los criterios de...
- Primaria tiene mucho que decir en la OPE - El médi...
- Press Announcements > FDA reaches agreement with a...
- RF/LTCH/SNF QRP November 15 Submission Deadline Re...
- CDRH New Update
- The Oreos bullying lawsuit |MercatorNet|November 1...
- The next CMS Safety-Net Providers Open Door Forum ...
- ProMED-mail
- FDA Law Blog: CDRH Issues Draft Guidance Regarding...
- National Advisory Council (NAC) Meeting: Agenda | ...
- Joining the Battle Against Opioid Addiction in Rur...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Obras sociales: Galeno prep...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Para prevenir la violencia ...
- Observatorio de Salud UBA: Mauricio Macri le pidió...
- Observatorio de Salud UBA: Advierten que podría pe...
- Observatorio de Salud UBA: VPH: sólo tres de cada ...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Fertilización asistida: log...
- Spike in Traffic from facebook.com on saludequitat...
- ► septiembre (1132)
- ▼ noviembre (100)


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