sábado, 18 de julio de 2009

Public Health Law Program | Home

2009 H1N1 Flu Legal Preparedness
Information on legal issues, resources, and related matters relevant to the current swine flu outbreak will be posted on this website as they become available.
For detailed information, including federal, state, local, and international legal actions taken in response to the outbreak, visit 2009 H1N1 Flu Legal Preparedness.

Pandemic Influenza Legal Preparedness Tools

"Strengthening the Coordination of Public Health and Law Enforcement during an Influenza Pandemic" a case study developed for Forensic Epidemiology (3.0)
Guide for Developing an MOU for Public Health, Law Enforcement, Corrections, and the Judiciary
Community Pan-Flu Preparedness: A Checklist of Key Legal Issues for Healthcare Providers
Social Distancing Law Assessment Template

este documento contiene diversos informes de suma utilidad pública así como de consulta en la materia jurídica que soporta y/o respaldan acciones ante situaciones de salud que modifican las conductas sociales. Abrir aquí para acceder a cada uno de los mismos:
Public Health Law Program | Home

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