SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot.com.ar]: DIRECTORIO DE DOCUMENTOS EDITADOS EN JULIO de 2019 [*] ▲ SALUD EQUITATIVA - GESTIÓN EN SALUD PÚBLICA ► Contenidos Copyright by Cerasale Morteo, Víctor Norberto, 2008 a 2019. SALTA / ARGENTINA.
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2019 (8694)
- ▼ julio (300)
- 1st Belt & Road International Conference of Infect...
- Infectious Diseases of Poverty | Home page
- Vector-borne disease and climate change adaptation...
- Impact of past and on-going changes on climate and...
- Infectious Diseases of Poverty | Home page
- Practicing governance towards equity in health sys...
- Showcasing social science approaches to health sys...
- Moving towards UHC: engaging non-state providers
- International Journal for Equity in Health | Home ...
- International Journal of Emergency Medicine | Home...
- Mental health of people detained within the justic...
- Enhancing mental health research capacity: emergin...
- International Journal of Mental Health Systems | H...
- Research in government and academia: the case of h...
- Israel Journal of Health Policy Research | Home pa...
- Italian Journal of Pediatrics | Home page
- Journal of Cannabis Research | Home
- Journal of Medical Case Reports | Home page
- Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition | Home...
- Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology | ...
- Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and ...
- Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy ...
- Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice | Ho...
- Reuse of cardiac organs in transplantation: an eth...
- BMC Medical Ethics | Home page
- BMC Medical Ethics | Home page
- What’s New for Biologics | FDA
- NLM Announcements
- Integrating Machine Learning with Multiscale Model...
- Livestream of PACHA Meeting from Jackson, MS, on J...
- New Release: Receipt of Pelvic Examinations Among ...
- FDA issues guidance on compounding oral oxitriptan...
- Glaxo's ViiV Healthcare tussles with Kazakhstan ov...
- Medically tailored meals save lives. Health plans ...
- Cancer deaths cost the U.S. $94 billion in lost ea...
- Trump to roll out drug pricing executive order - S...
- BioEdge: Vincent Lambert to die
- BioEdge: Is ‘autonomy’ the central issue in the Vi...
- BioEdge: Progressing beyond sport’s non-inclusive ...
- BioEdge: Canadian fertility doctor deregistered ov...
- BioEdge: 50 years after Stonewall, we can’t ignore...
- BioEdge: More evidence that people in ‘vegetative ...
- BioEdge: ‘Tsunami’ of elderly and euthanasia are n...
- BioEdge: A look into a Catholic crystal ball
- Bioethics Obervatory – Institute of Life Sciences ...
- Bioethics Obervatory – Institute of Life Sciences ...
- Observatorio de Bioética, UCV | Todo sobre Bioétic...
- Observatorio de Bioética, UCV | Todo sobre Bioétic...
- Bioethics Obervatory – Institute of Life Sciences ...
- Incorporating behavior change criteria into diseas...
- Role of hospital and health-system pharmacists in ...
- Advances in artificial intelligence could shed lig...
- HPV vaccine has led to a dramatic reduction in cer...
- APPG report highlights need to improve identificat...
- Computer-generated flu vaccine enters clinical tri...
- Common antibacterial agent may be bad news for bon...
- Scientists create powerful method for 'directed ev...
- What's New Related to Drugs
- CDRH New Update
- AHRQ Technology Assessments Update
- Recently Posted Guidance Documents
- National Vital Statistics Reports Volume 68, Numbe...
- La medicina privada estrena junta directiva y redo...
- Solo 4 de cada 10 pacientes anticoagulados ha part...
- Vall d´Hebron y la Fundación Stanpa ayudan a pacie...
- El NICE asocia el sistema PICO TPN a menos infecci...
- La UAH y MSD clausuran la IV edición del Título de...
- La gestión sanitaria apunta a una transformación d...
- Informe Asebio 2018: la inversión especializada en...
- La industria farmacéutica europea genera un impact...
- Nace la Declaración Iberoamericana de Hematología
- La Fundación Merck Salud impulsa la investigación ...
- Habrá 1.488 nuevas plazas de Formación Sanitaria E...
- Premio a la Organización Colegial de Enfermería po...
- Salen a la luz las colaboraciones con los agentes ...
- Expertos demandan que la obesidad sea abordada com...
- La Fundación ECO se incorpora al panel de expertos...
- La tecnología, clave para la Farmacia Hospitalaria...
- Barcelona, testigo de los últimos avances en cirug...
- Objetivo: encontrar el equilibrio entre la innovac...
- 25 Farmacéuticos Especialistas se preparan con la ...
- Avances en la gestión de las infecciones del tract...
- La FDA aprueba Xembify®, la inmunoglobulina subcut...
- Solo una de cada diez startups del sector salud ti...
- Almirall, ejemplo en gestión de seguridad y salud ...
- Anticipación, empatía y carácter, claves para lide...
- El éxito de la implantación de las CAR-T radica en...
- El Dr. Andrés Cervantes presidirá ESMO en el perio...
- Sham reúne a 50 médicos peritos para debatir sobre...
- La SEMG reclama `tolerancia cero´ frente a las agr...
- La importancia de incorporar el valor de los nuevo...
- La gestión sanitaria apunta a una transformación d...
- Sentido y sensibilidad en el mercado farmacéutico ...
- ¿Dónde están los pediatras de Atención Primaria?
- Johnson & Johnson, Roche y Pfizer, las compañías q...
- "Pocos grados universitarios permiten tener un per...
- "La bandera de la Atención Primaria es la prevenci...
- NCCIH at 20: A Catalyst for Integrative Health Res...
- New Publications
- SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot...
- ▼ julio (300)
SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot.com.ar]: DIRECTORIO DE DOCUMENTOS EDITADOS EN JULIO de 2019 [*] ▲ SALUD EQUITATIVA - GESTIÓN EN SALUD PÚBLICA ► Contenidos Copyright by Cerasale Morteo, Víctor Norberto, 2008 a 2019. SALTA / ARGENTINA.
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2019 (8594)
- ▼ julio (200)
- FDA issues guidance for industry: Providing Regula...
- QPP Participation Status Tool Now Includes First S...
- Register for a free CE webcast on July 11 with the...
- The next Home Health, Hospice & DME Open Door Foru...
- LDS Files Are Now Available
- What's New Related to Drugs
- NEW! July 2019 CMS National Training Program Updat...
- Cybersecurity Fears Lead to Insulin Pump Recall
- HRSA eNews July 3, 2019
- NIH Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Resea...
- CDRH New Update
- Data Privacy in School Nursing
- Don't Forget to Register, New Info for Olmstead Di...
- 1st Anniversary of the HUD Smoke-Free Housing Rule...
- Do Stricter Immunization Laws Improve Coverage? Ev...
- Public Health Law Program at NACCHO Annual
- Job Opportunities | NCCIH
- New Job Openings at NCCIH To Support the HEAL Init...
- NIAID Funding News, July 3, 2019
- BioEdge: Climate change analysis needs bioethicist...
- BioEdge: IVF exploitation alleged by British journ...
- BioEdge: Are executives guilty of murder if their ...
- BioEdge: 800 bioethicists denounce US Govt treatme...
- BioEdge: New Zealand edges toward euthanasia and a...
- BioEdge: Allegations of Chinese organ harvesting g...
- FDA Updates Procedures to Request Supervisory Revi...
- What’s New for Biologics | FDA
- Real-world evidence trial generates real-world cri...
- 5 names to know in digital therapeutics - STAT
- Cancer doctors are guardedly optimistic about arti...
- FDA approves new multiple myeloma drug despite tox...
- Health tech companies often flop. Here’s what’s be...
- This Week in MMWR - Vol. 68, July 5, 2019
- FDA approves new treatment for refractory multiple...
- AHRQ Safety Program for Improving Antibiotic Use
- Livestream of PACHA Meeting from Jackson, MS, on J...
- ProMED-mail
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Obra social debe cubrir la ...
- Now Available: 2018 MIPS Performance Feedback and ...
- Newsletter Mensual de Derecho de la Salud - Junio ...
- NIH Funding Opportunities and Notices for 07-05-20...
- CIB: Temporary Census Income and Medicaid and CHIP...
- Disaster Lit® Database Daily Updates
- Disaster Lit® Database Daily Updates
- Health tech companies often flop. But this researc...
- When pharma CEOs go on a ‘listening tour’
- TILs are once step closer to CAR-T's glory
- Real-world evidence partisans now have data to fig...
- The Affordable Care Act Federal Upper Limits Have ...
- Statement from Acting FDA Commissioner Ned Sharple...
- REMINDER: Data Submission Open for the AHRQ SOPS A...
- CIB: Information to States and School Systems on A...
- RIC Briefs: Community Health Workers
- CMS Releases Updated CMS Program Statistics with N...
- Draft Guidance: Drug Abuse and Dependence Section ...
- FDA Draft Guidance: Instructions for Use Patient L...
- The psychedelics evangelist: A German financier wa...
- Pfizer, Sarepta, and gene therapy: A race for a be...
- The 18-year-old sickle cell patient pushing Washin...
- A biotech scorecard for the third quarter: 12 stoc...
- The boy was dying. Zebrafish helped save his life ...
- NIAID Funding Opportunity: R01, Mechanisms of Myco...
- FDA In Brief: FDA continues to encourage ongoing e...
- FDA, CDC Develop Robust Strategy to Prevent Illnes...
- CDRH New Update
- Medical preprints go live, with more limits than, ...
- New guidelines aim to enlist primary care physicia...
- Take a shot to eliminate 6 cancers caused by HPV- ...
- Panel stops short of broad recommendations for two...
- AHRQ Publishing and Communications Guidelines | Ag...
- FDA Issues Revised “Advice about Eating Fish for W...
- What to read around the web today
- California’s youth vaccination efforts appear to h...
- Vast majority of college campuses aren’t smoke-fre...
- Health tech companies often flop. Here’s what’s be...
- Warren blasts Gottlieb for joining Pfizer board
- Researchers use CRISPR to eliminate HIV in mice
- Facebook is changing how posts with misleading hea...
- A biotech scorecard for the third quarter: 12 stoc...
- Lawmakers press Gilead for Truvada pricing info - ...
- Potential class action lawsuit accuses the Univers...
- 5 names to know in digital therapeutics - STAT
- Livongo, diabetes-coaching startup, files IPO in a...
- Health tech companies often flop. But this researc...
- CMS Expands Coverage of Ambulatory Blood Pressure ...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: El STJ de Río Negro condenó...
- New guidelines aim to enlist primary care physicia...
- Novo Nordisk's CEO: If it was easy to correct pric...
- Walter Isaacson is writing a book about CRISPR. He...
- Researchers use CRISPR to eliminate HIV in mice -...
- Warren blasts former FDA commissioner for joining ...
- ProMED-mail
- FDA In Brief: FDA revises 2017 fish advice for pre...
- NIST Releases Draft Plan for Federal Engagement in...
- VAD Destination Therapy Facilities - Centers for M...
- Decision Memo for Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monito...
- Don’t blame the litchi | The Indian Express
- Patient Engagement Advisory Committee Meeting to D...
- July 11 FDA Grand Rounds spotlights research on li...
- SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot...
- ▼ julio (200)
SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot.com.ar]: DIRECTORIO DE DOCUMENTOS EDITADOS EN JULIO de 2019 [*] ▲ SALUD EQUITATIVA - GESTIÓN EN SALUD PÚBLICA ► Contenidos Copyright by Cerasale Morteo, Víctor Norberto, 2008 a 2019. SALTA / ARGENTINA.
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2019 (8494)
- ▼ julio (100)
- CMS National Training Program Learning Series Webi...
- Global Health Matters Newsletter - Fogarty Interna...
- Tackling unhealthy environments: It takes a networ...
- Funding News from Fogarty Int'l Center at NIH
- Changes to SBIR-STTR Programs Are Here | NCCIH
- Compounds That Treat Malaria and Prevent Malaria T...
- July 11 FDA Grand Rounds presents research into ef...
- What to read around the web today
- Judge clears way for delay of federal ‘conscience ...
- Mental illness may increase likelihood of visiting...
- Inside STAT: New guidelines aim to enlist primary ...
- Scientists model early embryonic development using...
- How zebrafish helped save a 12-year-old’s life
- States sue EPA over tighter rules for asbestos
- Device Manufacturer’s Criminal and Civil Penalties...
- What's New Related to Drugs
- Worth your time
- Yet another issue to watch in Medicare Part D.
- Also, what the heck happened to Section 209 of the...
- No rest for congressional staff
- STAT scooplet: Boy, did that shutdown create some ...
- Most problems with catheter use stem from poor phy...
- Study paints clear picture of the staffing levels ...
- New Free E-Learning Program on Cultural Competency...
- New Publication: Guidance to States and School Sys...
- Disaster Lit® Database Daily Updates
- Senators widen probe into groups with ties to opio...
- Zebrafish in the clinic
- We’re going to have PCSK9 debate all over again
- Who’s leading the DMD gene therapy race?
- CRISPR is coming to a bookshelf near you
- Tecnología en el entorno sanitario: tendencias y c...
- Latest WebM&M Issue | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Latest Perspectives | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Leave a Lasting Legacy: Make TeamSTEPPS Stick. | A...
- CUSP Implementation Training. | AHRQ Patient Safet...
- Request for Ideas for Clinical Measures to Improve...
- Cultural Issues Related to Allegations of Bullying...
- Deprescribing Guidelines: Special Section on Sympo...
- Lessons learned from a death outside a hospital's ...
- Why are patients not more involved in their own sa...
- Diagnostic accuracy of physician-staffed emergency...
- Please reconcile, not wait a while. | AHRQ Patient...
- Patient safety professionals as the third victims ...
- Family involvement in managing medications of olde...
- Impact of medication reviews delivered by communit...
- Clinical reasoning assessment methods: a scoping r...
- A new approach of assessing patient safety aspects...
- Did You Know | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Patient outcomes after treatment error. | AHRQ Pat...
- Effects on resident work hours, sleep duration and...
- Comparison of the accuracy of human readers versus...
- Multicenter study to evaluate the benefits of tech...
- Prevention of opioid overdose. | AHRQ Patient Safe...
- An opportunity to engage obstetrics and gynecology...
- Magnitude and modifiers of the weekend effect in h...
- Exposure to incivility hinders clinical performanc...
- Global City Teams Challenge Smart and Secure City ...
- WHO | Delivered by Women, Led by Men: A Gender and...
- Attend the Follow up Office Hours for the Wave 3 C...
- FDA In Brief: FDA issues new draft guidance to imp...
- FDA Issues Draft Guidance for Reducing Food Safety...
- List of Off-Patent, Off-Exclusivity Drugs without ...
- What's New Related to Drugs
- CDRH New Update
- Helping translate new technologies into safe, effe...
- On the Ethics of Using Social Media Data for Healt...
- Reminder: A New Competitive Grant Program for Anti...
- Law Enforcement Officers’ Health Effects from Expo...
- CDRHNew - News and Updates | FDA
- What's New Related to Drugs
- July 11 FDA Grand Rounds presents research into ef...
- FDA Stakeholder Update - June 28, 2019
- New FREE Continuing Education from MMWR and Medsca...
- Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality
- Technology Assessment Program | Agency for Healthc...
- CDRH New Update
- Social networks affect fast treatment for stroke, ...
- Infectious diseases should be part of Democratic c...
- Germany offers lessons in negotiating drug prices ...
- For want of a form, a baby's life could be lost - ...
- Making Step 1 pass/fail: 'root rot' that will unde...
- It's time to find new targets for brain diseases -...
- Take a shot to eliminate 6 cancers caused by HPV- ...
- Stop persecuting docs for legitimately prescribing...
- ProMED-mail
- The 18-year-old sickle cell patient pushing Washin...
- The ripple effects of drinking alcohol
- ICYMI: Elizabeth Holmes gets a trial date
- Inside STAT: The rise of a psychedelics evangelist...
- New quitline for teen vaping
- Many counties lack providers for opioid disorder m...
- Nation’s first drug affordability board becomes la...
- HP&M’s James Valentine Named a 2019 RARE Champion ...
- Patient-innovators fill the gaps that industry has...
- Adaptive Biotechnologies stock soars
- UBiome's founders quit — and so does interim CEO
- Ranking Shkreli science on the Q3 Biotech Scorecar...
- All-in on psychedelics as medicine
- What's New Related to Drugs
- ▼ julio (100)


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