domingo, 12 de octubre de 2014

AHRQ Patient Safety Network: The mixed blessings of smart infusion devices and health care IT.

AHRQ Patient Safety Network

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The mixed blessings of smart infusion devices and health care IT.

Nemeth CP, Brown J, Crandall B, Fallon C. Mil Med. 2014;179(suppl 8):4-10.

This study provides a detailed description of the overlapping technological, organizational, and human factors associated with the use of smart pumps and includes insights into potential pitfalls that may pose patient safety threats. The authors make specific recommendations to improve the real-world use of smart pump technology.

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Related Resources
Smart Pump Integration: A Giant Step for IV Infusion Safety.
Institute for Safe Medication Practices. October 23, 2014; 1:30–3:00 PM (Eastern).
Patient safety, error reduction, and pediatric nurses' perceptions of smart pump technology.
Mason JJ, Roberts-Turner R, Amendola V, Sill AM, Hinds PS. J Pediatr Nurs. 2014;29:143-151.
Smart pumps: implications for nurse leaders.
Kirkbride G, Vermace B. Nurs Adm Q. 2011;35:110-118.
Medication errors: a year in review.
Institute for Safe Medication Practices. Pharmacy Practice News. October 2011:7-14.
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