domingo, 12 de octubre de 2014

AHRQ Patient Safety Network: A multiobserver study of the effects of including point-of-care patient photographs with portable radiography: a means to detect wrong-patient errors.

AHRQ Patient Safety Network

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A multiobserver study of the effects of including point-of-care patient photographs with portable radiography: a means to detect wrong-patient errors.

Tridandapani S, Ramamurthy S, Provenzale J, Obuchowski NA, Evanoff MG, Bhatti, P. Acad Radiol. 2014;21:1038-1047.

Similar to a prior smaller study, this study found the inclusion of point-of-care facial photographs obtained with portable chest radiographs increased the identification of wrong-patient errors among a group of 90 academic radiologists.

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