viernes, 10 de marzo de 2017

MMWR Vol. 66 / No. 9


MMWR Weekly
Vol. 66, No. 9
March 10, 2017

Confidentiality Issues and Use of Sexually Transmitted Disease Services Among Sexually Experienced Persons Aged 15–25 Years — United States, 2013–2015
Jami S. Leichliter, PhD; Casey Copen, PhD; Patricia J. Dittus, PhD.

The figure above is a photograph showing a medical professional consulting with a young female patient.
It’s important to examine services for sexually transmitted diseases and confidentiality-related issues among persons aged 15–25 years in the United States.
CDC Grand Rounds: Public Health Strategies to Prevent Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome
Jean Y. Ko, PhD; Sara Wolicki, MPH; Wanda D. Barfield, MD; et al. 

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