SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot.com.ar]: DIRECTORIO DE DOCUMENTOS EDITADOS EN MARZO de 2017 [*] ▲ SALUD EQUITATIVA - GESTIÓN EN SALUD PÚBLICA ► Contenidos Copyright by Cerasale Morteo, Víctor Norberto, 2008 a 2017. SALTA / ARGENTINA.
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2017 (3469)
- ▼ marzo (1400)
- New Guidelines for Successful Transition From Jail...
- New Grant Opportunity: Integration of Primary and ...
- NIST Physicists Show Ion Pairs Perform Enhanced 'S...
- Reminder: It’s not too late to sign up!
- OMH Announces Release of Phase Two Report on Elimi...
- NIGMS News – NIGMS news releases and other announc...
- TIM Talks Webinar: CBO-Physician Collaborations to...
- The Affordable Care Act Federal Upper Limits Have ...
- Susana Díaz y Aquilino Alonso apuestan por la inve...
- Una técnica del Fisabio mide en tiempo real la res...
- Healthio dará a conocer los últimos avances en el ...
- La FAO de Amancio Ortega financiará equipos oncoló...
- El Congreso aprueba tramitar una ley que asegura l...
- Aeseg destaca a lMontserrat que el de los genérico...
- Barnaclinic visita pacientes privados en horario d...
- La nosocomial que agrava una patología de base se ...
- Condenada una banda que elaboraba anfetaminas en u...
- Un juez de Vitoria equipara el despido de un sanit...
- La voz de los pacientes en los CEIM, una realidad ...
- El accidente que sufrió una médico durante un cong...
- Cesado el gerente del Hospital de La Princesa, de ...
- Crece la preocupación de los directivos por la pol...
- Peligra el relevo generacional de los equipos dire...
- España cuenta con 'nuevas Guías Alimentarias' - Di...
- La nula implicación política, principal lastre de ...
- El TSJ desestima la suspensión de elecciones en el...
- Hacienda y sindicatos firman el acuerdo sobre la '...
- Canarias, Castilla-La Mancha y Extremadura, CCAA c...
- Cataluña se vuelca con la salud mental de la gente...
- La OMS lanza una iniciativa para reducir los error...
- Now Open: NURSE Corps Scholarship Program
- CDER New March 29, 2017
- CDRH New Update
- Drug Shortages Update
- Los Colegios de Médicos gallegos piden estrategias...
- Las primeras cuentas aprobadas en el ICOMEM desde ...
- Osakidetza ofrece a los sindicatos un Pacto para m...
- Navarra consolida 99 plazas de sanitarios que pasa...
- Casi dos millones de españoles desconocen que son ...
- Profesionalizar, clave para avanzar en la eficacia...
- Xunta de Galicia y OMC se comprometen a colaborar ...
- Los crónicos sufren entre uno y tres errores de me...
- Final Recommendation Statement: Screening for Celi...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: No se debe cobrar un increm...
- Introducing the Hearing Loss Prevention Program ev...
- What's New at CBER Update
- What do disabled people think about assisted suici...
- The victims of a “victimless practice” | MercatorN...
- Gender identity politics is erasing and silencing ...
- FDA Law Blog: Is a Hatch-Waxman 30-Month Stay Term...
- El Congreso avala el primer paso para una ley naci...
- Un 23% de la variabilidad en eficiencia hospitalar...
- Aumenta la edad de las mujeres que acuden a las cl...
- Disminuyen las transmisiones de VIH de madres a hi...
- Maternidad subrogada | Observatorio de Bioética, U...
- BIO-Europe Spring: La biotecnología nacional avanz...
- El Pacto de Toledo iniciará la discusión sobre las...
- La SEN presenta una Guía práctica sobre la cefalea...
- Bristol-Myers Squibb recibe la opinión positiva y ...
- 30 organizaciones europeas presentan una oposición...
- Almirall y Sun Pharma registran el fármaco Tildrak...
- Las modificaciones epigenéticas son un poderoso pr...
- Pfizer España nombra a su nuevo director general
- A mayor inversión en medicamentos biológicos de VT...
- "La radiología intervencionista, si eres creativo,...
- El programa Cardiorisc evita sobretratamientos y t...
- "Los avances van dirigidos a la robótica quirúrgic...
- Los pacientes crónicos se ven afectados por entre ...
- CDER New March 28, 2017
- Strategic Plan | Overview | Interagency Food Safet...
- NHLBI Funding & Research Opportunities and Announc...
- Drug Shortages Update
- IRF & LTCH QRP Provider Preview Reports- Reminder ...
- MHS GENESIS clinical sync meeting gives users insi...
- ABN, Form CMS-R-131 Renewal
- ProMED-mail
- Attend the NHSC Scholarship Application Webinar on...
- NGC Update Service: March 27, 2017 - Announcements...
- AHRQ Evidence Reports | National Guideline Clearin...
- NGC Update Service: March 27, 2017 - Genetic Metab...
- NGC Update Service: March 27, 2017 - American Coll...
- Guideline Synthesis: Pharmacological Management o...
- Employee Words for Public Health Communication
- Exploring the State of the Science in the Field of...
- Therapeutic Development in the Absence of Predicti...
- Optimizing the Process for Establishing the Dietar...
- Innovations in Investing in Young Children Globall...
- Promoting the Educational Success of Children and ...
- Implementing Evidence-Based Prevention by Communit...
- An Evidence Framework for Genetic Testing : Health...
- The CDC Clear Communication Index | The CDC Clear ...
- Spike in Traffic from google.com on saludequitativ...
- FDA Law Blog: Down the Tubes: FDA Settles PREPOPIK...
- Interventions to Prevent Age-Related Cognitive Dec...
- Preventing Complications and Treating Symptoms of ...
- Canadian surgeons harvesting organs from euthanise...
- Study finds most women unable to track fertility ...
- Spain's social security shortfall: Spain’s Social ...
- El déficit de la Seguridad Social supera los 1.000...
- SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot...
- ▼ marzo (1400)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2017 (3369)
- ▼ marzo (1300)
- The Future of Tornado Warnings: More Precise, More...
- QUIZ: How Much Do You Know About Global Pandemics ...
- Watches Issued: Severe Thunderstorms, Including La...
- Notes from the Field | MMWR: Notes from the Field:...
- Be Ready! Floods | Infographics | PHPR
- 5 Spring Safety Tips Brought to You By Adorable An...
- Announcing the FDA Small Business REdI Spring Conf...
- What's New at CBER Update
- Más de 5.000 personas se movilizan en Madrid para ...
- La OMC crea un Observatorio contra las pseudocienc...
- El Plan de Ordenación de Recursos Humanos 2017-201...
- Principio de acuerdo en la Mesa Sectorial en Andal...
- Últimas cifras del descremado sociológico de la AP...
- La Lucha contra la Falsificación: Verificación de ...
- PP, PSOE, Ciudadanos y Podemos apoyarán la inclusi...
- NQMC Update Service: March 27, 2017 | Announcement...
- NQMC Update Service: March 27, 2017 | The Universi...
- NQMC Update Service: March 27, 2017 | American Col...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Obligación de la obra socia...
- EHC Program Update: Asthma Draft Report; Cognitive...
- Núria Mas, nueva consejera del Banco de España - D...
- La EMA recomienda suspender la comercialización de...
- Los sindicatos quieren que se indemnice al estatut...
- Ingesa: CCOO pide retomar la negociación del Plan ...
- Medicina del Trabajo: parco presente, brillante fu...
- 'La gestión clínica es una buena idea, pero he vis...
- Un 2% de las visitas a Urgencias se deben al dolor...
- Los farmacéuticos de AP aconsejan revisar la medic...
- La política sanitaria busca superar el 'stand by' ...
- Condena por no informar del riesgo de perforación ...
- “La aseguradora puede repercutir la condena al méd...
- “Todo el mundo piensa que la bioética es para ilum...
- La nosocomial que agrava una patología de base se ...
- Sevilla reorganiza la asistencia de presos y deten...
- 'Software' colaborativo frente al cáncer de mama -...
- 'Defiendo la integración; TIC y cercanía profesion...
- Europa tiende redes para que fluya el conocimiento...
- El comité de bioética avala introducir la profilax...
- El diagnóstico universal del VIH desde primaria es...
- El estigma influye negativamente en la calidad de ...
- Drug Shortages Update
- CDER New March 27, 2017
- Frente común de España, Latinoamérica y Portugal p...
- La privada gana terreno a la pública - DiarioMedic...
- Se buscan ideas para mejorar el acceso a fármacos ...
- 'Seguiremos dando cobertura universal' - DiarioMed...
- Mosquito Control | Zika virus | CDC
- Explosives | Technical Resources | TRACIE
- Tails from the Field: An Unusual Ambassador for Pr...
- Combating antibiotic resistant bacteria - PHE
- For National Doctors Day, surgeon reflects on a ca...
- CDRH New Update
- Lean In’s biggest hurdle: what most moms want | Me...
- Moralising marketers want to teach your children v...
- Turks in Europe should have five children | Mercat...
- Genetic counseling || https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB...
- Genetic counseling || https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB...
- Genetic counseling || https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB...
- Genetic counseling || https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB...
- Genetic counseling || https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB...
- Genetic counseling || https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB...
- Genetic counseling || https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB...
- Genetic counseling || https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB...
- Genetic counseling || https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB...
- Events|Genomics|CDC
- Advanced Molecular Detection Clips Database|AMD Cl...
- Disparities | https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB/phgHome...
- Disparities | https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB/phgHome...
- Disparities | https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB/phgHome...
- Disparities | https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB/phgHome...
- Disparities | https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB/phgHome...
- Disparities | https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB/phgHome...
- Disparities | https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB/phgHome...
- Personalized medicine for prevention: can risk str...
- Principles and Recommendations for Standardizing t...
- Implementing genetic education in primary care: th...
- Can Communicating Personalised Disease Risk Promot...
- Epigenetic alteration a promising new drug target ...
- Genetic signatures of heroin addiction. - PubMed -...
- Clinicians' perceptions of pharmacogenomics use in...
- The IGNITE Pharmacogenetics Working Group: An Oppo...
- Pharmacogenetics of immunosuppressants: State of t...
- All biology is computational biology
- Economic Evaluations of Thrombophilia Screening Pr...
- White Plains woman who dreamt up genetic counselin...
- Precision nutrition: Hype or hope? | News | Harvar...
- Genome editing: Bioethics shows the way. - PubMed ...
- Toward an Ethically Sensitive Implementation of No...
- Returning genome sequences to research participant...
- Genomics & Health Impact Scan Database|Weekly Scan...
- CFSAN Constituent Update - FDA, Federal Partners I...
- Sanidad señala que los centros de pseudoterapias s...
- Quantum Computers May Have Higher ‘Speed Limits’ T...
- Drug Safety and Availability > Medication Guides
- What's New at CBER Update
- New Online Fall Prevention Training for Pharmacist...
- Relationships Matter! | SAMHSA - Substance Abuse a...
- MMWR Vol. 66 / No. 11 - tuberculosis
- SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot...
- ▼ marzo (1300)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2017 (3269)
- ▼ marzo (1200)
- Annual Perspectives | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Perspectives on Safety | AHRQ Patient Safety Netwo...
- WebM&M Cases | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Did You Know | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Common interruption sources observed among emergen...
- Teams Saving Brains One Minute at a Time. | AHRQ P...
- Common Program Requirements. The Learning and Work...
- Patient Safety: A Practical Approach From CPS Expe...
- Implementing CQI Programs: A Roadmap to Quality Im...
- Patient and Family Engagement in Primary Care. | A...
- Call to Action: Preventable Health Care Harm Is a ...
- Managing the patient identification crisis in heal...
- Bridging leadership roles in quality and patient s...
- The surgeon as the second victim? Results of the B...
- Orders on file but no labs drawn: investigation of...
- Root-cause analysis: swatting at mosquitoes versus...
- What is known: examining the empirical literature ...
- A learning health care system using computer-aided...
- Ordering interruptions in a tertiary care center: ...
- Performance of a trigger tool for identifying adve...
- The CARE approach to reducing diagnostic errors. |...
- The relationship between safety culture and volunt...
- E-prescribing and adverse drug events: an observat...
- Performance of vascular exposure and fasciotomy am...
- Emergency medical services responders' perceptions...
- Large-scale implementation of the I-PASS handover ...
- Impact of the Opioid Safety Initiative on opioid-r...
- The March 30 FDA Grand Rounds: What you don't know...
- What's New at CBER Update
- BioEdge: Cambodia bans exports of breast milk to U...
- BioEdge: Is the 14-day limit on growing embryos ou...
- BioEdge: Canadian surgeons harvesting organs from ...
- BioEdge: Redefining gender roles: hubbie gives bir...
- BioEdge: Making eugenics acceptable again | BioEdg...
- Experts alarmed by MD suicide rate in Australia | ...
- Should a human-pig chimera be treated as a person?...
- Texans debate ‘therapeutic privilege’ for ob-gyn d...
- Catholic social teaching and the duty to vaccinate...
- Donald Trump: Los ultraconservadores que bloquearo...
- Así quieren cambiar los republicanos el sistema de...
- Obamacare: Trump sufre su mayor humillación con la...
- OMH Announces Release of Health Data for Native Ha...
- FDA Law Blog: GAO Identifies Gaps in Oversight of ...
- Drug Shortages Update
- FDA Medication Guides
- Medical Device Safety and Recalls: Phillips Health...
- 5 reasons Israel is dominating the cannabis indust...
- Breakthrough cannabis treatment for sleep disorder...
- Israel readies solutions to grow and dose medical ...
- Health Care Reform Vote Today
- Alcohol consumption among university students: a S...
- Journal of health, population and nutrition: celeb...
- Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition | Home...
- The share of ultra-processed foods and the overall...
- Population Health Metrics | Home page
- Hepatitis B virus infection in undocumented immigr...
- Infectious Diseases of Poverty | Call for papers
- A multidisciplinary, integrated approach for the e...
- Infectious Diseases of Poverty | Home page
- Globalization and Health | Home page
- BMC International Health and Human Rights | Home p...
- Archives of Public Health | Home page
- Nuevo Código Ético para los directivos de salud mi...
- CDER New March 24, 2017
- España se une al programa de certificación QOPI de...
- La medicina de sistemas, clave en las enfermedades...
- DKV aumenta un 6% la facturación en el ramo de Asi...
- CDRH New Update
- Asturias oferta este año 180 plazas de formación s...
- Helen Tomlinson, nueva directora general de GSK Co...
- #Imperdible_02: acercar la innovación a los ciudad...
- El CGCOM convoca elecciones al cargo de vicepresid...
- Se crea un consorcio europeo para coordinar las in...
- Sindicatos entregarán propuestas en la Asamblea de...
- Los directivos de la salud ‘firman’ su código étic...
- “Aún quedan en nuestro país secuelas de la crisis ...
- Los sindicatos del Ámbito de Negociación registran...
- Vídeo: Masculino o femenino, ¿Una construcción soc...
- Transhumanismo: ¿la abolición del ser humano? | Ob...
- French fertility declining, but still highest in t...
- New Grant Opportunity
- 42 CFR Part 2 Final Rule Now in Effect
- Public Comment on Draft Research Plan: Medication ...
- USDA on Tainted Brazilian Meat: None Has Entered U...
- CDRH Industry: The FDA is Seeking Microbial Genome...
- blog.aids.gov − Throwback Tuesday: Most Popular Ne...
- blog.aids.gov − Funding Opportunities for Research...
- Over 200 patient advocates will attend the EURORDI...
- CDER New March 22, 2017
- Learn about AHRQ Tools at Wisconsin Health Literac...
- H3Africa: Fostering Collaboration | NIH Director's...
- España tiene alrededor de 130.000 personas infecta...
- Facme muestra sus dudas sobre la legalidad de la p...
- España debe impulsar la Medicina de Precisión “par...
- Los pacientes reclaman en el Congreso una Ley de P...
- La colaboración, imprescindible en la dispensación...
- El presidente de Castilla y León reconoce que la S...
- Luces y sombras de las transferencias sanitarias 1...
- La OMS avisa de que no se va a llegar al objetivo ...
- SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot...
- ▼ marzo (1200)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2017 (3169)
- ▼ marzo (1100)
- Registration Closed and Change in Time- Hospice Qu...
- ProMED-mail
- Registration Still Open for MEPS Data Users' Works...
- CDRH New Update
- What's New at CBER Update
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Fallo contra el PAMI por da...
- FDA Law Blog: Delay Is a Good Thing
- Now Available: ICD-9-CM WinQI v6.0.1 and SAS QI v6...
- FDA Medication Guides Page
- Addiction or compulsion: our love/hate relationshi...
- Taking Care of Myself: A Guide for When I Leave th...
- Re-Engineered Discharge (RED) Toolkit | Agency for...
- Outcomes of Radiation, Surgery, or Observation for...
- National Scorecard on Rates of Hospital-Acquired C...
- WebM&M Cases & Commentaries | AHRQ Patient Safety ...
- Preventing Health Care-Associated Infections – Pre...
- Health IT’s Role in Patient Safety, Patient-center...
- Helping Hospitals Improve the Safety of Patients U...
- First- and Second-Generation Antipsychotics in Chi...
- TeamSTEPPS 2.0 Master Trainer In-Person Course Reg...
- Primary Care Clinic Re-Design for Prescription Opi...
- How people with serious mental illness use smartph...
- Assessing the sustainability of daily chlorhexidin...
- Case Outcomes in a Communication-and-Resolution Pr...
- Challenges of Implementing a Communication-and-Res...
- Maternal Deaths From Suicide and Overdose in Color...
- Personalizing Nursing Home Compare and the Dischar...
- The hidden societal cost of antibiotic resistance ...
- PSN anuncia su entrada en el sector de seguros de ...
- El porcentaje de trabajadores eventuales del Sesca...
- El Servicio Navarro de Salud tiene más de 1.000 pl...
- Más de 20.000 personas esperan operación en Asturi...
- El SIMEX reclama la reactivación de la carrera pro...
- El PSOE defiende que la Ley de Sostenibilidad de l...
- Expertos analizan las complicaciones del registro,...
- Ceuta, Melilla y Galicia registran las tasas más a...
- Comín anuncia la puesta en marcha de una Agencia C...
- Rechazo en el Congreso a la Ley de Eutanasia de Un...
- MercatorNet: The case against cellphones. Reformi...
- CDRH New Update
- CDC Public Health Grand Rounds – “Emerging Tickbor...
- FDA-Patented Invention Earns 2016 Patents for Huma...
- This is Not a Test: RMAT Designation Goes Live | F...
- CMS Issues New Guidance to States
- CityHealth initiative
- What's New For Biologics
- FDA Law Blog: FDA SOT Colloquium Explores Determin...
- FDA Law Blog: 340B Rule Sinks Deeper Into Regulato...
- New Health IT Playbook Updates
- DRAFT Principles for a Person-Centered Approach to...
- CDRH Industry: REMINDER -- FDA Webinar - Regulator...
- Act Against AIDS Campaigns: New on the Web
- AHRQ to Participate in Webinar On Latest Federal E...
- CDER New March 21, 2017
- Inforsalud: Fujitsu impulsará la Transformación Di...
- Las consultas ginecológicas reciben con los brazos...
- Roche Diabetes Care instalará su centro digital gl...
- Se pone en marcha la XX edición de Inforsalud 2017...
- Competencia investigará a seis laboratorios - Diar...
- Asturias: la lista de espera no estructural hace a...
- Mejorar la ética en la atención al final de la vid...
- El abuso de opioides genera 32 llamadas diarias a ...
- HM Hospitales se adhiere a la plataforma 'InSite' ...
- Laura Diéguez sustituye a Alex Pérez en Sanofi Ibé...
- PSN anuncia su entrada en seguros de salud - Diari...
- Los pacientes proponen bajas temporales para cróni...
- El Icomem asegura que el colegio está libre de emp...
- Médico del Trabajo, el perfil de especialista más ...
- La Comunidad Valenciana aprobará el viernes su nue...
- Matesanz: 'La lista de espera en trasplantes nunca...
- El plan nacional de autismo se retrasa: aún se est...
- Médicos, farmacéuticos, economistas e ingenieros p...
- La tasa de vacunación de la gripe en mayores de 64...
- EHC Program Updates: Antipsychotics in Children Fi...
- NCHS Data Briefs Update: Trends in Infant Mortalit...
- Products - Data Briefs - Homepage
- NQMC Update Service: March 20, 2017 | Division of ...
- NQMC Update Service: March 20, 2017 | Announcement...
- Using the NGC Matrix Tool (Official Tutorial)
- NGC Update Service: March 20, 2017 | Announcements...
- NGC Update Service: March 20, 2017 | American Coll...
- Observatorio de Bioética, UCVBIOETHICS NEWS
- Observatorio de Bioética, UCVBIOETHICS NEWS
- Benigno Blanco: “El Estado tiene que dejar en paz ...
- Drug Shortages Update
- Letters to Health Care Providers > FDA Investigati...
- The answer to Germany’s demographic issues? | Merc...
- Melanie and Madeline, changing the face of beauty ...
- My Feral Heart: finally, a positive portrayal of D...
- Neil Gorsuch opposes euthanasia. How about abortio...
- EHC Program Updates: Suspected Opioid Overdose wit...
- What's New at CBER Update
- AHRQ Impact Case Studies | Agency for Healthcare R...
- CDRH New Update
- New Jersey Hospital Uses AHRQ Toolkit To Reduce Ur...
- Tennessee Hospital Association Uses AHRQ Tools To ...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Se ordena a prepaga a mante...
- FDA Law Blog: HP&M’s Frank Sasinowski and Kurt Kar...
- SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot...
- ▼ marzo (1100)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2017 (3069)
- ▼ marzo (1000)
- University of Maryland Jazz Quintet - 12:00 p.m. o...
- Updated Conference ID number: The next CMS Skilled...
- IntraMed - Puntos de vista - Novedades en cuarente...
- IntraMed - Puntos de vista - Error médico, error h...
- Mejorando el pronóstico vital en onco-hematología
- EMA y AEMPS estimulan la innovación de grandes lab...
- Farmacéuticos, médicos, economistas e ingenieros a...
- Santiago de Compostela acogerá la II Masterclass s...
- Antoni Gilabert, nuevo director del área de Farmac...
- Last Day to Register for the Council on Ionizing R...
- Las cámaras hiperbáricas deben cumplir indicacione...
- Medicina Hiperbárica crea su sociedad e insta a cu...
- “A nadie le interesa eludir el juicio con un acuer...
- Los colegios de médicos y farmacéuticos de Barcelo...
- Cataluña sienta las bases de una agencia del medic...
- Asturias: Sanidad aprovechará un proyecto de endeu...
- Urgencias de AP, foco principal de las agresiones ...
- La genómica va calando, pero de forma lenta y muy ...
- Cataluña: primaria y pacientes, en el consejo ases...
- ‘ISIS’ permite integrar videos además de todo tipo...
- ‘Iomed’, un solícito ‘residente’ para gestionar lo...
- Andalucía: inaugurado el nuevo Hospital de la Serr...
- 'El dinero no viene del cielo, no podemos negociar...
- El Colegio de Madrid aclara que la renovación de l...
- El Gobierno recurre la ley de Aragón que permitió ...
- El Colegio de Segovia cierra el 'caso Lalanda' sin...
- Condena por un “cúmulo” de errores y deficiente CI...
- La omisión, detrás de la 'nueva' mala praxis médic...
- La psicosis grave por presión asistencial es accid...
- WEBINAR POSTPONED: Registration Open- Hospice Qual...
- CDRH New Update
- CDER New March 20, 2017
- How FDA is protecting national health and security...
- MMWR Vol. 66 / No. SS-8 ► Differences in Health Ca...
- MMWR Vol. 66 / No. 10
- QuickStats: Age-Adjusted Rate for Suicide, by Sex ...
- Announcement | MMWR: Announcement: World Water Day...
- MMWR Vol. 66 / No. 10 ► Notes from the Field: Inve...
- MMWR Vol. 66 / No. 10 ► Investigation of Salmonell...
- MMWR Vol. 66 / No. 10 ► Mercury Spill Responses — ...
- MMWR Vol. 66 / No. 10 ► Characteristics of Initial...
- MMWR Vol. 66 / No. 10 ► Trends in Suicide by Level...
- MMWR Vol. 66 / No. SS-9 ► Traumatic Brain Injury–R...
- Attend the 2017 Generic Drugs Forum in person or v...
- New Data on TBI-Related ED Visits, Hospitalization...
- NHSC Virtual Job Fair for American Indian Health F...
- FDA Law Blog: Oh Canada! Drug Importation Bills Lo...
- CDRH New Update
- Costa Rica strong-armed into legalising IVF | Merc...
- From Concept to Operations: Building Disaster Heal...
- CARB-X: Joe Larsen ► Watch, Listen and Learn: CA...
- Emergency Preparedness and You|CDC
- Dialysis Patient and Renal Diet
- Healthcare Facility Evacuation / Sheltering | Tech...
- The next Home Health, Hospice & DME Open Door Foru...
- The next CMS Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNF)/Long...
- Las tecnologías genómicas ofrecen posibilidades y ...
- Bristol pone en marcha la campaña El cine se pone ...
- Trabajar con Drones en centros de educación especi...
- La reunión de la SEFH-Castilla y León actualiza y ...
- Reforzar el profesionalismo, prioridad de Cosme Na...
- El Parlamento de Navarra apuesta por la profesiona...
- Euskadi invierte 494 millones para las recetas de ...
- Congreso y Senado aprueban la creación de la ponen...
- Grupo SANED firma un acuerdo de colaboración con l...
- Roche estrena sede en España con el objetivo de fo...
- Profesionalizar a los directivos, motor para la ca...
- Hacienda plantea una OPE ‘histórica’ que reduzca e...
- ProMED-mail
- Advanced Molecular Detection Clips Database|AMD Cl...
- Research Ethics 2.0: New Perspectives on Norms, Va...
- Ethical Issues Surrounding Personalized Medicine: ...
- Equity in Precision Medicine: Is It Within Our Rea...
- ASHG applauds passage of Canadian Genetic Non-Disc...
- Human Genomics across the Lifespan|Genomics & Heal...
- Economics ▲ https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB/phgHome.d...
- Economics ▲ https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB/phgHome.d...
- Economics ▲ https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB/phgHome.d...
- Economics ▲ https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB/phgHome.d...
- Economics ▲ https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB/phgHome.d...
- Economics ▲ https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB/phgHome.d...
- Economics ▲ https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB/phgHome.d...
- Genetic Counseling - https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB/...
- Genetic Counseling - https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB/...
- Genetic Counseling :: https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB...
- Guidelines for the diagnosis, treatment and clinic...
- Characteristics associated with genetic counseling...
- Genetic Counseling - https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB/...
- From Genetic Counseling in Individuals to Cascade ...
- Birth of the genetic counselor: 'Prescient' Meliss...
- Culture & Health Literacy | Health Literacy | CDC
- Libraries | Health Literacy | CDC
- Plain Language Materials & Resources | Health Lite...
- Health Literacy: Accurate, Accessible and Actionab...
- Associations of APOE ε4 With Health and Financial ...
- Genomic Literacy and Public Health | https://phgkb...
- Genomic Literacy and Public Health | https://phgkb...
- What's New at CBER Update
- CIINC | Current Issues in Immunization Netconferen...
- SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot...
- ▼ marzo (1000)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2017 (2969)
- ▼ marzo (900)
- Genomics education for medical professionals - the...
- Genomic Education Matters to all nurses and midwiv...
- European registration process for Clinical Laborat...
- Disparities | https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB/phgHome...
- Disparities | https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB/phgHome...
- Disparities | https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB/phgHome...
- Disparities | https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB/phgHome...
- Disparities | https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB/phgHome...
- Disparities | https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB/phgHome...
- Disparities | https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB/phgHome...
- Non-European populations still underrepresented in...
- Comparison of Prevalence and Types of Mutations in...
- "They Just Want to Know" - Genetic Health Professi...
- Racial disparities in BRCA testing and cancer risk...
- Accelerators: Sparking Innovation and Transdiscipl...
- Risk reduction for adverse drug events through seq...
- Annual Perspectives | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Perspectives on Safety | AHRQ Patient Safety Netwo...
- WebM&M Cases | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Did You Know | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Communication methods for end-of-rotation handoffs...
- ISMP Safe Medication Management Fellowship. | AHRQ...
- National Patient Safety Awareness Week. | AHRQ Pat...
- Implementation of Best Practices for Safer Insulin...
- Identifying and reducing complications after emerg...
- Patient Safety: Investigating and Reporting Seriou...
- Discrepancies between clinical diagnoses and autop...
- Burden of hospitalizations related to adverse drug...
- The development and implementation of cognitive ai...
- Gender-based differences in surgical residents' pe...
- Patient safety incidents are common in primary car...
- Medication safety in two intensive care units of a...
- Effectiveness of a 'Do not interrupt' bundled inte...
- Informing the design of a new pragmatic registry t...
- Medication governance: preventing errors and promo...
- CE: nursing's evolving role in patient safety. | A...
- A hybrid methodology for modeling risk of adverse ...
- Understanding interrater reliability and validity ...
- Development of a pediatric adverse events terminol...
- How doctors think: common diagnostic errors in cli...
- Overdose risk in young children of women prescribe...
- Learning from errors: analysis of medication order...
- Exploring relationships between hospital patient s...
- Anti-vaxxing: childcare and healthcare sanctions i...
- Almost 450 Quebec patients were euthanised last ye...
- New bill may allow employers to see your genetic i...
- BioEdge: Costa Rica’s resistance to legal IVF crum...
- BioEdge: When stem cell treatments go wrong, they ...
- BioEdge: New Zealand river declared a legal person...
- BioEdge: Three-parent babies green-lighted in the ...
- Over 800 medical personnel killed in Syrian war | ...
- Opportunity for Public Comment - US Preventive Ser...
- HRSA eNews March 16, 2017
- ARAINF presenta un protocolo de actuación pionero ...
- "Es muy importante incidir en la prevención de los...
- Gearing Up for Spring Sports
- IMPACT Act: Standardized Patient Assessment Data A...
- ProMED-mail
- AB-Biotics lanzará en un año cinco productos en Ir...
- Acciones online para promover una correcta higiene...
- Indemnizan la omisión de pruebas para diagnosticar...
- Un colegio profesional no puede reclamar por compe...
- Prisión e inhabilitación a un médico por la amputa...
- Cataluña: Gilabert, nuevo director del área de Far...
- 'Potenciales restricciones a la competencia' en di...
- Roche apuesta con su nueva sede por el medio ambie...
- Mapfre: segundo año de liderazgo en la modalidad d...
- Calculan que un 36% de tareas en centros sanitario...
- Izpisúa cree que no hay células, tejidos y órganos...
- CDC Releases New Radiation Resources and Tools
- #5 Daily Dose of Patient Safety: Importance of Con...
- Registration Open- Hospice Quality Reporting Progr...
- CDC ATSDR Homepage (Agency for Toxic Substances an...
- CDER New March 17, 2017
- First- and Second-Generation Antipsychotics in Chi...
- Reducing Avoidable Return Trips to the Hospital | ...
- Helping Hospitals Improve the Safety of Patients U...
- FDA Law Blog: Should the Best Pharmaceuticals for ...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: La ANMAT prohibió productos...
- Technical Packages for Violence Prevention|Violenc...
- Sexual Violence in Youth: NISVS Factsheet
- Trends in Suicide by Level of Urbanization — Unite...
- New report examines rates of suicide across six di...
- Shutting up by shouting down | MercatorNet
- La SEFH reúne 70 formulaciones para dar respuesta ...
- Farmaindustria informa a sus asociados de que ya o...
- La esperada alianza en la evaluación de las tecnol...
- Los médicos más felices con su trabajo son los de ...
- CESM pide más medidas normativas y de seguridad y ...
- El CM de Madrid registró en 2016 un total de 99 de...
- Las agresiones a médicos continúan aumentando: 495...
- Spike in Traffic from facebook.com on saludequitat...
- FDA has their eye on vaccine adjuvants: What are t...
- Feder asistirá al foro europeo sobre enfermedades ...
- Las agresiones a médicos aumentaron un 37 por cien...
- Valencia: nueva plataforma informática en apoyo de...
- EEUU: Posible recorte del 18% en salud - DiarioMed...
- La SEFH actualiza nuevos horizontes laborales en l...
- Menos de un 10% de los pacientes con cáncer se ben...
- SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot...
- ▼ marzo (900)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2017 (2869)
- ▼ marzo (800)
- Vall d´Hebron implanta el Programa Cuidador Expert...
- Wearables y telemedicina en general reducen los co...
- "La inmuno-oncología está revolucionando totalment...
- El proyecto europeo EUnetHTA cristaliza la coopera...
- La SEFH agrupa 70 preparaciones para cubrir laguna...
- Now Open: 2017 NHSC Scholarship Program
- Continua abierta la inscripción para el Programa d...
- Discover NHSC Career Opportunities on March 21!
- Public Health Law News: Interview with Gene Matthe...
- CDC - March 2017 Edition - Public Health Law News ...
- ICD-10 - Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
- Carotid Artery Stenting Facilities - Centers for M...
- Percutaneous Image-guided Lumbar Decompression for...
- MEDCAC Meeting 3/22/2017 - Health Outcomes in Hear...
- A Comparison of Health Plan- and Provider-Delivere...
- Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Unmet Need for Pe...
- Toolkit To Reduce CAUTI and Other HAIs in Long-Ter...
- AHRQ Grantee Profiles | Agency for Healthcare Rese...
- Society to Improve Diagnosis in Medicine
- United for Patient Safety Campaign
- WebM&M Cases & Commentaries | AHRQ Patient Safety ...
- WebM&M Cases & Commentaries | AHRQ Patient Safety ...
- WebM&M Cases & Commentaries | AHRQ Patient Safety ...
- WebM&M Cases & Commentaries | AHRQ Patient Safety ...
- AHRQ News Now: New Highlights From AHRQ’s Patient ...
- TeamSTEPPS® Webinars | Agency for Healthcare Resea...
- National Patient Safety Foundation
- AHRQ News Now: AHRQ Supports Patient Safety Awaren...
- Perspectives in Implementing a Primary Care-Based ...
- A meta-analytic framework for detection of genetic...
- On Building an Ontological Knowledge Base for Mana...
- National Scorecard on Rates of Hospital-Acquired C...
- Occupational Therapy and Management of Multiple Ch...
- Evaluating Feasible and Referable Behavioral Couns...
- Direct-to-Consumer Drug Advertisements Can Paradox...
- NIOSH Research Rounds - March, 2017
- CMS, Special Open Door Forum: Prior Authorization ...
- What's New at CBER Update
- #4 Daily Dose of Patient Safety: Communicate Effec...
- How to get Chinese families to have more children?...
- Se registran 2,74 agresiones al día en el Servicio...
- El Senado rechaza pedir la derogación del RD sobre...
- “La AP está muy debilitada, no es la columna verte...
- Grupo SANED, galardonado por su contribución a los...
- Guide to Improving Patient Safety in Primary Care ...
- CORRECTION – New from AHRQ: Report on Patient Safe...
- CDRH New Update
- CDER New March 16, 2017
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Obra social debe cubrir ínt...
- FDA Law Blog: FDA Issues Proposed List of Class II...
- Register Now: Precision Cardiovascular Medicine We...
- Have You Registered for the 25th Annual CIRMS to b...
- NIAID Funding Opportunity: Manufacturing and Chara...
- ProMED-mail
- Message from CDC's NCHHSTP & STD Directors: STD Aw...
- Register Now: March 23 Webinar on Effective Use of...
- NIAID Email Alert: NIAID’s Interest in Biomedical ...
- Toolkit To Reduce CAUTI and Other HAIs in Long-Ter...
- AHRQ and NPSF: #UnitedforPatientSafety | Agency fo...
- Help for Nursing Homes in Fighting HAIs | Agency f...
- Health IT’s Role in Patient Safety, Patient-center...
- Laying the Groundwork to Improve Diagnosis in Heal...
- New Issue Brief Available: Opportunities to Improv...
- CMS NEWS: Connected Care: New Educational Initiati...
- CAHPS Cancer Care Survey | Agency for Healthcare R...
- Patient and Family Engagement in Primary Care | Ag...
- Connected Care: New Educational Initiative to Rais...
- Medical Device Safety and Recalls: Medtronic Recal...
- 5 Steps to Enroll in the SHOP Marketplace
- El Vall d'Hebron se dotará de dos nuevos edificios...
- La ONT y la Sociedad Española de Nefrología presen...
- El Congreso aprueba una iniciativa para que el cop...
- #3 Daily Dose of Patient Safety: Recognize and Rep...
- Global Health Matters Newsletter - Fogarty Interna...
- Events, Conferences, Workshops and Observances - F...
- CDER New March 15, 2017
- What We Do | PHPR
- Steven Johnson: How the "ghost map" helped end a k...
- John Snow: A Legacy of Disease Detectives | | Blog...
- "La integración de los drones en las emergencias m...
- Un documento pone en valor los modelos de gestión ...
- Murcia logra reducir la prescripción de antibiótic...
- Atrys Health ve crecer sus ingresos un 59% hasta l...
- "Neurorecursos", lo nuevo de Zambon con informació...
- HM Hospitales se consolida en el Noroeste peninsul...
- HCUP Quarterly eNews, Spring 2017, Issue 50
- Médicos de Sanidad Penitenciaria luchan por el rec...
- SEMERGEN recomienda acudir a los médicos de AP par...
- Navarra implica a los profesionales de AP en la nu...
- El presidente de la OMC expone su hoja de ruta a l...
- CC.OO-Aragón reclama a los grupos parlamentarios l...
- El PSOE pide transparencia sobre el precio de los ...
- El 86% de los europeos que padece depresión está e...
- CDRH New Update
- Gateway momentum impresses Defense Health Agency d...
- Drug Shortages Update
- 16,000 Voices – Kiwis say no to euthanasia | Merca...
- FDA Law Blog: “Chaos” Theory: Amgen’s SCOTUS Merit...
- Spike in Traffic from facebook.com on saludequitat...
- SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot...
- ▼ marzo (800)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2017 (2769)
- ▼ marzo (700)
- Press Announcements > Colorado unapproved drug and...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Cruda radiografía de varios...
- Toolkit To Reduce CAUTI and Other HAIs in Long-Ter...
- FY 2017 Generic Drug Research Public Workshop / Ex...
- What's New at CBER Update
- Integrative Health Care and the U.S. Military — Sp...
- How the American Health Care Act Protects the Doct...
- What's Happening in Health IT
- Your 1600 Daily
- La derogación del Obamacare deja a 14 millones de ...
- La Comisión de Sanidad del Senado insta al Gobiern...
- MSF pide un espacio humanitario seguro en Siria - ...
- La OCDE pide a España que suba los impuestos al al...
- El Senado aprueba apoyar a Barcelona como sede de ...
- Los exentos de copago superan ya el 5% de la pobla...
- El Senado de Virginia defiende el «matrimonio natu...
- Disminuyen los embarazos de adolescentes | Observa...
- Europa avala la retirada de custodia de un niño na...
- ICYMI: Secretary Price Statement on CBO Report
- CDRH Industry: FDA Webinar - Regulatory Overview f...
- Register for NCOA and the Arthritis Foundation's M...
- AHRQ Celebrates Patient Safety Awareness Week With...
- CDER New March 13, 2017
- Patients Safety Awareness Week 2017
- CDRH Industry: Class II Devices Exempt from Premar...
- Public Health Grand Rounds on Tuesday, March 21, a...
- HHS News: Offering states flexibility to increase ...
- Updated: IRF & LTCH QRP Provider Preview Reports N...
- Registration Open: In-Person Home Health QRP Provi...
- NQMC Update Service: March 13, 2017
- About Compare Feature | National Quality Measures ...
- NQMC Update Service: March 13, 2017 - Division of ...
- NGC Update Service: March 13, 2017 | Health Awaren...
- AHRQ Announces Funding Opportunity for Developing ...
- Events | New York Academy of Medicine
- Hospital-Acquired Conditions | National Guideline ...
- NGC Update Service: March 13, 2017 | Pediatric Onc...
- NGC Update Service: March 13, 2017 | American Soci...
- Integrative health care and U.S. military personne...
- Invitation to attend and provide input: FDA’s FY 2...
- CDER New March 14, 2017
- SAMHSA is accepting applications for up to $6 mill...
- SAMHSA is seeking applications for up to $47.5 mil...
- Webcasts | SAMHSA
- Webinar: Overview of 42 CFR Part 2 Modernization
- Overcoming Cultural and Service Gaps Supporting fo...
- Offering states flexibility to increase market sta...
- CIINC | Current Issues in Immunization Netconferen...
- #2 Daily Dose of Patient Safety: Give your Patient...
- Information for Healthcare Professionals (Drugs) >...
- What's New at CBER Update
- Francisco Luzón presenta su fundación Unidos contr...
- El CM de Zaragoza convoca ayudas de 20.000 euros p...
- La barrera más importante para la implantación de ...
- Serafín Romero anima a los profesionales a revelar...
- El consejero de Castilla y León plantea 10 medidas...
- El PSOE destaca que la Sanidad en Castilla-La Manc...
- Family diversity and its children: the next equali...
- Last Chance to Register for the CDER SBIA REdI Gen...
- National Rx Drug Abuse and Heroin Summit
- Pediatric Alternative Payment Model Opportunities ...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Fallo ordena a EMP a cubrir...
- Discover NHSC Career Opportunities on March 21!
- Drug Safety and Availability > Medication Guides
- Public Meeting on Patient-Focused Drug Development...
- Share Your Obamacare Disaster Story
- Drug Shortages Update
- CDRH New Update
- FDA Law Blog - GAO Issues Report on Qualified Infe...
- Un CI impecable absuelve de prótesis PIP con taras...
- “Pasar a ser estatutario nos retrasaría la jubilac...
- El médico penitenciario quiere dejar de litigar po...
- Duras críticas al SAS por “despreciar” fallos sobr...
- 'Sólo cambiar el Estatuto Marco no va a perfeccion...
- Digitalización, sensores e inteligencia artificial...
- La conciliación laboral y familiar de los médicos,...
- Gética pide unidades específicas de inmunoterapia ...
- Más de la mitad de los médicos en precario han suf...
- Madrid: los residentes eligen a la primera Mesa de...
- La OMC reavivará una encuesta a los médicos de hos...
- Menos ayudas públicas y debate sobre las ayudas de...
- Asociacionismo en sanidad, un futuro por conquista...
- Una voz única de los pacientes para tener también ...
- The Netherlands wants to fund abortions in Africa ...
- The prehistory of the Alt-right | MercatorNet
- America dulls its pain and shortens life spans | M...
- The assisted suicide project will never end | Merc...
- ‘A day without a woman’ is a slogan | MercatorNet
- Europa y Estados Unidos dejarán de duplicar sus in...
- Estados Unidos dirá adiós a la reforma sanitaria d...
- La Comisión de Listas de Espera de Andalucía poten...
- El presidente de la OMC aboga por ofrecer al médic...
- El Servicio de Salud de Asturias convoca una OPE d...
- El consejero extremeño subraya que el SES trata de...
- Barcelona, única candidata española para acoger la...
- El PSOE reclama al Gobierno un estudio acerca del ...
- El Foro de AP reclama mantener la visión generalis...
- FDA Law Blog: Orphan Drugs: The Current Firestorm,...
- SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot...
- ▼ marzo (700)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2017 (2669)
- ▼ marzo (600)
- Modeling the cost-effectiveness of ilaprazole vers...
- Joint SOGC-CCMG Opinion for Reproductive Genetic C...
- Economics :: https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB/phgHome....
- Economics :: https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB/phgHome....
- Economics :: https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB/phgHome....
- Pooling and expanding registries of familial hyper...
- 'IRDiRC Recognized Resources': a new mechanism to ...
- Data sharing | https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB/phgHom...
- BRCA Share: A Collection of Clinical BRCA Gene Var...
- International Charter of principles for sharing bi...
- Standardizing terms for clinical pharmacogenetic t...
- Laboratory and clinical genomic data sharing is cr...
- The Ohio Plan to Prevent Heart Disease and Stroke ...
- Ten Simple Rules to Enable Multi-site Collaboratio...
- Ten Simple Rules to Enable Multi-site Collaboratio...
- Evolving health care through personal genomics. - ...
- The Undiagnosed Diseases Network: Accelerating Dis...
- Regulation of genomic and biobanking research in A...
- Events|Genomics|CDC
- A global perspective on bioinformatics training ne...
- Open Science Prize: NextStrain wins $230,000 from ...
- How bioinformatics tools are bringing genetic anal...
- The role of laboratory diagnostics in emerging vir...
- The current state of implementation science in gen...
- The current state of implementation science in gen...
- Implementation Science in Genomic Medicine: Why we...
- Realizing the Potential of Cancer Prevention — The...
- DISCRIMINATION | https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB/phgH...
- DISCRIMINATION | https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB/phgH...
- DISCRIMINATION | https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB/phgH...
- DISCRIMINATION | https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB/phgH...
- DISCRIMINATION | https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB/phgH...
- DISCRIMINATION | https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB/phgH...
- DISCRIMINATION | https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB/phgH...
- Translation and Adaptation of the Genetic Counsell...
- Decision Making on Medical Innovations in a Changi...
- Attitudes Towards Prenatal Genetic Counseling, Pre...
- Assessment of patient perceptions of genomic testi...
- Pharmacogenetics of anti-cancer drugs: State of th...
- Genetic Association Studies of Suicidal Behavior: ...
- Next-Generation Sequencing Informatics: Challenges...
- Development and Psychometric Testing of the Criter...
- Revamping the US Federal Common Rule: Modernizing ...
- Advanced Cancer Treatments Far From Big-Name Hospi...
- Informed Consent — NEJM
- Ethical issues in genetic counseling. - PubMed - N...
- Genomics & Health Impact Scan Database|Weekly Scan...
- CDER New March 10, 2017
- Gestión clínica: el buen hacer supera a la legisla...
- Ley de Dependencia, mejorable en fondo y forma - D...
- El riesgo atípico en una infiltración no se indemn...
- El ICS condenado por retrasar seis meses el diagnó...
- Indemnizada una pareja por tardar dos años en darl...
- El Foro de Pacientes renueva la declaración de Bar...
- Perspectives on Safety | AHRQ Patient Safety Netwo...
- WebM&M Cases | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Did You Know | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Factors associated with potentially preventable re...
- ISMP Safe Medication Management Fellowship. | AHRQ...
- SEIPS Systems Engineering Initiative for Patient S...
- National Patient Safety Awareness Week. | AHRQ Pat...
- Patient Safety Forum Improving Patient Safety, Imp...
- Electronically Generated Medication Administration...
- Using information from external errors to signal a...
- Bad hospital design is making us sicker. | AHRQ Pa...
- The War on Error: Common Diagnostic Errors. | AHRQ...
- A systematic review of team training in health car...
- Medication errors associated with transition from ...
- Do hospital boards matter for better, safer, patie...
- Medication reconciliation failures in children and...
- Promoting civility in the OR: an ethical imperativ...
- Is excessive resource utilization an adverse event...
- The effect of prescriber education on medication-r...
- Are informed policies in place to promote safe and...
- Feeling unsafe in the healthcare setting: patients...
- Medication safety in the neonatal intensive care u...
- Improving patient safety: avoiding unread imaging ...
- The essential role of leadership in developing a s...
- Meaningful use of health information technology an...
- Developing and evaluating an automated all-cause h...
- Families as partners in hospital error and adverse...
- Correct Treatment Plan for Incorrect Diagnosis: A ...
- Diagnosing a Missed Diagnosis | AHRQ Patient Safet...
- Consequences of Medical Overuse | AHRQ Patient Saf...
- Our Maturing Understanding of Safety Culture: How ...
- In Conversation With… Mary Dixon-Woods, MPhil | AH...
- The Philippines moves to reintroduce capital punis...
- BioEdge: Why newspapers publish ‘fake news’ about ...
- Assisted dying battle continues in US legislatures...
- Canada passes genetic 'anti-discrimination' law | ...
- Fears of Indian gendercide after fetuses found in ...
- BioEdge: MD stands for Massive Deception
- BioEdge: Patient advocates often in cahoots with i...
- BioEdge: Taiwan grapples with the public health et...
- BioEdge: IVF world market to reach US$12 billion
- BioEdge: Will curing the deaf lead to ‘cultural ge...
- BioEdge: UK report on prenatal testing calls for b...
- Maternidad subrogada: Norteamérica da recomendacio...
- SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot...
- ▼ marzo (600)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2017 (2569)
- ▼ marzo (500)
- Watch, Listen and Learn: Building A Little More C...
- Emergency Preparedness for Kidney and Dialysis Pat...
- Being Prepared (Part 1)|Tornadoes
- Building resilience at the regional level - PHE
- Strengthening Global Health Security: A 17-Year Pa...
- Products - Data Briefs - Homepage
- NCHS Data Briefs Update
- EBE, IFPMA y EFPIA lanzan un paper para guiar a lo...
- FEFE reniega del informe de la SEFH y desmiente te...
- La automatización de la logística hospitalaria en ...
- La GVA mantiene la estructura de la Dirección Gene...
- Salvar la brecha entre investigación y patentes si...
- "Veo el futuro complicado porque los costes que no...
- "No hay otro camino que la medicina centrada en el...
- IRF & LTCH QRP Provider Preview Reports Now Availa...
- Beneficiary Notices Initiative (BNI) - Centers for...
- Hospice Quality Reporting Program: Rerun Your Qual...
- Webinar: Overview of 42 CFR Part 2 Modernization
- Presentación Enfoques de Salud, Bioética & Derecho...
- Asociaciones de médicos y hospitales rechazan la r...
- CDRH New Update
- Drug Shortages Update
- Events | New York Academy of Medicine
- Medical Device Safety and Recalls: FDA Warns Of Po...
- Medical Device Safety and Recalls: Physio-Control ...
- Act Against AIDS Campaigns: Dear Colleague Letter
- MMWR Vol. 66 / No. 9
- Increase in Human Infections with Avian Influenza ...
- Vital Signs: Prevalence of Doctor-Diagnosed Arthri...
- Confidentiality Issues and Use of Sexually Transmi...
- CDC Grand Rounds: Public Health Strategies to Prev...
- La Unión Europea aprueba las nuevas normas sobre s...
- Presentan el libro 11M. El honor de servir, del di...
- La Fundación Instituto Roche premia, un año más, e...
- Un grupo de trabajo valorará incorporar mejoras en...
- Vocales de AP de Castilla y León piden más recurso...
- El Congreso acuerda promover un plan para recupera...
- La OMC conmemora el 16 de marzo el Día contra las ...
- Exministros y exconsejeros de Sanidad proponen la ...
- España mantiene bajo control su gasto público en m...
- The next CMS Long-Term Services and Supports Open ...
- CDC Report on Public Health Strategies to Prevent ...
- SAMHSA is seeking applications for up to $47.5 mil...
- FDA Law Blog: A New Rulemaking Is Needed for the I...
- MercatorNet: The power of unconditional love | Mer...
- The next CMS Physicians, Nurses & Allied Health Pr...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: La ANMAT prohibió el uso y ...
- What’s New for Biologics
- Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services: Special ...
- Preventing Chronic Disease: Current Volume | CDC |...
- Preventing Chronic Disease: Current Volume | CDC |...
- Preventing Chronic Disease: Current Volume | CDC |...
- Preventing Chronic Disease: Current Volume | CDC |...
- Preventing Chronic Disease: Current Volume | CDC |...
- Preventing Chronic Disease: Current Volume | CDC |...
- Preventing Chronic Disease: Current Volume | CDC |...
- Food Policy Council Self-Assessment Tool: Developm...
- Identification of Patients With Diabetes Who Benef...
- Comparison of Research Framing Preferences and Inf...
- Shared Use of Physical Activity Facilities Among N...
- A Home-Based Exercise Program Driven by Tablet App...
- Preventing Chronic Disease: Celebrating Contributi...
- An Initiative to Facilitate Park Usage, Discovery,...
- Randomized Controlled Trial of a Community Health ...
- Turning the Curve on Obesity Prevalence Among Fift...
- Absence of Fluoride Varnish–Related Adverse Events...
- Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Four Simulated Colo...
- Feasibility Pilot of a Randomized Faith-Based Inte...
- NHLBI Funding & Research Opportunities and Announc...
- Join CDC and Partners: Keep Health Care Safe for E...
- Drug Shortages Update
- El Parlamento Europeo aprueba medidas para reducir...
- MedSun Newsletters
- CDER New March 9, 2017
- La OMS admite que no habrá una vacuna disponible c...
- Los estudiantes de Medicina se movilizan frente al...
- Las mujeres demandan centros que se dediquen a tra...
- Médicos de Soria alertan: 300 jubilaciones en los ...
- El gasto sanitario por habitante en Asturias se si...
- El Parlamento canario aprueba un plan contra el de...
- La SEFH quiere participar directamente en la mejor...
- El PSOE defiende revisar los criterios del copago ...
- EHC Program Update: Request for Unpublished Resear...
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- CDRH New Update
- HIMSS attendees learn about MHS GENESIS rollout, c...
- Personal responsibility is key to cybersecurity | ...
- Patient Safety In Action: Patient Safety Awareness...
- Partner with DVBIC to promote Brain Injury Awarene...
- Innovation summit highlights ideas to improve pati...
- FDA Law Blog: How to Name that Food: The Good Food...
- MercatorNet: Mums at home. American Jews and Israe...
- The "Affordable" Care Act is Unaffordable
- Extraño brote ha causado la muerte de 10 indígenas...
- ProMED-mail
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Nota de opinión: "Agenda 20...
- Updated Agenda: The next CMS Rural Health Open Doo...
- SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot...
- ▼ marzo (500)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2017 (2469)
- ▼ marzo (400)
- El sector de la Investigación Biomédica pide al re...
- Unilabs acuerda la adquisición de Alpha Medical
- Euskadi volverá a administrar la vacuna de la tosf...
- Una app móvil recomienda el tratamiento antibiótic...
- "Que la Farmacia Hospitalaria dispense los medicam...
- Registration for the 30th FISSEA Conference closes...
- March 2017 CMS National Training Program Update
- The next CMS Rural Health Open Door Forum is sched...
- blog.aids.gov − Health Information on the Web
- blog.aids.gov − We All Need a Little Love and Supp...
- DMEPOS Adjusted Fee Methodology for Non-Bid Areas:...
- Safety Communications > Chronic Cerebrospinal Veno...
- Characteristics of Emergency Department Visits for...
- Anticoagulation Use and Clinical Outcomes After Ma...
- Changes in Physician Practice Patterns after Imple...
- Parental perception of built environment character...
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- Understanding Patient, Provider, and System Factor...
- Measuring Mortality Performance: How Did Safety-Ne...
- AHRQ News Now: New Highlights From AHRQ’s Patient ...
- Register Now: March 23 Webinar on Effective Use of...
- Association Between Palliative Care and Patient an...
- Chronic condition clusters and functional impairme...
- Switching generic antiepileptic drug manufacturer ...
- Discover NHSC Career Opportunities on March 21!
- FDA Drug Shortages
- CDER New March 8, 2017
- Register Now: March 23 Webinar on Effective Use of...
- Safety Communications > FDA concern over experimen...
- Los ensayos clínicos en fases tempranas aumentan u...
- El programa Partem, de la CAMFiC y el ICS, forma e...
- El Sistema Español de Verificación de Medicamentos...
- El Gobierno de Canarias respalda el Compromiso por...
- Osakidetza sostiene que la contratación temporal s...
- Los pediatras, contra la intención de la CAM de tr...
- Hacienda presentará este año una OPE superior al c...
- Los resultados deben guiar los cambios en el model...
- AHRQ report on the quality of provider communicati...
- Why does International Women’s Day ignore motherho...
- CDRH New Update
- BMC Infectious Diseases | Home page
- Seeking help in times of economic hardship: access...
- International Women’s Day - BMC Series blog
- BMC International Health and Human Rights | Home p...
- Methods to increase reporting of childhood sexual ...
- UK national clinical audit: management of pregnanc...
- BMC Infectious Diseases | Human rights as social a...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Una juez de Uruguay frena u...
- Hambre en el mundo | Observatorio de Bioética, UCV...
- FDA Law Blog: How To Get Rid of The “Totality of t...
- El Colegio de Madrid presenta el documental 'Ser M...
- Médicas que abrieron caminos en Vizcaya - DiarioMe...
- Madrid: Fernando Prados, director de Atención al C...
- Absolución porque el cultivo de marihuana tenía un...
- Ribera Salud impugnará el expediente de Sanidad po...
- Cárcel para los responsables de una mutua por esta...
- Dudas sobre cómo estratificar al paciente crónico ...
- Protagonismo biomédico en el comité asesor de la A...
- La 'contrarreforma' sanitaria de Trump, en fase de...
- Madrid: las sociedades rechazan limitar la edad de...
- El COMB presenta propuestas para mejorar la concil...
- Hacienda permitiría sobrepasar la tasa de reposici...
- HCUP-US Statistical Briefs Chronological
- What's New at HCUP User Support
- Crecen en España los ensayos clínicos en fases tem...
- "La sanidad pública y la privada deben complementa...
- Cerca de 50 hospitales españoles participan en las...
- Menos infecciones hospitalarias y más efectos adve...
- El sector de la Investigación Biomédica pide al re...
- Drug Shortages Update
- Final Recommendation Statement: Screening for Gyne...
- Two New Director's Corner Podcasts- Drug Informati...
- CDER New March 7, 2017
- Global Health Research News - Fogarty Internationa...
- Profile: Fogarty Global Health Fellow Dr Emmanuel ...
- Fogarty International Center
- Vital Signs: Prevalence of Doctor-Diagnosed Arthri...
- Apps, Health IT, and Interoperability
- CDER SBIA Half-Day Extended Webinar - CDER Microbi...
- La OMS avisa de que la contaminación provoca la mu...
- Hologic lanza una prueba de diagnóstico para detec...
- El CM de Valencia entrega 48 becas para impulsar l...
- José María Vergeles mantiene que se convocarán opo...
- Diego Murillo: “Esta es la página más importante d...
- “Los recopagos de fármacos no solo no han frenado ...
- Cuatro sociedades científicas promueven la creació...
- La Rioja ve muy probable implantar el modelo de at...
- El gasto sanitario disminuye un 3,4% y aumentan la...
- Serafín Romero: “Queremos eliminar la precariedad ...
- El 28% de la población española cree que el proble...
- The mother situation | MercatorNet
- The importance of stories in the euthanasia debate...
- NEWSLETTER 20170307 | MercatorNet
- Vegans versus humanity | MercatorNet
- NIOSH eNews - March, 2017
- AUC Leader Sentenced
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Extienden a los privados la...
- FDA Law Blog: Rare Disease Week Recap: HP&M’s Fran...
- FDA Law Blog: “Eggshell Plaintiffs” Meet Administr...
- SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot...
- ▼ marzo (400)
Archivo del blog
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- ▼ marzo (300)
- Search | National Guideline Clearinghouse | “Femal...
- Search | National Guideline Clearinghouse | “Diges...
- Search | National Guideline Clearinghouse | “Diges...
- Search | National Guideline Clearinghouse | “Hemic...
- Transition between inpatient mental health setting...
- Multimorbidity: clinical assessment and management...
- Mental health problems in people with learning dis...
- Comprehensive adult eye and vision examination. | ...
- Browse by Organization | National Guideline Cleari...
- Browse by Clinical Specialty | National Guideline ...
- Submit Measures | National Quality Measures Cleari...
- Events | New York Academy of Medicine
- PA-16-424: Developing Measures of Shared Decision ...
- Search | National Quality Measures Clearinghouse |...
- Search | National Quality Measures Clearinghouse |...
- Search | National Quality Measures Clearinghouse |...
- Search | National Quality Measures Clearinghouse |...
- Search | National Quality Measures Clearinghouse |...
- Help & About | National Quality Measures Clearingh...
- Intra-procedure colonoscopy complication rate: per...
- Los entornos insalubres matan a 1,7 millones de ni...
- ¿Pública o privada? - DiarioMedico.com
- El 10% toma antibióticos sin receta y el 8% aún de...
- Crece la sensación de inequidad - DiarioMedico.com...
- La buena imagen del SNS se recupera, pero falta eq...
- Realidades autonómicas distintas...y ninguna ‘cump...
- Los comités de ética en investigación (CEI) aún de...
- Condenada una clínica por tardar 12 años en diagno...
- Los déficit del consentimiento se subsanan con apu...
- Almirall anuncia tres nombramientos en España - Di...
- Josep Pomar, nuevo gerente de Son Espases - Diario...
- Valencia, proclive a prolongar la jubilación de lo...
- Anulada la sanción a un médico engañado para recet...
- National Resource Center on Nutrition & Aging (NRC...
- 'La ley de paliativos debe salir; si no, otras 60....
- Interior debe pagar la triple terapia y los antivi...
- Se teme que la nueva regulación reduzca el número ...
- Serafín Romero, presidente de la OMC: ¿Qué opinan ...
- Serafín Romero: 'En estos años nos han dado duros ...
- La crisis ha acrecentado las diferencias autonómic...
- La 'nueva' sanidad canaria promete un pacto sanita...
- Cataluña y Andalucía gestionan el 60% de proyectos...
- 18th ICID & Hackathon in Argentina
- CDER New March 6, 2017
- Short Sleep Duration by Occupation Group | | Blogs...
- Grant Funding Profiles - CDC
- FDA Law Blog: A Decade of the FDA Law Blog!!
- Abortion groups pledge $250m to ‘help’ the world’s...
- Radical individualism is at the heart of gender th...
- Montana came SO close to closing the door to assis...
- New GERD treatment, first in DoD, performed at WBA...
- March marks Brain Injury Awareness Month | Health....
- NCHS Data Briefs Update
- Products - Data Briefs - Homepage
- March 2017 eBulletin | Health.mil
- Be Prepared! | Managing | Diabetes |CDC
- Psychological First Aid | National Child Traumatic...
- Connecting Your Faith-Based Organization with the ...
- Preparing for the 2017 Joint Session of Congress |...
- Medical Care of Ill Disaster Evacuees|Natural Disa...
- Engaging Hmong adults in genomic and pharmacogenom...
- "I think we've got too many tests!": Prenatal prov...
- From HuGE Literature Finder Database: Biobanks
- Business Planning in Biobanking: How to Implement ...
- Access policies in biobank research: what criteria...
- Lay Attitudes Toward Trust, Uncertainty, and the R...
- Access Governance for Biobanks: The Case of the Bi...
- Whose Biobank? Should Biobanks Serve Research Inte...
- Regulation of genomic and biobanking research in A...
- Cost-Effectiveness of Different Population Screeni...
- Health economics, genomics and the value of knowin...
- Prospective comparison of the cost-effectiveness o...
- Are evidence standards different for genomic- vs. ...
- Events|Genomics|CDC
- A global perspective on bioinformatics training ne...
- Open Science Prize: NextStrain wins $230,000 from ...
- The role of laboratory diagnostics in emerging vir...
- How bioinformatics tools are bringing genetic anal...
- Press Announcements > FDA allows marketing of test...
- Advanced Molecular Detection Clips Database|AMD Cl...
- Genetics of schizophrenia: A consensus paper of th...
- Epigenetic signals of how social disadvantage "get...
- Economic Utility: Combinatorial Pharmacogenomics a...
- Pharmacogenetics-based personalized therapy: Level...
- Pharmacogenetics of antidepressant drugs: State of...
- Primary care providers' use of pharmacist support ...
- Pharmacogenetics in cardiovascular diseases: State...
- Committee Opinion No. 690: Carrier Screening in th...
- Committee Opinion No. 691 Summary: Carrier Screeni...
- Bioinformatics Approaches for Fetal DNA Fraction E...
- Georgia Bill Lets Newborns' Parents Test for Genet...
- Genomic newborn screening: public health policy co...
- Genetic Testing Thriving, But Law Lags Behind
- Protecting Patients from Genetic Discrimination | ...
- Human Genomics across the Lifespan || Genomics & H...
- Fiscal Year 2016 Annual Report Home | 2016 Annual ...
- Key Findings: Relationship Between Infant Mortalit...
- Key Findings: Usage of CDC's Sickle Cell Data Coll...
- Birth Defects, Genomics and Public Health
- SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot...
- ▼ marzo (300)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2017 (2269)
- ▼ marzo (200)
- Q and A with former Fogarty trainee Dr Soumya Swam...
- Fogarty International Center
- CDER New February 28, 2017
- What's New at CBER Update
- Drug Shortages Update
- PHG Foundation | Europe moves to prevent genetic d...
- Genetic Insurance Discrimination in Sudden Arrhyth...
- Protecting Patients from Genetic Discrimination | ...
- Discrimination 7 ► https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB/ph...
- Discrimination 6 ► https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB/ph...
- Discrimination 5 ► https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB/ph...
- Discrimination 4 ► https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB/ph...
- Discrimination 3 ► https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB/ph...
- Discrimination 2 ► https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB/ph...
- Discrimination 1 ► https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB/ph...
- Popular Content | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- 2017 ISMP Medication Safety Self Assessment for Co...
- IHI Quick Course: Practical Skills in Patient Safe...
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- The Voice of the Patient and the Public. | AHRQ Pa...
- Annual Perspectives | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Perspectives on Safety | AHRQ Patient Safety Netwo...
- WebM&M Cases | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Did You Know | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Cognitive factors that contribute to diagnostic er...
- Examining the Copy and Paste Function in the Use o...
- Latest Results From the "FIRST" Trial. | AHRQ Pati...
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- Comparing VA and Non-VA quality of care: a systema...
- Simulation, mastery learning and healthcare. | AHR...
- Monitoring the anaesthetist in the operating theat...
- A lost voice. | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- From board to bedside: how the application of fina...
- Use of unsolicited patient observations to identif...
- Opioid-prescribing patterns of emergency physician...
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- Qatar organ trafficking allegations
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- CDRH New Update
- CDER New March 3, 2017
- Bayer España creció un 2,9 por ciento en 2016 - Di...
- UE: Aprobado el 'informe Cabezón' para mejorar el ...
- El gasto medio en salud de los hogares españoles c...
- Así es la clasificación del último Plan Profarma -...
- La financiación sanitaria, principal desacuerdo en...
- Extremadura: el Consejo Científico Asesor se reúne...
- La Sociedad Europea de Neumología pedirá normas an...
- Cataluña: más lista de espera, menos demora - Diar...
- Síndic pide facilitar el acceso de las personas co...
- Madrid aprueba su ley de paliativos - DiarioMedico...
- 'El perito tiene más responsabilidad y trabajo con...
- Technology Assessment Program | Agency for Healthc...
- CDC: Pink Book (Epi & VPD) Manual update
- ATTENTION!! Recent changes to the NIH appendix pol...
- MMWR Vol. 66 / Early Release
- March is Brain Injury Awareness Month!
- Registration Open for MEPS Data Users' Workshop
- IntraMed - Tecnología - ¿Qué hacer con las citas m...
- Nueve farmacéuticas se abonan al "Excelente" en el...
- Comín y Montserrat se intercambian peticiones conc...
- Europa revisará con lupa el valor de los nuevos fá...
- Arrecia el debate sobre las colaboraciones público...
- MercatorNet: Are refugees dangerous? The US is no...
- El IDIS destaca que solo los pacientes que conocen...
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- Los sindicatos de la Mesa Sectorial de Galicia ini...
- Alonso reitera la apuesta por el empleo y la recup...
- La industria farmacéutica genera 200.000 puestos d...
- El PSOE pide incluir la Atención Temprana dentro d...
- UGT a Sanidad: Hay 170.000 trabajadores con contra...
- La ministra presentará en el CISNS el manual de pr...
- La Sanidad perdió 5.665 empleos en febrero y acumu...
- MMWR Vol. 66 / No. 8
- MMWR Vol. 66 / No. 8 ► Reported Adverse Health Eff...
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- MMWR Vol. 66 / No. 8 ► Baseline Prevalence of Birt...
- MMWR Vol. 66 / No. 8 ► Malignant Mesothelioma Mort...
- MMWR Vol. 66 / No. 8 ► Short Sleep Duration by Occ...
- MMWR Vol. 66 / No. 8 ► Cancer Screening Test Use —...
- CDC - Global Health
- HRSA eNews March 2, 2017
- Proposed Decision Memo for Supervised Exercise The...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Salta: ordenan brindar cobe...
- FDA Law Blog: The Demise of the BPCIA Patent Dance...
- FDA Law Blog: Slower than Molasses in January, FDA...
- Announcements
- Colorectal cancer screening: percentage of patient...
- SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot...
- ▼ marzo (200)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2017 (2169)
- ▼ marzo (100)
- NCHS Data Briefs Update
- Act Against AIDS Campaigns: National Women and Gir...
- Randstad ofrecerá soluciones personalizadas a los ...
- El Hospital HM Puerta del Sur, único centro en Esp...
- Partem forma a más de 2.000 directivos de AP en ge...
- Aragón pide a la ministra de Sanidad una mejora en...
- Expertos someten a debate la normativa específica ...
- Euskadi aumenta un 3,4% el gasto per cápita sanita...
- Philips y Onelife Health desarrollarán servicios d...
- La prevención y el control de infecciones hospital...
- Los psiquiatras no renuncian a seguir tratando las...
- Los efectos adversos hospitalarios avivan la preoc...
- Los 196 dispositivos de Cuidados Paliativos del pa...
- Rad Health: NEW Electronic Variance submissions to...
- NCHS Data Briefs Update
- Products - Data Briefs - Homepage
- The Affordable Care Act Federal Upper Limits Have ...
- FDA Drug Trials Snapshots and Diversity When Testi...
- 2016: A Record-setting Year for Generic Drugs | FD...
- FDA’s Commitment to Women’s Heart Health Research ...
- On-Demand CME: Clinical Decision Support for Co-oc...
- Register Now for the Model-Based Enterprise Summit...
- February 2017—Public Health Law News
- CDC - February 2017 Edition - Public Health Law Ne...
- CDER New March 2, 2017
- 82 médicos de familia se incorporarán al cuadro de...
- El PSOE pide al Gobierno que impulse el uso de los...
- ICOMEM, AMYTS y AFEM plantean medidas a la Conseje...
- Aragón pide a la ministra convocar el Consejo Inte...
- UGT a Sanidad: Hay 170.000 trabajadores con contra...
- Observatorio de Bioética, UCV | Todo sobre Bioétic...
- Observatorio de Bioética, UCV | Todo sobre Bioétic...
- ¿Se puede regular la edición genética? | Observato...
- Se produce tejido intestinal a partir de células m...
- Cuatro mujeres hacen de la maternidad subrogada su...
- Transferencia mitocondrial en UK, primer país en l...
- Edición genética en China y Estados Unidos, ensayo...
- Células iPS de pacientes en edad avanzada, ¿Son út...
- So what does Mr Google have to say about assisted ...
- Teens and drugs in modernized India | MercatorNet
- DJ’s assisted suicide fuels Italy’s euthanasia deb...
- Stockpile Expert Helps Responders Prepare for Emer...
- CDC Global Health - Infographics - Decoding GHSA
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: La depresión es la principa...
- CDRH New Update
- Drug Shortages Update
- FDA Law Blog: Maybe It Was Worth a Try . . . . Ken...
- Prepare for the Next Infectious Disease Epidemic
- Condena por no relacionar los síntomas de una niña...
- El desgarro pulmonar en una toracotomía es daño de...
- Valencia hará un 'cambio legislativo' para no pror...
- Sanidad ve 'complejo y desproporcionado' limitar l...
- Trump concreta cinco claves de su 'contrarreforma'...
- CCOO reclama a Montserrat que actúe sobre los cont...
- Adolescentes que actúan como agentes de salud entr...
- Los colegios de Baleares y Córdoba se suman a la v...
- News & Events > CDER Conversations
- CDC Learning Connection | CDC | Hot Training Topic...
- CDC Learning Connection | CDC | Virtual Healthy Sc...
- CDC Learning Connection | CDC | Interactive Core C...
- CDC Learning Connection | CDC | Colorectal Cancer ...
- CDER New March 1, 2017
- 2016 CAHPS Clinician & Group Survey Database Submi...
- Expertos predicen que las tasas de mortalidad por ...
- Bruselas abre a consulta pública la reforma que pr...
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- La SEHH crea el Grupo Español de Enfermedades de D...
- Los CM de Baleares y Córdoba, primeros en aplicar ...
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- El consejero aragonés recuerda que la normativa ac...
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- El Defensor del Pueblo recibió 1.229 quejas sobre ...
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- Toolkit for Using the AHRQ Quality Indicators | Ag...
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- Challenges for Nurses Caring for Individuals with ...
- Do People with Health Insurance Coverage Who Live ...
- New Highlights From AHRQ’s Patient Safety Network
- Receipt of Cancer Screening Is a Predictor of Life...
- Risk of Jaw Osteonecrosis After Intravenous Bispho...
- Mental Health and Substance Abuse: Suicide Deaths ...
- Data Linkage Strategies To Advance Youth Suicide P...
- Emergency Department Visits Related to Suicidal Id...
- STATISTICAL BRIEF #498: Out-of-Pocket Expenditures...
- Paternal and Maternal Testosterone in Parents of N...
- Current practice of antibiotic prophylaxis for sur...
- Supporting Parents of Premature Infants Transition...
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- A fertility awareness app gets official nod - and ...
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- ▼ marzo (100)


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