martes, 3 de diciembre de 2013

AHRQ Releases New Evidence-Based Guide Helps Implement Health Assessments in Primary Care Settings

AHRQ Releases New Evidence-Based Guide Helps Implement Health Assessments in Primary Care Settings

AHRQ Prevention and Chronic Care Program logo

AHRQ Releases New Evidence-Based Guide Helps Implement Health Assessments in Primary Care Settings

AHRQ Prevention and Chronic Care Program logo
New Evidence-Based Guide Helps Implement Health Assessments in Primary Care Settings
AHRQ announces the release of an evidence-based guide designed to help primary care doctors, nurses and other staff successfully select, adopt and implement health assessments. Health assessments are used to collect information to help primary care providers evaluate patients’ health status and risks. The information is used to identify potentially problematic but treatable health behaviors and factors such as anxiety, alcohol use, depression, unhealthy eating and sedentary lifestyle that patients often don’t bring up during a medical visit. Research shows that many patients do not receive an assessment of health risks or a plan to address those risks. Click here to download the Health Assessments in Primary Care: A How-to-Guide for Clinicians and Staff.
Learn more about how to improve primary care. Visit AHRQ’s Prevention & Chronic Care Program at:

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