Implementation of Genomic Medicine: What can Public Health Do Now?
CDC information: Implementing evidence-based genomic applications and family history
CDC report: New strategies in public health genomics-actions to save lives now
CDC clickable map: State public health activities in hereditary breast and ovarian cancer, Lynch syndrome and familial hypercholesterolemia
CDC information: Public Health 101-Learn about the components of the US public health system & how they work together to improve the nation's health.
CDC paper: The integration of genomics into public health research, policy and practice in the United States
The Integration of Genomics into Public Health Research, Policy and Practice in the United States
Beskow L.M. · Khoury M.J. · Baker T.G. · Thrasher J.F.
Community Genet 2001;4:2–11 (DOI: 10.1159/000051150)
Objectives: To examine the opportunities for and responsibilities of the public health community in bridging the gap between gene discovery and the application of genetic information to improve health and prevent disease. Methods: We developed genetics-related definitions for the core functions and essential services of public health. We combined these definitions with a visual model to create one possible ‘blueprint’ for integrating genomics into public health activities. Results: The proposed blueprint and accompanying examples illustrate the important role for genomics throughout public health research, policy and practice. Further refinement and implementation of this blueprint represents an ambitious public health leadership agenda. Conclusions: Opportunities for immediate action include strategic planning for the integration of genomics across programs, developing genomics competencies among health professionals, enhancing surveillance and epidemiologic capacity to aid evidence-based policy making, building partnerships and seeking input from stakeholders and incorporating information about genomics into health communications.
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