Taking Innovations to Scale
The purpose of the Health Care Innovations Exchange is to speed the implementation of new and better ways of delivering health care.Taking Innovations to Scale highlights resources and information to help innovators spread their innovations, and to help adopters find, learn about, and implement new ways to improve care in their organizations.
Taking Innovations to Scale includes aSpread Success Stories section, which highlights innovations that have been successfully scaled. Our Getting Started section provides helpful tools and links to resources for both innovators and potential adopters related to scale up and spread. The section Voices from the Field offers expert perspectives on the topic and video presentations from innovators who are attempting to spread their innovations.
Scaling and Spreading InnovationsThese profiles describe the approaches and challenges of spreading health care innovations.
- Initiative Features Fixed Monthly Payments to Primary Care Clinics for Providing Depression Care Bundle, Allowing Many Patients to Achieve Good Outcomes
- Specialists Train and Support Rural and Prison-Based Primary Care Clinicians, Enhancing Access to Hepatitis C Care
- Counseling and Testing Process Makes HIV Screening a Routine Part of Primary Care, Increasing Testing Rates and Identification of Infected Individuals
- With Support From Collaborative, Primary Care Practices Identify and Address Behavioral Health Issues, Reducing Binge Drinking, Marijuana Use, and Depression Symptoms
- Mental Health Clinicians Integrate Cessation Treatment Into Regular Care of Smokers With Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Increasing Likelihood of Quitting
- Nurse Home Visits Improve Birth Outcomes, Other Health and Social Indicators for Low-Income, First-Time Mothers and Their Children. Addressed in Hill perspective.
- Nine-Hospital Collaborative Uses Patient Screening Criteria, Fast-Track Diagnosis, and Treatment Protocols to Reduce Sepsis Mortality by More Than 50 Percent. Addressed in Kliger perspective.
- Intensive Care Units Participating in Hospital Collaborative Implement Multiple Improvement Strategies, Leading to Fewer Deaths and Lower Costs. Addressed in Hines and Battles perspective.
- Creation of Households Program in Nursing Home Improves Residents' Health Status, Reduces Staff Turnover, and Boosts Demand for Services. Addressed in Shields perspective.
Promoting the Spread of Health Care Innovations
- Million Hearts™ Toolkits
- Options for Large-Scale Spread of Simple, High-Impact Interventions: Technical Report
- Quality Improvement Intervention Spread Planner
- Asthma Return-on-Investment Calculator
- Dissemination Planning Tool from Development of a Planning Tool to Guide Dissemination of Research Results
- On the CUSP: Stop Blood Stream Infections — Resources
- Will It Work Here? A Decisionmaker’s Guide to Adopting Innovations
- How To Think About Evidence When Deciding Whether To Adopt an Innovation
- Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality: Building National Health Care Quality Improvement Campaigns to Succeed: Lessons from the CUSP: CLABSI Project
- Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality: Taking Best Practices to Scale: Spreading Effective Healthcare Practices & Programs
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Program: Five-Part Webcast on Economic Evaluation
- ExpandNet: ExpandNet is a global network of representatives from international organizations, non-governmental organizations, academic and research institutions, ministries of health and specific projects who seek to advance the science and practice of scaling. View ExpandNet’s Scaling-Up Bibliography
- The Conference to Advance the State of the Science and Practice on Scale-up and Spread of Effective Health Programs was held July 8-10th in Washington D.C., with funding from AHRQ, Commonwealth Fund, US Department of Veterans Affairs, Donaghue Foundation and John A. Hartford Foundation:
- The Conference to Advance the State of the Science and Practice on Scale-up and Spread of Effective Health Programs Literature Database
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- The Conference to Advance the State of the Science and Practice on Scale-up and Spread of Effective Health Programs Resource Database
(Adobe Reader is required to view or print the PDF. Download a free copy here.
Presentations and ReportsPromoting the Spread of Health Care Innovations
This Innovations Exchange Web event, held on April 9, 2013, featured a presentation by health care innovator Linda Wick, who discussed the experiences and lessons learned from spreading her innovation both within and outside of her health care organization.
Spread Models and Lessons: Learning from the ARHQ Health Care Innovations Exchange- Presentation at the 4th Annual NIH Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation: Policy and Practice, March 21-22, 2011
- Presenters: Mary P. Nix, AHRQ; Veronica Nieva, Westat; Bruce Leff, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine; and Tracy Novak, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
This report provides an overview of the general findings, lessons learned, and overall recommendations derived from the 2011 scale up and spread activities undertaken by the AHRQ Health Care Innovations Exchange.
Scaling and Spreading Innovation: Strategies to Improve Cardiovascular HealthThis report presents a summary and findings from an April 2012 event titled Million Hearts™ Scaling and Spreading Innovation: Strategies to Improve Cardiovascular Health, sponsored by AHRQ’s Health Care Innovations Exchange, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention, and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), in partnership with the American Heart Association. The event generated valuable findings for the emerging field of scaling and spreading innovation.
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