sábado, 20 de septiembre de 2014

AHRQ Patient Safety Network: Hospitals often ignore policies on using qualified medical interpreters.

AHRQ Patient Safety Network

AHRQ Patient Safety Network

Hospitals often ignore policies on using qualified medical interpreters.

Rice S. Modern Healthc. August 30, 2014.

Language barriers can lead to misunderstandings that increase risks of error. This magazine article highlights the frequent reliance on families, friends, and other nonprofessionals as translators in medical settings and discusses how lack of standards and insufficient reporting of errors related to interpreters, along with challengesto implementing programs, hinder progress in improving communication with non-English speaking patients.

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Language Barrier
Flores G. AHRQ WebM&M [serial online]. April 2006.
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Wojcieszak D. Patient Safety Qual Healthc. May/June 2005;2:6, 8-9.
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Newsweek. October 16, 2006:44-68, 72.
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Gulliver D. Sarasota Herald Tribune. November 7, 2006:BS1.
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