Coming Soon
- Updated British Medical Association/National Health Service (NHS) Confederation Quality and Outcomes Framework Indicators on Cancer, Dementia, Depression, and Mental Health. Look for these measures in NQMC in the near future!
QOF guidance 2014-2015 according to nation
This page outlines the changes to the Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) for 2014-2015 for the nations.
England QOF guidance 7th revision 2014-2015 (PDF 1.9M)
A detailed QOF guidance 2014-2015, which includes a summary of the indicator changes of the indicator wording, points and thresholds.
A detailed QOF guidance 2014-2015, which includes a summary of the indicator changes of the indicator wording, points and thresholds.
Scotland Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) guidance for NHS boards and GP practices 2014-15 (PDF 1.65M)
Wales Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) guidance for the GMS contract 2014-15 (June 2014) (PDF 1.84M)
For the summary of changes in Wales please go to the web page Welsh GP contract 2014-2015 QOF changes.
For the summary of changes in Wales please go to the web page Welsh GP contract 2014-2015 QOF changes.
QOF guidance for the General Medical Services contract 2014-15 for Northern Ireland will be available soon.
Summary of 2014-2015 QOF guidance (seventh revision)
Changes to the clinical and public health domains
A total of 182 points will be removed from the clinical domain, 33 points from the public health domain, and 33 points from the patient experience indicator (PE001), to be transferred into core funding.
In addition, it has been agreed to remove LD002 (three points) to the new Learning Disabilities ES.
To recognise the high workload involved and the removal of HYP003 (BP 140/90 mmHg or less; 50 points), which was introduced this year, 10 points will be added to HYP002 (BP 150/90 mmHg or less; now 20 points). The time frame for achieving this indicator moves from nine months to 12 months.
Other agreed changes in the clinical domain include:
- The timeframe for the flu indicators (CHD004, COPD006, DM010 and STIA006) will move from 1 September to 1 August to allow practices to begin vaccinating patients as soon as possible
- The timeframe for cancer reviews (CAN002) will extend from three months to six months (where clinically appropriate practices will still review patients within three months)
- The reference to 12 months will be removed from AF003, to be in line with the wording of AF004
- The timeframe for reviews of new patients with depression will be extended from 10-35 days to two to eight weeks(DEP002)
- STIA002 will be amended so that it only refers to the latest recorded stroke or first TIA. This indicator will no longer be cumulative from 1 April 2008 and will reset annually from 1 April 2014
- LD001 (learning disability register) will now include all patients
- All dementia indicators will remain but the guidance relating to annual reviews will change
- A change to the number of points allocated to HYP002 from 10 points to 20 points to recognise the shift in workload as a result of the retirement of HYP003. The timeframe for this indicator has also changed from nine months to 12 months
- The age range for BP001 will change from 40 years and older to 45 years and older in line with the age range for the NHS Health Check in England.
Threshold changes
The proposed imposition changes to thresholds due in 2014-2015 will be deferred for a year. The threshold for HYP002 will change from 44-84% back to 45-80%.
Removal of QP domain
The Quality and Productivity (QP) domain (100 points) will be removed from QOF and will be used to fund the unplanned admissions Enhanced Service (ES).
New indicators
In line with the approach to streamline QOF for 2014-2015 and prioritise the retention of key indicators, it was agreed not to introduce new indicators. As such, it was agreed that the new NICE indicators would not be implemented in 2014-2015. In relation to the two replacement indicators, NM73 was agreed to replace LD001, thus extending this indicator so it has no lower age limit, as it was felt that this was an appropriate change.
In total 341 points will be removed from QOF for 2014-2015, of which 238 will be transferred to core funding and 103 to Enhanced Services. This reverses most of the changes imposed in 2013-2014.
The total of QOF points available for 2014-2015 will be 559.
NICE menu of recommended changes to the QOF
On 1 August 2013 the National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) published the 2014-2015 menu of QOF recommendations.
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