domingo, 21 de septiembre de 2014

Genomics|Update|Current ► Newborn Screening Saves Lives


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Newborn Screening Saves Lives

baby toys
CDC feature: Newborn screening is important for your baby 
Soon after birth, babies born in the United States are checked for certain medical conditions.  Learn why this newborn screening is important for your baby and why you should ask for the screening results.
CDC paper: Cost-effectiveness of routine screening for critical congenital heart disease in US newbornsExternal Web Site Icon.
Peterson C, Grosse SD, Oster ME, Olney RS, Cassell CH. Pediatrics. August 5, 2013.
Newborn screening program saves lives,External Web Site Icon by Dr. Michael Caldwell, Poughkeepsie Journal, September 14, 2014  

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