viernes, 5 de septiembre de 2014

MMWR Vol. 63 / No. 35

MMWR Vol. 63 / No. 35

MMWR Weekly
Vol. 63, No. 35
September 5, 2014
PDF of this issue
Prevalence of Smokefree Home Rules — United States, 1992–1993 and 2010–2011
Brian A. King, PhD, Roshni Patel, MPH, Stephen D. Babb, MPH.
MMWR 2014;63:765–9

The national prevalence of smokefree home rules increased from 43% to 83% over 2 decades.
The national prevalence of smokefree home rules increased from 43% to 83% over 2 decades.

Fatal Meningococcal Disease in a Laboratory Worker — California, 2012
Channing D. Sheets, MSEd, Kathleen Harriman, PhD, Jennifer Zipprich, PhD, et al.
MMWR 2014;63:770–2

Notes from the Field: Reports of Expired Live Attenuated Influenza Vaccine Being Administered —
United States, 2007–2014

Penina Haber, MPH, Christopher P. Schembri, MPH, Paige Lewis, MSPH, et al.
MMWR 2014;63:773

Announcements: National Preparedness Month — September 2014
MMWR 2014;63:774

Announcements: CDC's Model Aquatic Health Code, First Edition
MMWR 2014;63:774

Announcements: Recommendation Regarding Diabetes Prevention — Community Preventive Services Task Force
MMWR 2014;63:775

Erratum: Vol. 63, No. 33
MMWR 2014;63:775

QuickStats: Life Expectancy at Birth, by Sex and Race/Ethnicity — United States, 2011
Arialdi Minino.
MMWR 2014;63:776

Notifiable Diseases and Mortality Tables
Link to PDF for Notifiable Diseases and Mortality Tables
Link to additional formats for Notifiable Diseases and Mortality Tables

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