lunes, 22 de septiembre de 2014

Webinar Tomorrow: How To Promote Your MONAHRQ-Generated Website

Webinar Tomorrow: How To Promote Your MONAHRQ-Generated Website

MONAHRQ Logo. Input Your Data. Output your website.

Webinar Tomorrow: How To Promote Your MONAHRQ-Generated Website

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) would like to invite you to participate in a webinar on promoting your MONAHRQ-generated website. Learn ways to better reach your target audience and hear from other Host Users about how they are promoting their MONAHRQ-generated websites and reports. 
During the webinar, participants will receive an overview of a new resource tool, “Promoting Your MONAHRQ-Generated Website: A Resource Guide for Organizations Using MONAHRQ.”  This toolkit explores ways to engage stakeholders and the media in promoting MONAHRQ-generated websites, including information and guidance on:
  • Developing a promotion plan
  • Developing and using key messages
  • Engaging stakeholders to help promote your MONAHRQ website
  • Using media releases, social media and blogs
  • Applying basic search engine optimization (SEO) techniques to bring the right audience to your site
In addition, we are excited to have Lou Galterio, president of SunCoast RHIO (a Florida-based Regional Health Information Organization), who will be discussing his unique use of the MONAHRQ software, and how he plans to use the information in the webinar to expand his reach.

Explore how to promote your MONAHRQ-generated website by joining us for a webinar on Sept. 23, 2014, from 3:00 p.m. — 4:00 p.m. (EST). To register for the webinar, please visit here.  Additional webinar details below this message.

For more information about MONAHRQ:
Go to the MONAHRQ homepage to learn more about MONAHRQ 5.0, and how to get started or upgrade from a previous version of MONAHRQ. The MONAHRQ 5.0 software provides an easier user interface, new datasets and reports, audience-specific customization and new features that allow for greater flexibility to meet your organization’s needs. Download the latest MONAHRQ software now! 
If you want to talk with a member of the MONAHRQ team for any reason, please contact us

Additional Webinar Information:
Meeting information
Topic: How To Promote Your MONAHRQ-Generated Website 
Date: Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Time: 3:00 pm, Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00)
Meeting Number: 598 686 498
Meeting Password: MONAHRQ5.0gov
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Teleconference information
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Conference dial-in number: 1-8005032899  (US)
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Chairperson Passcode: 400966
Access Code: 747 462 5

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More About MONAHRQ:
* MONAHRQ® is innovative, free, website-generating software from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. This desktop software enables any organization to create a public or private website quickly and easily.  The websites provide understandable, evidence-based health care reports for consumers, providers, policy makers, and others for use in improving transparency and the safety, quality and affordability of health care.

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