miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2016

IMPORTANT: New HHS Guidance Regarding Patient Safety Work Product and Providers’ External Obligations and PSES video

IMPORTANT: New HHS Guidance Regarding Patient Safety Work Product and Providers’ External Obligations and PSES video

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There has been uncertainty among providers working with Patient Safety Organizations (PSOs) regarding how providers can meet their external accountability obligations, including information that must be reported to an external body, information that must be maintained for inspection upon request,  and the establishment and maintenance of specific systems (such as incident report systems).  Similarly, there has been confusion regarding what constitutes original patient and provider records that are excluded from the definition of patient safety work product (PSWP). 
 To resolve this confusion, the Department of Health and Human Services has just issued the following guidance that restates and further clarifies its position originally expressed in the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and preamble to the Patient Safety Rule.   The document, formally entitled “Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act of 2005 - HHS Guidance Regarding Patient Safety Work Product and Providers’ External Obligations,” will also be available at the PSO Web site of the Agency for Health Care Research and Quality (AHRQ) under the Resources section (https://pso.ahrq.gov/legislation/guidance).
AHRQ is also pleased to announce the posting of a new educational video entitled: "Working with a PSO: One Approach.” It was developed in response to numerous inquiries from PSOs and providers alike on how a provider could set up a Patient Safety Evaluation System (PSES) when working with a PSO. Providers need to know that the concept of a PSES is flexible and not directive.  Therefore, a PSES for a solo practitioner is likely to be less complex than one set up for a large academic medical center, and the complexity of the PSES may increase as more providers are served and the volume of PSWP grows. The model reviewed in the video will raise many - but certainly not all - of the issues that a provider should consider.  It is one approach to a PSES and working with a PSO.
The accompanying diagram also titled by the same name has been refreshed from a prior version to align with the video graphic. The new layout design bears no substantive text changes and is located at the link below in the FAQ Section of the Web site under, “How can a health care provider and a PSO exchange information to promote patient safety and quality, while complying with the provisions of the Patient Safety Act and the Patient Safety Rule?”
To view the video and diagram please follow the link below:
 If you have any questions, you may contact us at PSO@ahrq.hhs.gov.

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