Big Data, Genomics & Systems Biology: An Epidemiologic Perspective
The human genome project: big science transforms biology and medicine.
Hood L, Rowen L. Genome Med. 2013
Hood L, Rowen L. Genome Med. 2013
NCI-CDC paper: Transforming epidemiology for 21st century population health in the age of genomics and big data,
CEBP (2013)
NCI-CDC paper: A population perspective on precision medicine.
Am J Prev Med (2012)
Am J Prev Med (2012)
How big data is changing the fight against cancer
, by Michael Pellini, World Economic Forum, Jan 24
Big data, better health? Medical researchers are mining vast sums of big data to discern new patterns in public health records and patients’ health histories,
by Susan Buie, The Atlantic, Jan 29
The need for a smart approach to big health care data,
by David Newman et al., Health Affairs blog post, Jan 27
Towards human-computer synergetic analysis of large-scale biological data.
Singh R, et al. BMC Bioinformatics. 2013;14 Suppl 14:S10.
Singh R, et al. BMC Bioinformatics. 2013;14 Suppl 14:S10.
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