Reviews, News & Commentaries
Ribosome profiling: new views of translation, from single codons to genome scale.
Nicholas T. Ingolia. Nature Reviews Genetics, February, 2014
Nicholas T. Ingolia. Nature Reviews Genetics, February, 2014
Susceptibility to type 2 diabetes mellitus—from genes to prevention
Hivert MF, et al. Nature Reviews Endocrinology (2014)
Hivert MF, et al. Nature Reviews Endocrinology (2014)
Genomics and the origin of species
Seehausen O, et al. Nature Reviews Genetics 15,176–192 (2014) Feb 18
Seehausen O, et al. Nature Reviews Genetics 15,176–192 (2014) Feb 18
Why "big data" is a big deal- information science promises to change the world,
Harvard Magazine, March 2014
The genetics of being a daredevil,
The New York Times Blog Post, Feb 19
Whole genome analysis speeds up: 240 full genomes in 50 hours,
Science Daily, Feb 19
The $1,000 genome is here,
MIT Technology Review, Feb 18
Has the missing heritability of a common disease been found?
PHG Foundation, Feb 18
Data to discovery: Genomes to health,
[PDF 2.18 MB]
a White Paper from the National Consortium for Data Science
Policy recommendations on using genomic big data for health,
PHG Foundation, Feb 17
Top ten tech trends: Putting genetic data in clinicians' hands,
by David Raths, Healthcare Informatics, Feb 17
Opinion: Translational Biotechnology- Regulators must consider both the promise and potential pitfalls of new technologies when determining whether to move them into clinical trials,
by John D. Loike, the Scientist, Feb 17
Integrating human sequence data sets provides a resource of benchmark SNP and indel genotype calls.
Justin M Zook et al. Nature Biotechnology, February 16, 2014
Justin M Zook et al. Nature Biotechnology, February 16, 2014
How to hide your genome,
Science Now, February 16, 2014
Six persistent research misconceptions.
Ken Rothman, J Gen Int Medicine, January 2014
Ken Rothman, J Gen Int Medicine, January 2014
Building up biology.
Nature Chemical Biology, February 14, 2014
Nature Chemical Biology, February 14, 2014
Paying twice: questions over high cost of cystic fibrosis drug developed with charitable funding
D Cohen et al. British Medical Journal, February 12, 2014
D Cohen et al. British Medical Journal, February 12, 2014
DNA testing used to dig up family roots
Technology opens doors in genealogical research, by Tony Gozalez. The Tennessean, Feb. 15
Technology opens doors in genealogical research, by Tony Gozalez. The Tennessean, Feb. 15
Computers select personal medicine
, by Jonathan Amos, BBC News, February 15, 2014
In search of scientific blunders,
by Ken Weiss, Mermaid Tale Blog, February 17, 2014
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