jueves, 13 de febrero de 2014

NIAID Funding Newsletter, February 12, 2014

NIAID Funding Newsletter, February 12, 2014

Leading Research to Understand, Treat, and Prevent Infectious, Immunologic, and Allergic Diseases
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February 12, 2014, NIAID Funding Newsletter

Feature Articles

Public Access Compliance: Room for Improvement Last August, we wrote that noncompliance with public access reporting in progress reports delayed funding for about 20 percent of noncompeting awards. Read the full article.

Opportunities and Resources

Small Business: New Omnibus, New Pilot, Oh My! Researchers at—or affiliated with—small businesses should check out several new small business 2014 funding opportunity announcements (FOAs). Read the full article.
New FOAs Offer Chance for U.S.-South Africa Collaborative Research In case you missed it: NIH published three funding opportunity announcements (FOAs) for the new U.S.-South Africa Program for Collaborative Biomedical Research, a joint effort between NIH and the South African Medical Research Council (MRC). Read the full article.
Thanks to Changes, Your Research May Now Fit an HIV Reservoir FOA Investigators who thought their projects didn't fit the funding opportunity announcement (FOA) Targeting Persistent HIV Reservoirs (TaPHIR) should take another look. Read the full article.
In Search of Centers for AIDS Research Program Your chance to be part of a Center For AIDS Research (CFAR) is near with a recently reissued funding opportunity announcement (FOA) for CFARs and Developmental CFARs (D-CFARs). Read the full article.
Innovation Through Collaboration: Finding New Approaches to Eliminate HIV-1 Investigators whose research focuses on finding a cure for HIV-1 may be interested in Beyond HAART: Innovative Approaches to Cure HIV-1. Read the full article.
Three Funding Opportunities for Big Data Education and Training Read about three new funding opportunities that support workforce education training related to “big data,” i.e., data sets and databases that are too large or complex for conventional biomedical research approaches. Read the full article.

In The News

Request for Information on Areas of HIV Cure-Related Research Here's your chance to provide input on high-priority research areas aimed at controlling or eradicating HIV as it persists despite optimal antiretroviral treatment. Read the full article.
Provide Info on Multiplex Diagnostic Technologies This request for information is for diagnostic product developers. Consider participating if you're interested in the advanced development of multiplex diagnostic platforms that can detect infectious diseases directly from a blood sample, without a blood culture step. Read the full article.
News Briefs

Advice Corner

e-App Software: Compare to Prepare Long before it's time to submit each electronic application, you should check your software versions to see how they compare with Grants.gov's recommendations Read the full article.
Reader Questions

New Funding Opportunities

See other announcements at NIAID Funding Opportunities List.
Send suggestions or comments to deaweb@niaid.nih.gov .

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