viernes, 4 de abril de 2014

2010 National Mental Health Services Survey Data

2010 National Mental Health Services Survey Data Available
The 2010 National Mental Health Services Survey (N-MHSS) is a biennial survey of specialty mental health treatment facilities. For the first time, its public-use data and documentation files are available for download and online analysis. Detailed findings and tables are available in the 2010 N-MHSS report.
The 2010 N-MHSS includes data on the types of services and special programs offered, types of payments accepted, and number and characteristics of clients being served in mental health treatment facilities.
The study consists of 10,374 records and includes types of mental health treatment facilities, such as:
  • Psychiatric hospitals
  • Non-Federal general hospitals with a separate psychiatric unit
  • Veterans Affairs medical centers
  • Outpatient, day treatment, or partial hospitalization mental health facilities
  • Residential treatment centers for children
  • Residential treatment centers for adults
  • Multisetting (multiservice, nonhospital) mental health facilities.

Contact SAMHDA
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The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Data Archive (SAMHDA) is sponsored by the Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality at SAMHSA, and is located at the Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan. It provides easy access to current and comprehensive data on substance abuse and mental health. All data sets are available for download directly from the SAMHDA website in multiple file formats. In addition, SAMHDA offers online data analysis, tools to customize graphs/charts, interactive maps, bibliographies, and user support.

SAMHDA Print Materials

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