jueves, 3 de abril de 2014

Call for Poster Abstracts: The 2014 National Conference on Health Statistics

Call for Poster Abstracts: The 2014 National Conference on Health Statistics

National Conference on Health Statistics

Now Accepting Poster Abstracts
Deadline: May 9th
2014 national conference on health statistics
The CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics invites you to submit a poster abstract for this year’s Poster Session at the 2014 National Conference on Health Statistics, to be held in late summer in the Washington, DC area. Conference registration is free and attendees will have the opportunity to meet and talk with NCHS staff from all surveys and programs, as well as representatives from other government agencies.  
The objective of the Poster Session is for researchers to present original research on health, health data, and statistics, and to provide a forum for discussion with colleagues interested in their research. Abstract submissions are invited across all topic areas within the field of public health and statistics. The best student abstract submissions and posters will be recognized.
For additional information or to submit an abstract, visit:http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/events/2014nchs/poster_session.htm.

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