martes, 17 de septiembre de 2013

Improving Your Office Testing Process | Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality (AHRQ)

Improving Your Office Testing Process | Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality (AHRQ)

New AHRQ Toolkit Helps Make Care Safer for Patients in Medical Offices

AHRQ has released a new toolkit to help doctors, nurses, and medical office staff improve their processes for tracking, reporting, and following up with patients after medical laboratory tests. “Improving Your Office Testing Process: Toolkit for Rapid-Cycle Patient Safety and Quality Improvement” is part of the Agency’s effort to make care safer for patients in all settings. It offers step-by-step instructions on how to evaluate an office testing process, identify areas where improvement is needed, and address those areas. The toolkit also includes a template for practices to ensure that laboratory test results are communicated effectively to patients in English and Spanish. Select to access the toolkit.

Improving Your Office Testing Process

A Toolkit for Rapid-Cycle Patient Safety and Quality Improvement

This toolkit provides information and resources to help physicians' offices, clinics, and other ambulatory care facilities assess and improve the testing process in their offices.


User Guide
Using the Toolkit
Starting the Improvement Process in Your Office
Assessing Office Readiness
  Office Readiness Survey
  Office Readiness Survey Scoring Sheet
Planning for Improvements
  Planning for Improvements Tool
Assessing Your Testing Process
  Assessing Your Testing Process Survey
  Assessing Your Testing Process Survey Scoring Sheet
Patient Engagement
  Patient Engagement Survey
  Encuesta sobre participación de pacientes (Spanish version)
Using the Patient Handout
  Patient Handout
  Formulario para el Paciente (Spanish version)
Chart Audits
  Chart Audit Tool
Electronic Health Record Evaluation
  Electronic Health Record Evaluation Tool

Project Team
Milton “Mickey” Eder, PhD, Principal Investigator
Director of Research & Evaluation
Access Community Health Network
Chicago, IL
Sandy G. Smith, PhD
University of Chicago
Access Community Health Network
James Cappleman, MSW
John Hickner, MD, MSc
Chairman, Department of Family Medicine
Cleveland Clinic
Nancy Elder, MD
Associate Professor, Department of Family Medicine
University of Cincinnati
Gurdev Singh, MScEng, PhD
Director, University of Buffalo Patient Safety Research Center
SUNY University at Buffalo
Bruce Bagley, MD
American Academy of Family Physicians
Terry McGeeney, MD
James Meisel, MD, FACP
Boston University
John Orzano, MD, MPH
Concord Hospital
Eric Poon, MD, MPH
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Harvard Medical School
Glen Seils, BE
GSeils Consulting
Leif Solberg, MD
HealthPartners Research Foundation
This publication is in the public domain and may be used and reprinted without permission.
These materials were developed with grant support from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ grant HS17911). The opinions presented in this toolkit are those of the authors, who are responsible for its content, and do not necessarily reflect the position of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services or the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.
Current as of August 2013
Internet Citation: Improving Your Office Testing Process: A Toolkit for Rapid-Cycle Patient Safety and Quality Improvement. August 2013. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.

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