miércoles, 9 de abril de 2014

EATG - European AIDS Treatment Group - Capacity Building

EATG - European AIDS Treatment Group - Capacity Building

Continuous Patient Education Program - COPE 

Central, East and South Europe and Central Asia is the only region in the world where the rate of new HIV infection continues to grow despite the global tendency for a decline in the numbers of new infections. Equally, literacy and knowledge levels of HIV treatment remains unevenly distributed in many parts of Europe. Numerous surveys and a comprehensive need-assessment research conducted by EATG have revealed that only few activists in the region have skills and knowledge for effective HIV treatment. Most hospitals, healthcare centres do not have information that could be used by PLWH or groups at-risk when needed.

In light of the above, education targeted at specific groups becomes one of the most viable and effective tools for effective response to HIV/AIDS treatment and prevention in the region. Comprehensive continued education programme assist with clinical support, provides effective strategies to maximize attendance to appointment, and ensures adherence to treatment and support to patients who most need it. European AIDS Treatment Group has developed its Continuous Patient Education Project that offers coverage of broad topics, which are important for those who provide and need treatment, care and support.

The Continuous Patient Education Project (CoPE) is a mechanism for funding the translation, layout, publication and dissemination of printed materials relating to HIV/AIDS treatment and quality of life issues of PLWH.

The overall long-term goal of the Project is to outreach to broad regional audience that needs scientifically-accurate, reliable, user-friendly and patient-oriented information on treatment, care, support, and prevention of HIV/AIDS. We envisage that this project will have ‘a cascade effect,’ with the scope of target community encompassing doctors, patients, and groups at-risk. EATG aims at qualitatively improving its e-library and web archive with information that is tailored to the needs of local communities and reflect the most recent and reliable scientific developments in the research on HIV/AIDS. Additionally, the project strives for providing uninterrupted and free access to its publications for all groups who may need it, synchronizing existing partnerships and establishing new networks of PLWH.

The specific objectives of CoPE projects are:

acquire and promote necessary, objective, reliable and up-to-date knowledge and skills about HIV/AIDS and co-infections among patients, patient groups, groups at-risk, and healthcare providers;

raise awareness and appreciation of facts and issues related to HIV/AIDS treatment among PLWH (such as women, men who have sex with men, injecting drug users, sex workers, migrant communities and other groups at-risk);

-  develop strategic life skills that would lead to AIDS-free life, elimination of stigma, discrimination, and encourage greater openness concerning HIV/AIDS;

offer objective, scientifically-accurate, high-quality, patient-focused and user-friendly overview and summary of relevant health and treatment information on specific and generic HIV-related topics and issues;

engage, support and empower local HIV-positive community for the preparation and development of necessary and relevant treatment materials;

promote policies, peer-to-peer campaigns and policies that favour equal treatment and access, gender equality, effective learning, knowledge sharing, transfer of skills and best practices.

The Continuous Patient Education Project is designed for doctors, care centres, community groups and other health care professionals working within/outside or in collaboration with hospitals and clinics in the countries of Central, East, South Europe, Central Asia and the Baltic States. EATG conducts transparent selection process and allocates the funds on the basis of the following criteria: demonstrated need, proven record of continued involvement with HIV-related issues; and with realistic potential for impact on local level.

All publications under CoPE project are widely disseminated at local and national level in the target countries. The publications in the format of brochures, fact-sheets, postcards, posters, flyers about HIV/AIDS treatment and prevention are also used as support materials to EATG training activities. Their electronic versions circulate through EATG mailing lists and will be available online on EATG (and other partners) websites. In addition, the project contributes to our continued update of CoPE e-library and web archive found at http://www.eatg.org Furthermore, the materials are used for conducting EATG’s yearly need-assessment questionnaires and reports on the production and dissemination of reliable and accurate information.

A value-added benefit of the project is comprehensive system of reporting and liaising. By providing funding to local partner organisation, we expect the recipients of the funding to report on the impact and scope of dissemination of printed materials. Additionally, we encourage the beneficiaries to establish and foster linkages between local partner organisations in their effort of knowledge sharing and the transfer of skills. Finally, the CoPE team liaises with all relevant patient groups in order to continuously update information on HIV/AIDS treatment and seek new opportunities for dissemination of printed materials through links in external webpages.

In the last 13 years, we have supported the translation of publications in Albanian, Armenian, Bulgarian, Czech, Estonian, Georgian, Hungarian, Italian, Kosovar, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovakian, Slovenian and Turkish.

If you are interested in applying for funding under CoPE project, please return the completed application form available below to the address indicated on the form. Alternatively, you can email us at office [at] eatg.org if you may have any further questions.

Below is a list of publications that have been translated over these years in their different editions:

  • Introduction to Combination Therapy (HIV i-Base)  
  • Avoiding and Managing Side Effects (HIV i-Base)
  • Mieux Vivre avec son Traitement anti-VIH (REMAIDES)
  • Changing Treatment (HIV i-Base)
  • Glossary (NAM)
  • CD4 and Viral Load (NAM)
  • HIV and Hepatitis (NAM)
  • Hepatitis C (ABRACO Portugal)
  • Glossary + Clinical Trial + ARV drugs (NAM)
  • HIV Pregnancy and Women’s Health (HIV i-Base)
  • Life Goes on, Informative Booklet for Prisoners (Imena+)
  • HIV and Hepatitis C + HIV Co-Infection (NATAP)
  • Adherence to Antiretroviral Treatment +Nutrition (NAM)
  • Training guidelines for the prevention of HIV sexual transmission: safe sex straight talk (International HIV/AIDS Alliance Ukraine)
  • HIV & Sex (NAM)
  • HIV and your quality of life: a guide to side effects and other complications (HIV i-Base)
  • Emergency guidance on ART forced treatment interruptions due to drug unavailability for people living with HIV and their care providers in Europe and Central Asia (EATG)
  • Training manuals HIV treatment advocacy; HIV treatment literacy (EATG)
  • Treatment Directory (Plus and Minus Foundation)
  • UNAIDS guidance note on HIV and sex work
  • UNAIDS action framework on MSM
  • Protecting drug users (UNAIDS)
  • HIV and Tuberculosis (NAM)
  • Adherence (NAM)
  • Viral load & CD4 (NAM)
You can upload some of the publications from our archive viaarchive

CoPE Application Form_Russian.xls (0.25) MB
Cope Application_English Version.xls (0.26) MB

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