miércoles, 9 de abril de 2014

MMWR Vol. 63 / Early Release

MMWR Vol. 63 / Early Release

MMWR Early Release
Vol. 63, Early Release
April 8, 2014

In this Issue

Vital Signs: Births to Teens Aged 15–17 Years — United States, 1991–2012
Shanna Cox, MSPH, Karen Pazol, PhD, Lee Warner, PhD, et al.
MMWR Early Release
Vol. 63, Early Release
April 8, 2014 

Teens who give birth at age 15–17 years are at increased risk for adverse medical and social outcomes of teen pregnancy. To examine trends in the rate and proportion of births to teens aged 15–19 years that were to teens aged 15–17 years, CDC analyzed 1991–2012 National Vital Statistics System data. National Survey of Family Growth data from 2006–2010 were used to examine sexual experience, contraceptive use, and receipt of prevention opportunities among female teens aged 15–17 years. This report summarizes the results of that analysis.

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