jueves, 11 de mayo de 2017



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Published Date: 2017-05-11 09:26:13
Subject: PRO/AH/EDR> Anthrax - Switzerland (02): (JU) bovine
Archive Number: 20170511.5026815
A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the
International Society for Infectious Diseases

Date: Wed 10 May 2017
Source: Basler Zeitung [in German trans. Corr.SZ, edited]

In the canton (district) of Jura, a cow died of anthrax. The authorities are reacting. The pathogen is dangerous for humans.

The cow died suddenly on a pasture in the canton of Jura. A lab test has now confirmed that the animal was infected with anthrax. The infectious disease 'Milzbrand' also known as Anthrax is dangerous for humans. Therefore, the authorities have taken measures and cordoned off the affected holding. Humans who had been in contact with the cow that had died have been advised to be medically cleared, according to communication from the canton. The animal is likely to have become infected at a place where an infected carcass had previously been buried [Yet to be identified. - Mod.MHJ].

The pathogen _Bacillus anthracis_ mainly affects cattle and sheep, infections of horses and goats are rare. ['Infrequent' would be more accurate . - Mod.MHJ] In ruminants the disease causes acute mortality. The animals suddenly collapse, and bloody discharge from the nose, mouth and other openings is seen. Swelling and a brownish-black discolouration of the spleen are typical signs.

In former times the pathogen was common, nowadays it has almost been exterminated in many places. In Switzerland, the last outbreak was in the Canton of Schwyz in 1997 and in the Canton of Jura in 1993. Human infection is rare. According to the Federal Office of Public Health, worldwide there are about 2000 human cases every year. In Switzerland, in 2014, a person was affected who had been in contact with cows in Turkey. Infection spread from person to person is considered very unlikely.

[Byline: Tages-Anzeiger]

Communicated by:
Sabine Zentis
Castleview English Longhorns
Gut Laach
D-52385 Nideggen

[It has been confirmed. Good. And I imagine more than a few laboratories are asking to do the genomic identification. If the 1993 Jura strain was archived, unfortunately not likely, it would be valuable to know if there is a match. If it has occurred on a different farm the investigation becomes more intense. Even in the most organised countries there are always events that do not get reported, and maybe the farmer, or his father, can remember what happened in prior years. So far a puzzler and we look forward to seeing what comes out of the investigations.

A map showing the location of this outbreak is in the previous report.-- 8 May 2017 Anthrax - Switzerland: (JU) bovine 20170508.5021892, and a HealthMap/ProMED-mail map can be accessed at: http://healthmap.org/promed/p/105.

And with thanks to Sabine for her translation. - Mod.MHJ]

See Also

Anthrax - Switzerland: (JU) bovine 20170508.5021892
Anthrax - Switzerland ex Turkey: (AN) human, bovine 20140828.2731401

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