sábado, 13 de mayo de 2017



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Published Date: 2017-05-12 20:13:59
Subject: PRO/EDR> Poliomyelitis update (06): Syria (DY), cVDPV susp
Archive Number: 20170512.5032401
A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the
International Society for Infectious Diseases

Date: Fri 12 May 2017
From: A reliable source known to ProMED-mail [edited]

The current information is that there is a cluster of 23 AFP [acute flaccid paralysis] cases in Miadin district, with one of the specimens having a possible vaccine derived poliovirus (VDPV). Samples were sent to Atlanta for further testing.

A concern is that the VDPV is a cVDPV [circulating vaccine derived poliovirus] which is now considered to be just like a wild polio. (The virus is a type 2 virus).

The investigation will reveal the status of this case and the hope is that it will be ambiguous or perhaps in an immune deficient individual.

Communicated by:
A reliable source known to ProMED-mail

[This is the 1st validation we have received of the media report of [Fri 5 May 2017] which mentioned a cluster of suspected polio cases in Deir al Zour Syria (see Poliomyelitis update (05): Syria (DY) susp, RFI 20170506.5015784). In the original media report, there was mention of 15 suspected cases, in this current report there is mention of 23 cases of AFP in the same area. As this is an area of civil strife, and an area that had an outbreak of WPV (wild poliovirus) associated polio in 2013 at which time there were vaccination campaigns. It is possible that with the lower routine vaccination coverages, there may well be circulation of a vaccine derived poliovirus among the inadequately vaccinated population. The mention that a type 2 poliovirus was identified would be consistent with a VDPV as WPV2 has not been identified as associated with paralytic poliomyelitis since October 1999 and was declared as eradicated.

We await further news on the ongoing investigation and results of further laboratory studies.

A map of Syria showing provinces can be found at http://www.emapsworld.com/images/syria-provinces-map.gif. Deir Al Zour is referred to as Dayr az Zawr in this map.

The HealthMap/ProMED map of Syria can be found at http://healthmap.org/promed/p/86. - Mod.MPP

A HealthMap/ProMED-mail map can be accessed at: http://healthmap.org/promed/p/60399.]

See Also

Poliomyelitis update (05): Syria (DY) susp, RFI 20170506.5015784
Poliomyelitis update (04): fractional IPV 20170430.5003843
Poliomyelitis update (03): Pakistan (GB, IS, PB), environmental samples, global 20170316.4905775
Poliomyelitis update (02): Pakistan (GB) WPV1 20170314.4901037
Poliomyelitis (01): Pakistan (GB), global, RFI 20170314.4898724
Poliomyelitis update (21): IPV shortage, global 20161231.4733243
Poliomyelitis update (01): India, VDPV, wild type-free 20160115.3939297
Poliomyelitis - update (03): Lebanon ex Syria, susp, global, RFI 20140312.2328674
Poliomyelitis update (28): Syria, global, WHO 20131128.2078961
Poliomyelitis update (26): Syria, WHO 20131115.2050618
Poliomyelitis update (25): Syria (DZ) conf, WHO 20131030.2027954
Poliomyelitis update (24): Syria susp, Cameroon, global 20131024.2019404
Poliomyelitis update (23): Syria susp., global, RFI 20131020.2010654

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