MMWR – Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report
MMWR News Synopsis for August, 22, 2013
1. Occupational Highway Transportation Deaths Among Workers Aged ≥55 Years — United States, 2003–2010In light of high rates of fatal motor vehicle crashes among older workers, employer policies and programs (e.g., flexible scheduling, trip planning, information on the effects of medications on driving, and health screenings) can help older workers drive more safely on the job.
2. Japanese Encephalitis Surveillance and Immunization — Asia and the Western Pacific, 2012
Japanese encephalitis (JE) is an important public health problem, but this serious disease is preventable by vaccination. Safe and effective vaccines are available, and prequalification by the World Health Organization is pending.
3. Polio Field Census Conducted Among Underserved Populations — Nigeria, 2012–2013
Through NSTOP, highly educated and culturally competent Nigerian public health professionals are expanding access to previously unreached settlements, thus improving the polio vaccination coverage in Northern Nigeria and contributing to the end of polio.
4. Investigational Drug for the Treatment of Free-Living Ameba Infections Now Available Directly from CDC
CDC has a potentially life-saving drug available for physicians to use in the treatment of free-living ameba infections. Infections caused by free-living amebae (FLA), which includes the “brain-eating ameba” Naegleria fowleri, are severe and life-threatening and effective treatment is lacking. Miltefosine has shown activity against FLA in the laboratory.
5. Notes from the Field
Eye Injuries Sustained at a Foam Party — Collier County, Florida 2012Read More>>
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