America’s New Health Insurance Marketplace
On October 1, you’ll be able to search for healthcare coverage options, get accurate information on the plans available in your state and make apples-to-apples comparisons of private insurance plans and their prices.
In the new Health Insurance Marketplace you’ll be able to look for insurance that fits your budget and meets your needs. Coverage starts as soon as January 1, 2014.
But no one has to wait until October to learn more. and are ready right now with information on the Marketplace. Or you can call 1-800-318-2596, any time day or night. Hearing impaired callers using TTY/TDD technology can call 1-855-889-4325 for assistance.
After October 1, the Marketplace will be the place to search for health coverage options, get accurate information on the plans available in your state and make apples-to-apples comparisons of private insurance plans and their prices.
All plans offered through the Marketplace must offer essential health benefits – including doctor’s visits, hospital stays, preventive services, prescription drugs and mental health services.
Only plans offered in the Marketplace offer new lower cost options, including new tax credits that lower premiums right away. When you apply for coverage in the Marketplace, one streamlined application will cover everything including eligibility for Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). With that same application, you’ll find out if you are eligible for lower costs on your premiums or out-of-pocket costs based on income.
Visit to learn more.
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