sábado, 8 de agosto de 2015

Cessation Outcomes Among Quitline Callers in Three States During a National Tobacco Education Campaign

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Cessation Outcomes Among Quitline Callers in Three States During a National Tobacco Education Campaign

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Cessation Outcomes Among Quitline Callers in Three States During a National Tobacco Education Campaign

Katrina A. Vickerman, PhD; Lei Zhang, PhD; Ann Malarcher, PhD; Paul Mowery, MA; Chelsea Nash

Suggested citation for this article: Vickerman KA, Zhang L, Malarcher A, Mowery P, Nash C. Cessation Outcomes Among Quitline Callers in Three States During a National Tobacco Education Campaign. Prev Chronic Dis 2015;12:150024. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5888/pcd12.150024.


Antismoking mass media campaigns, such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Tips from Former Smokers (Tips) campaign, increase the number of tobacco users calling tobacco quitlines. Few studies have investigated long-term tobacco use cessation for callers during antismoking media campaigns. Studies have suggested that callers during campaigns may be less committed to quitting and have lower quit rates. This study examines tobacco user cessation outcomes 7 months after quitline enrollment during the 2012 Tips campaign (March 19 through June 10, 2012).
We analyzed data for 715 tobacco users who enrolled in the Nebraska, North Carolina, or Texas state quitline multiple-call programs during the 2012 Tips campaign and responded to a 7-month postenrollment survey (38.5% survey response rate). We used multivariable logistic regression analyses to determine whether 7-day and 30-day point prevalence abstinence rates 7 months after enrollment were related to level of exposure to the campaign.
In multivariable models, only lower nicotine dependence and higher call completion were associated with higher odds of 7-day and 30-day abstinence 7 months after enrollment. Tips campaign exposure was not associated with abstinence.
Once enrolled in quitline counseling, quitline callers achieved similar outcomes regardless of Tips campaign exposure levels. While the campaign did not appear to directly affect odds of tobacco abstinence through quitlines, antismoking mass media campaigns such as Tips are valuable in increasing tobacco users’ exposure to quitlines and thus increasing their likelihood of making a quit attempt and eventually achieving tobacco abstinence.


The findings and conclusions in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This research was funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The Nebraska, North Carolina, and Texas state quitlines funded the collection of the 7-month survey data analyzed in this study as part of their quitline program evaluation plan. The authors thank Tim McAfee, MD, and Susan Zbikowski, PhD, for their review and feedback on this manuscript and for input on the study design. The authors also thank Audrey Snow and Oliver Lundt for their help extracting data for this project. We also acknowledge the 3 state quitlines that participated in the study.

Author Information

Corresponding Author: Katrina A. Vickerman, Research, Training and Evaluation Services, Alere Wellbeing, 999 Third Ave, Ste 2000, Seattle, WA 98104. Telephone: 206-876-2363. Email:Katrina.Vickerman@alere.com.
Author Affiliations: Lei Zhang, Ann Malarcher, Office on Smoking and Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia; Paul Mowery, Biostatistics, Inc, Atlanta, Georgia; Chelsea Nash, Alere Wellbeing, Seattle, Washington.


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