Contenidos Copyright by Cerasale, Víctor Norberto. Salta, Argentina. 2008 a 2015.
LUNES 31 de AGOSTO de 2015
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visitas registradas por Google+ 486,1 MILLONES!!!
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LECTORES acumulados desde enero 2009 a la fecha: 2.976.770
LECTORES totales conjuntos (todos los blogs: [5]): 14.027.953
Páginas consultadas desde el inicio de los blogs (3): > 218,7 millones
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Documentos EDITADOS durante el mes de AGOSTO de 2015: 855
Documentos acumulados en 2015: 7.701
Documentos editados desde el inicio del blog (2008/2015): 54.246
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Páginas vistas en el último mes: 83.563
Universo de páginas visitadas en el último mes (AGOSTO 2015): 329.984
Universo de páginas visitadas en el último mes (AGOSTO 2015): 329.984
Páginas vistas (historial completo): 2.976.770
Documentos totales editados en los blog´s ► 187.526
Documentos totales editados en los blog´s ► 187.526
Muchas gracias a TODOS, por seguir sumando.

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Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2015 (7701)
- ▼ agosto (855)
- RSVP for AHRQ CAHPS Pre-Conference Session
- CDER SBIA Update: Nonproprietary Naming of Biologi...
- Toma de contacto entre el presidente de la OMC y e...
- Alonso defiende que los 'sin papeles' deben estar ...
- El gasto farmacéutico tuvo un aumento del 0,95% en...
- La OMS recomienda a los gobiernos establecer bajas...
- “Una subida salarial anual del 1% es un insulto a ...
- El verano que cambió la foto del Consejo Interterr...
- Register Now: September 10 Webinar on Health IT Sa...
- CDER New August 31, 2015
- 1 de septiembre - Taller de Intensificación Terapé...
- Los farmacólogos critican la venta de cigarrillos ...
- Los sindicatos piden una "política integral de emp...
- Condena por no intervenir de urgencia una isquemia...
- Madrid reforzará los protocolos ante los casos de ...
- Valencia: más de 2.200 beneficiados por la 'nueva'...
- Sanidad y CCAA debaten asistencia a 'sin papeles' ...
- Register Now: Online TeamSTEPPS Master Trainings
- PA-15-339: AHRQ Health Services Research Projects:...
- El escaneo automatizado de la retinopatía diabétic...
- B SAFE ofrece un desfibrilador que se adapta a tod...
- UrCare, una App de Novartis, hace el seguimiento d...
- "AXA es una compañía con la que, si yo fuera médic...
- "Hemos cambiado el peso del ingreso hacia la ambul...
- El Hospital Clínico San Carlos, primer hospital pú...
- FDA Law Blog: Priority Review Voucher Updates: Val...
- Assessment of Characteristics of State Data Linkag...
- BMC Infectious Diseases | Full text | Evaluation o...
- BMC Infectious Diseases | Article collections | Se...
- BMC Infectious Diseases | Full text | Developing a...
- BMC Infectious Diseases | Full text | People with ...
- Read essential new research from BMC Infectious Di...
- Infografía Sobre La Violencia Doméstica | UNE Onli...
- ProMED-mail
- Funding News from Fogarty Int'l Center at NIH
- Recursos de aprendizaje para entornos virtuales
- Genomics|Features|Mendelian Randomization
- Genomics|Update|Infectious Diseases ► Advanced Mol...
- The Limits of FDA's Authority to Regulate Clinical...
- The gene patent controversy on Twitter: a case stu...
- Pharmacogenomics, human genetic diversity and the ...
- Military Health Care Dilemmas and Genetic Discrimi...
- Ethical considerations in presymptomatic diagnosis...
- An Unfulfilled Promise: Changes Needed to the Drug...
- Genomics|Update|Non Communicable Diseases ► Human ...
- Genomics|Features|Precision Medicine
- Summit Overview - NORD (National Organization for ...
- The 7th Annual Personalized and Precision Medicine...
- Precision Cancer Screening in the General Populati...
- Genomics|Update|Current: CDC-Authored Genomics Pub...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: ¡Felíz día del abogado!
- BioEdge: the latest news and articles about bioeth...
- Headlines: College Students Initiate Substance Use...
- Headlines: College Students Initiate Substance Use...
- Headlines: College Students Initiate Substance Use...
- Did You Know? | Just one click to community health...
- What's New in Health IT
- Cursos virtuales que inician en septiembre
- The Dialogue: Remembering Katrina
- #Katrina10: The Power of Community
- UNICEF celebra la eliminación del tétanos materno ...
- Asturias traslada al HUCA la cirugía del Carmen y ...
- Unos 800 epidemiólogos abordarán en Santiago de Co...
- Clinical Guidelines and Recommendations | Agency f...
- Innovative Adaptation and Dissemination of AHRQ Co...
- National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report...
- FDA Law Blog: FDA Semi-Decides the Biosimilar Nami...
- La administración no puede responder de un contagi...
- Indemnización de 40.000 euros por daño moral deriv...
- CDRH New Update
- CDER New August 28, 2015
- Register Now for AHRQ Webinar on Rapid Cycle Resea...
- PP y UPN pactan 3 millones para campañas de preven...
- Confirmado que el caso de chikungunya de Villarrea...
- El PSOE pide al consejero de Sanidad que se cumpla...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Vivimos más años, pero conv...
- Drug Shortages Update
- ProMED-mail
- Sanidad quiere que los sin papeles acrediten que n...
- Assessment of Characteristics of State Data Linkag...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Addressing Behaviors...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Preventing Falls Wit...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► SIDM Diagnostic Fell...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► How your hospital ca...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► 'Speaking up' about ...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Resident supervision...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Reducing errors thro...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Leadership style and...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Early diagnostic sug...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► A Patient Safety Rou...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Blame the patient, b...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Bedside shift-to-shi...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Obstetric safety and...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Nurse interrupted: d...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► A piece of my mind. ...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Teaching Clinical Re...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Safely Home: What Ha...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Medical costs of Alz...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Prevalence, nature, ...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Problem list complet...
- MMWR Vol. 64 / No. 33
- CDC MMWR- Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) H...
- MMWR Vol. 64 / No. SS-7 ► Active Transportation Su...
- Electronic Staffing Data Submission PBJ Update
- For U.S. Healthcare Settings: Donning and Doffing ...
- Guidance on Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) To...
- CDC provides Ebola PPE guidance clarifications to ...
- Drug Shortages Update
- What's New at CBER Update
- AHRQ’s State Snapshots measure health care quality...
- Register for AHRQ CAHPS® Webcast: Introducing the ...
- Safe Healthcare | Hosted by CDC’s Division of Heal...
- Press Announcements > FDA takes action against thr...
- CMS NEWS: CMS to Extend Initiative to Improve Care...
- Naming and Biological Products | FDA Voice
- Mosquito tigre: Sanidad ultima un plan para formar...
- CDRH New Update
- Partnership Post: National Immunization Awareness ...
- Save the Date - CDC Grand Rounds Presents “Prevent...
- Psychosis Treatment Program Expands in New York
- Moving? You may qualify for a Special Enrollment P...
- Drug Shortages Update
- 1999-2012 United States Cancer Statistics Report R...
- What's New at CBER Update
- EHC Update: Draft Research White Paper on EPC Meth...
- AHRQ Impact Case Studies | Agency for Healthcare R...
- Request for Assistance on Health Initiatives | Age...
- Stony Brook University Uses AHRQ's TeamSTEPPS®, Ot...
- AHRQ's RED Toolkit Helps Lower Readmissions in Dig...
- Aurora Health Care Embraces AHRQ’s CUSP Method to ...
- CDER New August 27, 2015
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Nuevo Código Civil: Claves ...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Amparo en reclamo de cobert...
- FDA Law Blog: FDA Clashes with Congress Regarding ...
- Observatorio de Salud UBA: Crearán registro de pac...
- Infectious Disease Resources: Learn From Past Outb...
- ¿Por qué es importante planificar en salud?
- Asturias: desarrollan una aplicación móvil para co...
- El PSOE pide a Alonso explicaciones sobre las mult...
- Defensa de la Sanidad Pública asegura que la subid...
- FDA Basics > Upcoming Webinar-Food Safety: Bad Wea...
- Medical Device Safety and Recalls: Teleflex Medica...
- CDRH Industry: Public Workshop - In Vitro Diagnost...
- Re-Engineered Discharge (RED) Toolkit | Agency for...
- TeamSTEPPS®: Strategies and Tools to Enhance Perfo...
- CUSP Toolkit | Agency for Healthcare Research & Qu...
- Wisconsin Critical Access Hospital Sees Big Result...
- Community Health Worker Agencies Partner With Emer...
- Patient trust in physician influences colorectal c...
- Imaging Techniques for the Diagnosis of Hepatocell...
- Reconsidering the age thresholds for type II diabe...
- Patient-centered outcomes research in radiology: t...
- Increased Newborn and Mother Hospital Stays Relate...
- Neonatal and Maternal Hospital Stays Related to Su...
- The weekend effect for patients with sepsis presen...
- Regional variation in urinary catheter use and cat...
- Same-Hospital Readmission Rates as a Measure of Pe...
- Multidrug-resistant organism infections in US nurs...
- Trends in Observed Adult Inpatient Mortality for H...
- Racial and ethnic disparities in healthcare-associ...
- Mosquito tigre: Un centenar de casos de chikunguny...
- CDER New August 26, 2015
- CDRH New Update
- FDA Law Blog: FDA Releases Primer on Rare Disease ...
- AHRQ Issue Brief: Harnessing the Power of Data | A...
- Cifuentes ordena dar ya asistencia sanitaria a los...
- CMS NEWS: Medicare ACOs Continue to Improve Qualit...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Enfermedades Poco Frecuente...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Santiago del Estero: la doc...
- Draft Guide Can Help Energy Companies Reduce Cyber...
- Drug Shortages Update
- MMWR Vol. 64 / Early Release ► Human Plague — Unit...
- Cancelled: September 1, 2015 National Training Pro...
- Data Submission for AHRQ Medical Office Survey
- FDA, From a Distance | FDA Voice
- Consumer Updates > FDA's MedWatch Safety Alerts fo...
- La propuesta de ley sobre el aborto se enfrenta ho...
- Sanidad quiere crear un registro para los 'sin pap...
- Allergan Issues Voluntary Nationwide Recall In The...
- CDER New August 25, 2015
- ProMED-mail
- What's New at CBER Update
- FDA Law Blog: FDA Sets Expectations for Improving ...
- CDRH New Update
- Mosquito tigre: Sanidad vigila el virus chikunguny...
- Financing Care Transitions for Individuals at Risk...
- The Video and Presentation Slides from the August ...
- NIOSH Research Rounds - August, 2015
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Presentación del libro "Est...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: La salud mental también dij...
- Innovative Practices in Medication Assisted Treatm...
- CDC - NIOSH Numbered Publications: All Publication...
- Drug Information Update - FDA extends use of drug ...
- CDC - What's New on the NIOSH Website
- CDC - Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation(F...
- Development of HCBS Quality Measures Webinar
- NGC Update Service: August 24, 2015 ► American Col...
- NQMC Update Service: August 24, 2015 ► Conference ...
- NQMC Update Service: August 24, 2015 ► Health Awar...
- More new Quality of Trauma in Adult Care (QTAC) Te...
- NQMC Update Service: August 24, 2015 ► Quality of ...
- Sanidad y CCAA planificarán la atención al inmigra...
- Más gasto farmacéutico de los hospitales por los n...
- Aborto: Una decena de senadores del PP baraja romp...
- CDER New August 24, 2015
- Investigación y normas de buena práctica clínica
- Última semana para enviar su abstract para la Prim...
- NOT-HS-15-013: Change in Budget Limit Change for A...
- FDA Law Blog: FTC Staff Recommends That FDA Recons...
- FDA Law Blog: AbbVie Presses FDA to Make Biosimila...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Un niño nacido mediante téc...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Un paso más para la plena i...
- Recently Posted FDA Guidance Documents on medical ...
- Genomics|Features|GINA
- Genomics|Features|Genetic Counseling
- Genomics|Features|Electronic Health Records
- Genomics|Features|Economics
- Genomics|Features|Data Sharing
- Genomics|Resources|Data and Statistics
- Genomics|Features|Cancer Genomics
- Genomics|Features|Informatics
- Genomics|Features|Biobanks
- Ethical issues in using Twitter for public health ...
- Big data - a 21st century science Maginot Line? No...
- Data Science at NIH
- Data analysis: Create a cloud commons : Nature New...
- Advancing U.S. Leadership in High-Performance Comp...
- Genomics|Features|Data
- PHG Foundation | Why Public Health England should ...
- Precision medicine: Beyond the inflection point. -...
- A Critical Need for Clinical Context in the Genomi...
- Clinical Impact and Cost-Effectiveness of Whole Ex...
- Extending the surrogacy analogy: applying the adva...
- One Size Doesn't Fit All - RefEditor: Building Per...
- Genomics|Update|Current ► Select Events
- Attitudes of clinicians following large-scale phar...
- Genomics|Update|Infectious Diseases ▲ Advanced Mol...
- Genomics|Update|Non Communicable Diseases ▲ Human ...
- What's New at CBER Update
- Register to Join Us! -- 50th Anniversary Celebrati...
- Inmigración: Acceso a la sanidad | Opinión | EL PA...
- BioEdge: the latest news and articles about bioeth...
- Starting August 26: SAMHSA National Advisory Counc...
- Jornada Diálogos en Construcción. Familias con niñ...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network - Patient Safety Prime...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► 2015 AHRQ Research C...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► MITSS HOPE Award.
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Simulation in Surgic...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Stop the noise: a qu...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Getting the wrong pe...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► International Forum ...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Use of in-situ simul...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Validating a decisio...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Test result communic...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Separating residents...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Frequency and severi...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Effect of a ward-bas...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Beyond the team: und...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► An evaluation of the...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Taking patients' nar...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Health information e...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► A method of addressi...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Enhancing Surgical P...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Preventability of ho...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Ambulance diversion ...
- Madrid anuncia que también dará tarjeta a los inmi...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Hospital board and m...
- What's New in Health IT
- Physicians, Nurses and Allied Health Professionals...
- Public Health Emergency Weekly Report
- ISID/ProMED Symposium on Emerging Inf. Diseases at...
- Videos | AHRQ Health Care Innovations Exchange
- Partnering With Patients and Families To Improve H...
- Reducing Emergency Care by Connecting Frequent Use...
- Home - AHRQ Research Conference
- ProMED-mail
- Valencia: el PSOE buscará crear un fondo de compen...
- PSOE ve "inadmisible amenazar" a las CCAA por devo...
- Castilla-La Mancha y OMC expresan su "colaboración...
- Healthy and Strong Tribal Communities
- CDC MMWR- Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report
- MMWR Vol. 64 / No. 32
- HHS Partnership Center Newsletter
- CDC - NIOSH Update - NIOSH Press Releases and Upda...
- CDER New August 21, 2015
- Moving? You may qualify for a Special Enrollment P...
- DLS|HEALTHCARE NEWS|August 20, 2015
- Antibiotic Resistance Threats Report and Foodborne...
- Antibiotic Resistance from the Farm to the Table |...
- 2013 Annual Human Isolates Report | NARMS Reports ...
- CDC - National Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring...
- CDC - National Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring...
- New CDC tool shows antibiotic resistance changes f...
- Seat Belts: Get the Facts | Motor Vehicle Safety |...
- CDRH New Update
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Provincia promulga ley para...
- What's New at CBER Update
- FDA Law Blog: FSMA Accreditation of Third-Party Au...
- CDC - August 2015 Edition - Public Health Law News...
- Valeant compra la compañía del ‘viagra’ femenino |...
- CDER New August 20, 2015
- AHRQ’s Work Helps Convince Army Medical Center to ...
- More Vets Get Choice in Healthcare
- FDA Law Blog: GAO Reports on DEA’s Interactions wi...
- CDRH New Update
- EHC Update: Draft Report on Omega-3 Fatty Acids an...
- Products - NHIS Early Release Program - Homepage ►...
- Products - NHIS Early Release Program - Homepage ►...
- Products - NHIS Early Release Program - Homepage ►...
- Products - NHIS Early Release Program - Homepage ►...
- APS Draft Guidelines: We Want to Hear From You
- Special Notice Regarding the Home Health Compare P...
- Rural Health Open Door Forum Update
- Statement on the Passing of Congressman Louis Stok...
- NIAID Funding News, August 19, 2015
- What is Regulatory Science? (video-full version)
- The Rulemaking Process: A Primer by FDA
- FDA's New Food Safety Law
- NIOSH eNews FLASH - August 2015 ► NIOSH’S PARTNER ...
- CDER SBIA Update: FDA Revised MAPP Enhances Commun...
- FDA warns health care professionals not to use com...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: La reforma del Código Civil...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Respaldo para los jubilados...
- CDRH Industry: Correction - Medical Device Export ...
- Automonitoreo glucémico - Curso Educadores en diab...
- Workshops, Meetings & Conferences (Biologics) > Pu...
- AHRQ WebM&M: Morbidity and Mortality Rounds on the...
- AHRQ WebM&M: Morbidity and Mortality Rounds on the...
- AHRQ WebM&M: Morbidity and Mortality Rounds on the...
- AHRQ WebM&M: Morbidity and Mortality Rounds on the...
- AHRQ WebM&M: Morbidity and Mortality Rounds on the...
- AHRQ Web M&M Examines Challenges in Protecting Pat...
- A Randomized Trial Examining Three Strategies for ...
- AHRQ’s State Snapshots Measure Health Care Quality...
- Ambulatory surgery centers and outpatient procedur...
- The weekend effect for patients with sepsis presen...
- The association between age, sex, and hospital-acq...
- Opening Plenary Speakers Announced for AHRQ Resear...
- Protective effect of methicillin-susceptible Staph...
- Report Finds Gaps in Evidence for Best Ways To Cle...
- Health care utilization and receipt of preventive ...
- A hospital-specific template for benchmarking its ...
- Potentially Preventable Pediatric Hospital Inpatie...
- Current quality of cardiovascular prevention for M...
- Register Now: Introduction to AHRQ's New Practice ...
- CDRH Industry: Medical Device Export Certificates:...
- U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) Generic Drug...
- What's New at CBER Update
- CDER New August 19, 2015
- Press Announcements > FDA approves first treatment...
- FDA MedWatch - Compounded Drugs Stored in Becton-D...
- Core Functionality in Pediatric Electronic Health ...
- FDA Law Blog: Clearing the Air on Pre-GDUFA Year 3...
- Environmental Cleaning for the Prevention of Healt...
- Challenges in Conducting EPC Reviews of Behavior C...
- CDRH New Update
- ProMED-mail
- FDA MedWatch - OxyTOTE Portable Oxygen Unit by Wes...
- CDRH Industry: Class II Special Controls Guideline...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Ciclo de Charlas sobre Étic...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: 8vas. Conferencias de CADIM...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: La Justicia autoriza a paci...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Salud dicta curso sobre imp...
- NCHS Health E-Stat Update ► Percentage of Adults A...
- Galicia promueve una plataforma que facilitará el ...
- State Snapshots | Agency for Healthcare Research &...
- Kicking off the PDUFA VI Reauthorization Process |...
- CDRH Industry: : Announcing the International Medi...
- Best Practices in Cyber Supply Chain Risk Manageme...
- 5th Annual Consumer Summit Registration Now Open
- CDC Grand Rounds Presents “Adolescence: Preparing ...
- e-boletín Drogas y Medicamentos N° 67. Col. Farmac...
- No se reconoce la experiencia MIR en otra especial...
- Indemnización de 50.000 euros por contagio de hepa...
- Denegado el complemento reconocido de carrera prof...
- Boi Ruiz avala la propuesta del COMB de suspender ...
- Public Comment on Draft Recommendation Statement a...
- CDER New August 18, 2015
- NGC Update Service: August 17, 2015 ► American Col...
- National Guideline Clearinghouse | Care of the ped...
- FDA MedWatch - Mammograms at Boston Diagnostic Ima...
- What's New at CBER Update
- NIST Hosts 2015 Cybersecurity Innovation Forum, Se...
- News & Events > Director's Corner Podcasts
- FDA Law Blog: Merger Mania: Consolidation and the ...
- CDRH New Update
- Aragón, Valencia, Baleares y Cantabria devuelven l...
- The Fine Art of Balancing Protection with Self Det...
- CRE and C. difficile: Is Your Healthcare Facility ...
- Dating Matters - Understanding Teen Dating Violenc...
- Updates for 2015 National Conference on Health Sta...
- NQMC Update Service: August 17, 2015 ► Agency for ...
- NQMC Update Service: August 17, 2015 ► Health Awar...
- NQMC Update Service: August 17, 2015 ► American Po...
- NQMC Update Service: August 17, 2015 ► Centers for...
- Quality of Trauma in Adult Care (QTAC) Team, Unive...
- NIAID Email Alert: Funding Opportunity - AIDS Vacc...
- NIAID Email Alert: Commercialization Accelerator P...
- CDRH Industry: Global Unique Device Identification...
- CDRH Industry: Select Updates for Non-Clinical Eng...
- Medical Device Safety: Problem with Quality of Mam...
- New from AHRQ – A Guide for Conducting Rapid-Cycle...
- NCCoE Seeks Vendors to Develop Model Systems for C...
- CDRH Industry: Endotoxin Testing Recommendations f...
- CDER New August 17, 2015
- CDRH New Update
- FDA Law Blog: You’re Better Than My Last Dance Par...
- Tropical Diseases, Travel Medicine and Vaccines: R...
- ProMED-mail
- What's New at CBER Update
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: “El derecho de la salud en ...
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Y...
- Public Health Emergency Weekly Report
- The benefits of health insurance through the Marke...
- You may qualify for a Special Enrollment Period:
- BioEdge: the latest news and articles about bioeth...
- Desde hace diez años promoviendo la formación y ac...
- Translational research is a key to nongeneticist p...
- Genomics|Features|Education
- Genomics|Features|Precision Medicine
- Genomics|Update|Infectious Diseases ► Advanced Mol...
- SpeedSeq: ultra-fast personal genome analysis and ...
- Return of genetic testing results in the era of wh...
- Chloe's Law: A Powerful Legislative Movement Chall...
- Genomics|Update|Non Communicable Diseases ► Human ...
- Genomics|Update|Current: Select Events
- Genomics|Update|Current: Funding Opportunities
- Genomics|Update|Current: CDC-Authored Genomics Pub...
- The Future of Epidemiology in the Age of Precision...
- Genomics|Features|Epidemiology
- Genomics|Features|Genetic Counseling
- FDA Law Blog: Recent OIG Advisory Opinions Involvi...
- FDA Law Blog: FDA Prevails in Challenge Over Methy...
- Recently posted FDA guidance on drugs, medical dev...
- 2014 AHRQ State Snapshots Now Available
- What's Happening in Health IT
- La Separ critica que Sanidad no prohíba la venta d...
- Sanidad descarta la recomendación del FMI y no pre...
- CDER SBIA Update: New Guidance Documents and Notic...
- CMS NEWS: CMS announces additional participants in...
- Lot Release (Biologics) > Influenza Virus Vaccine ...
- Hospital Open Door Forums Update
- FDA Law Blog: Molecular Pathologist Group Proposes...
- Turning 65 soon? How to transition from the Market...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: 1eras Jornadas Rioplatenses...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Fallo contra hospital por i...
- Marketplace Special Enrollment Periods Webinar - W...
- DLS|HEALTHCARE NEWS|August 13, 2015
- CDRH New Update
- CDRH Industry: Intent to Exempt Certain Unclassifi...
- FDA MedWatch - July 2015 Safety Labeling Changes i...
- CDER New August 14, 2015
- CDRH Industry: Establishing the Performance Charac...
- TeamSTEPPS 2.0 Online Master Trainer Course Onboar...
- TeamSTEPPS 2.0 LMS: Log in to the site
- Medicaid Dental Coverage Alone May Not Lower Rates...
- Is anyone listening? Variation in PSA screening am...
- "Creating a User Interface for Patients with Low C...
- Risk factors for unexplained medication discrepanc...
- Use of data envelopment analysis to quantify oppor...
- Risk managers' descriptions of programs to support...
- HITECH spurs EHR vendor competition and innovation...
- AHRQ Data Show Regional Variations in Employer Hea...
- Targeting high-risk employees may reduce cardiovas...
- Measuring postoperative recovery: what are clinica...
- Emergency department utilization among Medicaid be...
- Potentially Preventable Pediatric Hospital Inpatie...
- An overview of measurement activities in the partn...
- Appendix C. Abbreviations and Acronyms (as used in...
- Appendix B. ESI Triage Algorithm, v.4 | Agency for...
- Appendix A. Frequently Asked Questions and Post-te...
- Chapter 10. Competency Cases | Agency for Healthca...
- Chapter 9. Practice Cases | Agency for Healthcare ...
- Chapter 8. Evaluation and Quality Improvement | Ag...
- Chapter 7. Implementation of ESI Triage | Agency f...
- Chapter 6. Use of the ESI for Pediatric Triage | A...
- Chapter 5. The Role of Vital Signs in ESI Triage |...
- Chapter 4. ESI Levels 3-5 and Expected Resource Ne...
- Chapter 3. ESI Level 2 | Agency for Healthcare Res...
- Chapter 2. Overview of the Emergency Severity Inde...
- Chapter 1. Introduction to the Emergency Severity ...
- Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture | Agency...
- TeamSTEPPS®: Strategies and Tools to Enhance Perfo...
- New York City Uses AHRQ's TeamSTEPPS®, Other AHRQ ...
- CMS NEWS: 2015 Special Enrollment Period Report – ...
- CDC MMWR Summary for August 13, 2015
- Medicare Coverage Document (MCD) for Wolters Kluwe...
- MMWR Vol. 64 / No. 31
- CDC’s Vital Signs Town Hall: The Public Health Res...
- MMWR Vol. 64 / No. SS-6 ► Assisted Reproductive Te...
- CDER New August 13, 2015
- CDRH New Update
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Your Medicine, Be Sm...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► FDA Drug Safety Comm...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Petty, dangerous, di...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Hospital checklists ...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Managing Human Error...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Survey of the nation...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Same-hospital readmi...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Safety culture in lo...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Drug manufacturers' ...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Enhanced morbidity a...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Association of the 2...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Using simulation to ...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► How well do health p...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Healthcare Utilizing...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Workarounds in the w...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Effective followersh...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Leading Health Care ...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► ASHP national survey...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► The impact of a comp...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Patient safety repor...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: ANMAT: eliminación en el em...
- CDC - What's New on the NIOSH Website
- Drug Shortages Update
- ¿Cómo planificar un programa en salud?
- New AHRQ Report on HAIs Available
- CDC’s Vital Signs Town Hall: Building a Foundation...
- CDC - NIOSH Publications and Products - Best Pract...
- CDC - NIOSH Numbered Publications: All Publication...
- Webinar: Grant Funding Opportunity through the Ntl...
- Los medicamentos deben viajar seguros en neveras o...
- Valencia alega motivos de protección radiológica p...
- Medicare & the Marketplace Webinar Offered by CMS ...
- Vuelve la asistencia sanitaria universal a la Comu...
- La lista de espera de Sacyl en consultas y pruebas...
- ¿Qué hay de nuevo en medicina interna? - Abierta l...
- Jornada Diálogos en Construcción. Familias con niñ...
- CDER New August 12, 2015
- NIOSH eNews - August, 2015
- NIAID Funding News, August 5, 2015
- NHLBI Funding & Research Opportunities and Announc...
- Marked Geographic Variation of CRE in Tennessee an...
- Webinar: Dementia Friendly Communities
- Frances Oldham Kelsey, Ph.D., M.D.: A Pioneer in P...
- Back to the Future: Making House Calls for Better ...
- CDC - Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation(F...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Si debía ser importada, ten...
- CMS NEWS: CMS Announces Timeline for Medicare DMEP...
- What's New at CBER Update
- Interagency Report Advocates Support for Internati...
- FDA Law Blog: The Government Seeks an Unprecedente...
- $169 Million in Affordable Care Act Funding to 266...
- Desestimada demanda porque el retraso en la prueba...
- Demanda contra la Consejería de Sanidad de Valenci...
- Federal Advisory Committee Applications
- CDC - OMHHE - About - Health Disparities - Health ...
- Rescheduled: Hospital Open Door Forum
- U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) Generic Drug...
- CDER New August 11, 2015
- The Health Center Program: Serving America’s Commu...
- Los últimos estertores de la polio | Planeta Futur...
- Prevention and Control of Influenza with Vaccines:...
- Effective Health Care Updates: Final Report on Env...
- Products - National Vital Statistics Reports - Hom...
- FDA Law Blog: A Look At FDA’s Rationale for Granti...
- State specific CHIPRA evaluation summaries now ava...
- NGC Update Service: August 10, 2015 ► Health Aware...
- NGC Update Service: August 10, 2015 ► American Col...
- NGC Update Service: August 10, 2015 ► U.S. Food an...
- NQMC Update Service: August 10, 2015 ► Conference ...
- NQMC Update Service: August 10, 2015 ► Kidney Care...
- NQMC Update Service: August 10, 2015 ► HealthPartn...
- NQMC Update Service: August 10, 2015 ► Health Awar...
- NIAID Email Alert: Funding Opportunities
- Upcoming Webinar: Quality Indicators v5.0
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Marco regulatorio de medici...
- CDER SBIA : Upgraded Drug Shortages app for Androi...
- Celebrating Community Health Center Week
- Prevalence of Diabetes on Santa Cruz Island in Gal...
- Smoke-Free Policies in Multiunit Housing: Smoking ...
- A National Asian-Language Smokers’ Quitline — Unit...
- Social and Environmental Factors Related to Boys’ ...
- Promoting Evidence-Based Decision Making in a Loca...
- How Do You Know Which Health Care Effectiveness Re...
- Rural Food and Physical Activity Assessment Using ...
- Self-Management and Health Care Use in an Adolesce...
- Meeting the Healthy People 2020 Objectives to Redu...
- Impact of Health Insurance Expansions on Nonelderl...
- Registration Information
- Join us for Cybersecurity Innovation Forum, Sept 9...
- CDER New August 10, 2015
- El Hospital Universitario del Sureste implanta un ...
- Software español para agilizar el diagnóstico de p...
- La estimación completa de un recurso por la progre...
- El PP presentará una ley para garantizar las prest...
- Los indicadores de espera quirúrgica han empeorado...
- El PSOE denuncia que el Gobierno "liquida" el fond...
- Genomics|Update|Non Communicable Diseases ► Human ...
- Genomics|Update|Infectious Diseases ► Advanced Mol...
- Genomics|Update|Current
- FDA Law Blog: FDA Finalizes Guidance on Use of Nan...
- FDA Law Blog: A Victory for Amarin Further Erodes ...
- Genomics|Features|Biobanks
- Los beneficios de mejorar la salud infantil supera...
- BioEdge: the latest news and articles about bioeth...
- 5 cursos que inician esta semana te pueden interes...
- Erratum, Vol. 12, May 21 Release
- Colorectal Cancer Identification Methods Among Kan...
- Attitudes and Beliefs of Primary Care Providers in...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► 2015 American Hospit...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Heparin-containing m...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Do cell phones belon...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Event Investigation...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Provider and patient...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Pediatric emergency ...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Evaluation for occul...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Interunit handoffs f...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Acute stroke chamele...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Barriers and facilit...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► 12 h shifts and rate...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Temporal trends in p...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Connecting patients ...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Advancing medication...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► From Safety-I to Saf...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Field Guide to Colla...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► How aviation improve...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Implementing compute...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Hospital characteris...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Avoidability of hosp...
- PA-15-305: Supplements to Support Evaluation of th...
- Genomics|Update|Current ► CDC-Authored Genomics Pu...
- El hospital del ébola, un año después | España | E...
- ProMED-mail
- Housing Insecurity and the Association With Health...
- Cessation Outcomes Among Quitline Callers in Three...
- Sociodemographic and Psychological Characteristics...
- Activity Profile and Energy Expenditure Among Acti...
- Comprehensive Cancer Control Partners’ Use of and ...
- Erratum, Vol. 12, March 26 Release
- Community Engagement in Health-Related Research: A...
- Lasting Effects of the Breast and Cervical Cancer ...
- Assessing Child Obesity and Physical Activity in a...
- Factors Associated With Adherence to Blood Pressur...
- Implementation of Strategies to Recognize and Cont...
- Economic Evaluation of a Tai Ji Quan Intervention ...
- Hookah-Related Twitter Chatter: A Content Analysis...
- Implementing Legislation to Improve Hospital Suppo...
- Prostate Cancer Screening Among American Indians a...
- Length of Stay and Deaths in Diabetes-Related Prev...
- Food Insecurity and Body Mass Index: A Longitudina...
- Beyond Neighborhood Food Environments: Distance Tr...
- Register to Join Us! -- 50th Anniversary Celebrati...
- Medical Device Safety and Recalls: Cook Medical, B...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Nuevas autoridades de la OP...
- What's Happening in Health IT: Health IT Safety We...
- Public Health Emergency Weekly Review
- Taller de Intensificación Terapéutica en DM-2 - Ab...
- Five Reasons the Clean Power Plan Is Good for Our ...
- About ASPR - PHE ► Welcome to the Public Health Em...
- Antonio Merino, nombrado director gerente del Comp...
- Bayer lanza un programa para empresas empergentes ...
- Condenado un médico a dos años de cárcel por lucra...
- Indemnización de 80.000 euros por un retraso diagn...
- El ICS cierra 2014 con un déficit de 24,7 millones...
- Fighting Opioid Addiction is Personal
- Did You Know? | How you can help stop antibiotic r...
- DLS|HEALTHCARE NEWS|August 06, 2015
- FDA Law Blog: Combination Products Reform Bill Is ...
- CDER New August 7, 2015
- Headlines: HHS Launches Multi-pronged Effort To Co...
- Headlines: HHS Launches Multi-pronged Effort To Co...
- Home Health, Hospice & DME Open Door Forums Update...
- Corrected Link: New Medicaid Expenditure and Enrol...
- MMWR Vol. 64 / No. 30
- Opportunity for Public Comment - US Preventive Ser...
- Final Research Plan: Genital Herpes: Screening - U...
- Statement Regarding the Retirement of NICHD Direct...
- 50 Years of Medicaid!
- New Medicaid Expenditure and Enrollment Data
- CDC Vital Signs: Stop the Spread of Antibiotic Res...
- CDC Vital Signs: Stop the Spread of Antibiotic Res...
- New CDC Video Shows How Antibiotic-Resistant Bacte...
- Find out if you qualify for a Special Enrollment P...
- CDC MMWR News Synopsis for August 6, 2015
- U.S. Departments of Justice and Commerce Name Six ...
- Instituto Nacional del Cáncer - Argentina
- FDA Needs Minority Stakeholders to Participate in ...
- Need a Guidance Document? We’ve Got You Covered | ...
- Sacyl lanza la App "Pediatría Castilla y León" par...
- Madrid necesitaría 1.000 donaciones diarias - Diar...
- Médicos interinos exigen al Sergas recuperar la re...
- Primer comité autonómico que permitirá agilizar lo...
- Farmacia y Sanidad, los sectores con más empleo en...
- El Instituto de Salud Carlos III invierte 4,5 mill...
- EHC Program Update: New Draft Reports and AHRQ Hea...
- Funding News from Fogarty Int'l Center at NIH
- Register for Public Workshop on Medical Device Pat...
- CDER New August 6, 2015
- NIAID Email Alert: Funding Opportunity - SBIR Cont...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Salud: qué piensan hacer lo...
- NIAID Funding News, August 5, 2015
- Lot Release (Biologics) > Influenza Virus Vaccine ...
- AHRQ Webinar: Creating Patient-Centered Team-Based...
- FDA Law Blog: Long Awaited Medicaid Rebate Rule Un...
- CDRH New Update
- PA-15-318: AHRQ Grants for Health Services Researc...
- Safeguarding Health Information Building Assurance...
- Register Now: Adaptive Trial Design and Learning E...
- Reminder: NQS Webinar On Best Practices to Improve...
- Products - Health E Stats - Homepage: Any Visit to...
- HHS Partnership Center Newsletter
- Strengthening Federal Partnerships with Faith-base...
- Advancing precision medicine by enabling a collabo...
- NIST Releases SHA-3 Cryptographic Hash Standard
- CDER New August 5, 2015
- Guide to Patient and Family Engagement in Hospital...
- Emergency Severity Index (ESI): A Triage Tool for ...
- AHRQ’s Emergency Severity Index Used to Inform Dev...
- Register Now: AHRQ Research Conference October 4-6...
- Register Now: August 18 Webinar on Adaptive Trial ...
- New evidence on the persistence of health spending...
- Patient reported interpersonal processes of care a...
- Intervention completion rates among African Americ...
- The Incremental Risk of Coronary Stents on Postope...
- Functional outcomes of general medical patients wi...
- A systematic review of mandatory influenza vaccina...
- The HIV Care Continuum: Changes over Time in Reten...
- The intended and unintended consequences of qualit...
- A trigger tool to detect harm in pediatric inpatie...
- El mayor mapa del cáncer en España demuestra la de...
- Trends in observation care among Medicare fee-for-...
- Measuring low-value care in Medicare. - PubMed - N...
- Trends in Observed Adult Inpatient Mortality for H...
- Usability and impact of a computerized clinical de...
- EHC Program Update: Draft Reports on Omega-3 Fatty...
- CDC Press Release: CDC modeling projects growth of...
- CDC modeling projects growth of drug-resistant inf...
- MMWR Vol. 64 / Early Release ► Vital Signs: Estima...
- Million Hearts e-Update: July/August 2015 [Revised...
- CDRH New Update
- Seguimiento de pacientes que nacieron prematuros.....
- Join us September 9-11, 2015 for the NIST Cybersec...
- FDA Law Blog: House Bill Targets Teenage Dextromet...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Por no reintegrar, ahora pa...
- SAVE THE DATE - CDC Vital Signs Town Hall Teleconf...
- ProMED-mail
- Safety Communications > Supplemental Measures to E...
- FDA-TRACK Update: CTP combats youth tobacco use th...
- Skilled Nursing Facility- Long Term Care Open Door...
- LabTV: Curious About Malaria | NIH Director's Blog...
- U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) FDA/CFSAN Co...
- Just Released: MONAHRQ 6.0 Build 2 – featuring a n...
- Sodium Content in Packaged Foods by Census Divisio...
- Saving 1 Million Lives
- Tools You Can Use
- Refuse to Accept Policy for 510(k)s
- Sacyl cierra 378 camas este verano y espera una oc...
- Según Puig, la reforma del modelo de financiación ...
- Los PGE destinan 272,13 millones de euros a invest...
- Aumento del 3,6% en el presupuesto para políticas ...
- Enfermedad celíaca- Abordaje médico - nutricional
- CDER New August 4, 2015
- Correction: Public Comment on Draft Recommendation...
- NGC Update Service: August 3, 2015 ► National Inst...
- Public Comment on Draft Recommendation Statement a...
- Why Your Organization Should Have a Health Literac...
- CDRH New Update
- Últimas Vacantes Curso de Obesidad, otra mirada. L...
- FDA Announces Fiscal Year 2016 Generic Drug Fees
- FDA Law Blog: FDA Guidance Regarding Nutrition Lab...
- Últimos días. Curso de Perfeccionamiento en Soport...
- Autism Care Costs Could Hit $500 Billion by 2025: ...
- New Emergency Use Authorizations - Ebola and MERS-...
- Educación e Investigación: Últimos días Curso de O...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Los medicamentos no pueden ...
- Osakidetza, con 206.000 citas más en seis meses, n...
- Siemens incrementa un 8 por ciento sus ingresos en...
- Ferran Rovira, nuevo director regional de Cataluña...
- Rovi incrementa un cuatro por ciento sus ingresos ...
- José Alonso, nuevo director de la Unidad de Oncolo...
- La quimioterapia no mejora la calidad de vida de p...
- El abordaje temprano por el especialista reduce ha...
- Discounted Room Rates for the 2015 National Confer...
- NQMC Update Service: August 3, 2015 ► The Joint Co...
- Drug Information Update- New FDA Drug Info: Drug S...
- FDA seeks input from the public on "Medical Device...
- Hoy inician dos cursos de Epidemiología y estadíst...
- Conocé nuestros cursos con inscripción abierta
- What’s New in Health Disparities? [FDA VOICE BLOG]...
- Reminder: Responding to Suicide Clusters on Colleg...
- CDER New August 3, 2015
- Instaurar una cultura preventiva, el reto de todos...
- Fedhemo exige más igual y seguridad en el tratamie...
- El Tribunal Superior de Justicia de la Comunidad V...
- El Sespa publica de nuevo la actualización de méri...
- National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report...
- CDER SBIA Update: FY 2016 User Fee Rates for GDUFA...
- CDRH New Update
- FDA Law Blog: It’s Nomination Season for the Best ...
- FDA Law Blog: FDA Publishes Fiscal Year 2016 User ...
- Uno de cada cuatro fármacos podría afectar a la co...
- Montón llama a los profesionales a "colaborar en l...
- El "gasto social" alberga el 53,3% del Proyecto de...
- Galicia: la espera media quirúrgica disminuye casi...
- Quizá los pacientes de diálisis no estén preparado...
- Se reducen las muertes, estadías hospitalarias y c...
- Cursos virtuales que inician esta semana
- El último Consejo Interterritorial pre-vacacional ...
- 'Sumar el sector privado al sector público no es u...
- ProMED-mail
- Genomics|Features|Translation
- Genomics|Features|Health Disparities
- Using a Historical Lens to Envision the Next Gener...
- Genomics|Update|Current: CDC-Authored Genomics Pub...
- Genomics|Update|Infectious Diseases ► Advanced Mol...
- Select Events
- JAMA Network | JAMA | National Academies to Establ...
- Evidence-based guideline summary: Evaluation, diag...
- Feasibility of an Assessment Tool for Children's C...
- Can adolescents make predictive genetic testing de...
- Genome Modeling System: A Knowledge Management Pla...
- Genomics|Update|Non Communicable Diseases ► Human ...
- Genomics|Features|Healthcare-associated Infections...
- Genomics|Features|Informed Consent
- Genomics|Features|Data
- BioEdge: the latest news and articles about bioeth...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► 2015 EMS Patient Saf...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► ASHRM 2015 Annual Co...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Patient Safety Watch...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Quality and Safety.
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Medicare and Medicai...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Variability in antib...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Reporting and using ...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Patterns and predict...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Client, caregiver, a...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► An experimental stud...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Accidents and incide...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Rapid response syste...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Interruptions and me...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Communication in hea...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Maximizing smart pum...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Breaking the silence...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Learning From Seriou...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ►Health IT Safety Cent...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► The Global Comparato...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Use of temporary nam...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Evaluation of sympto...
- What's New at CBER Update
- NIH Clinical Center awarded prestigious certificat...
- Medical Device Safety and Recalls: Cybersecurity V...
- Tratamiento del Dolor Miofascial Crónico. Proloter...
- Workshops & Conferences (Medical Devices) > Public...
- U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) CBER's Biolo...
- What's Happening in Health IT
- Postdoctoral fellow position open at NIAID’s Labor...
- What’s New in Health Disparities? | FDA Voice
- España gasta 244 millones de euros en atender a lo...
- El gasto farmacéutico se mantiene con un aumento d...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Buscan formar médicos más “...
- CMS NEWS: CMS issues final rules outlining 2016 Me...
- ▼ agosto (855)


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