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AHRQ Innovations Exchange
AHRQ's Health Care Innovations Exchange Focuses on Spreading Innovations for Cardiovascular Health
The March 28 issue of AHRQ's Health Care Innovations Exchange features profiles of four programs that developed improvements in the management of cardiovascular disease and chronic conditions. One such program is the Weekly Home Monitoring and Pharmacist Feedback Weekly Home Monitoring and Pharmacist Feedback in Denver, CO, which enabled hypertensive patients to monitor and report multiple blood pressure readings through an interactive voice response or secure online system. Pharmacists review the results, calling or e-mailing those with elevated readings to review medication adherence, adjust the medication regimen if necessary, and provide lifestyle counseling as appropriate. The program has reduced systolic and diastolic blood pressure, particularly for those with the highest readings entering the program, and generated high levels of patient satisfaction. The issue also features Taking Innovations To Scale, with new resources including success stories, tools, and videos to help innovators spread their innovations and potential adopters to implement innovations in their organization. Select to read more profiles of innovations related to cardiovascular health on AHRQ's Health Care Innovations Exchange Web Site, which contains more than 675 searchable innovations and 1,575 quality tools.
Mailed Reminders to Heart Attack Patients Improve Compliance With Beta Blocker Medication Regimen 3/28/2012
Four health maintenance organizations send two reminder letters to encourage recent heart attack patients to take their beta blocker medication as prescribed and to renew their prescriptions as needed.
The Optimal Weight for Life program provides medical evaluation, nutritional counseling, and behavior modification services to overweight and obese children, leading to reductions in body mass index, weight, fat mass, and insulin resistance.
Pharmacists Support Employees and Physicians in Managing Chronic Conditions, Leading to Better Care and Disease Control, Lower Costs, and Higher Productivity 3/28/2012 Pharmacists provide ongoing chronic care management support to employees and their physicians, leading to greater adherence to recommended care processes and self-management behaviors, lower costs, higher productivity, and a significant return on investment.
Weekly Home Monitoring and Pharmacist Feedback Improve Blood Pressure Control in Hypertensive Patients 3/28/2012 Hypertensive patients monitor and report multiple blood pressure readings each week and those with elevated readings receive pharmacist feedback and support, leading to better blood pressure control.
Community Coalition Supports Schools in Helping Students Increase Physical Activity and Make Better Food Choices 3/21/2012 A community-based coalition in rural Pennsylvania conducts ongoing marketing, supports schools, and sponsors community events in an effort to promote healthier behaviors by students, leading to more physical activity and better food choices.
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My Life Check 3/28/2012 This online assessment tool can help consumers learn the state of their heart and what they can do to live a better life.
Get With The GuidelinesSM Toolbox 3/14/2012 Get With The GuidelinesSM (GWTG) is an evidence-based program for in-hospital quality improvement. It helps to ensure that the care hospitals provide to coronary artery disease, stroke, and heart failure patients is aligned with the latest scientific guidelines.
Pediatric Early Warning (PEW) Score System 3/14/2012 The Pediatric Early Warning (PEW) score system can help nurses assess pediatric patients objectively using vital signs in the pediatric intensive care unit.
National HIV/AIDS Program Image Library 12/7/2011 The National HIV/AIDS Program Image Library contains more than 200 images of clinical symptoms of HIV infection.
Community Care of North Carolina Patient Management Tools 3/31/2010 Community Care of North Carolina patient management tools are available on a wide variety of topics that are to be used to enhance patient conversations with a health care professional.
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Scaling up and Spreading Innovation
The purpose of the Health Care Innovations Exchange is to speed the implementation of new and better ways of delivering health care. Taking Innovations to Scale highlights resources and information to help innovators spread their innovations, and to help adopters find, learn about, and implement new ways to improve care in their organizations.
Taking Innovations to Scale includes a Spread Success Stories section, which highlights innovations that have been successfully scaled. Our Getting Started section provides helpful tools and links to resources for both innovators and potential adopters related to scale up and spread. The section Voices from the Field offers expert perspectives on the topic, video presentations from innovators who are attempting to spread their innovations, and findings from several Health Care Innovations Exchange activities in 2011 on the scale and spread of innovations.
Please continue to visit Taking Innovations to Scale to learn more about this topic.
Spread Success Stories
Innovations with a Track Record of Spread Our Expert Perspectives on Scale Up and Spread from Hines, Battles, and Shields discuss approaches to spreading specific innovative programs. Read the full profiles of these innovations at the following links:
These innovations describe the approaches and challenges of scaling promising programs targeting cardiovascular health.
Practical Tools for Scaling Innovations
The purpose of the Health Care Innovations Exchange is to speed the implementation of new and better ways of delivering health care. Taking Innovations to Scale highlights resources and information to help innovators spread their innovations, and to help adopters find, learn about, and implement new ways to improve care in their organizations.
Taking Innovations to Scale includes a Spread Success Stories section, which highlights innovations that have been successfully scaled. Our Getting Started section provides helpful tools and links to resources for both innovators and potential adopters related to scale up and spread. The section Voices from the Field offers expert perspectives on the topic, video presentations from innovators who are attempting to spread their innovations, and findings from several Health Care Innovations Exchange activities in 2011 on the scale and spread of innovations.
Please continue to visit Taking Innovations to Scale to learn more about this topic.
Spread Success Stories
Innovations with a Track Record of Spread Our Expert Perspectives on Scale Up and Spread from Hines, Battles, and Shields discuss approaches to spreading specific innovative programs. Read the full profiles of these innovations at the following links:
- Intensive Care Units Participating in Hospital Collaborative Implement Multiple Improvement Strategies, Leading to Fewer Deaths and Lower Costs. Addressed in Hines and Battles perspective.
- Creation of Households Program in Nursing Home Improves Residents' Health Status, Reduces Staff Turnover, and Boosts Demand for Services. Addressed in Shields perspective.
These innovations describe the approaches and challenges of scaling promising programs targeting cardiovascular health.
- Weekly Home Monitoring and Pharmacist Feedback Improve Blood Pressure Control in Hypertensive Patients
- Pharmacists Support Employees and Physicians in Managing Chronic Conditions, Leading to Better Care and Disease Control, Lower Costs, and Higher Productivity
- Culturally Competent Disease Management Improves Self-Monitoring and Blood Pressure Control in Hypertensive African Americans
- Language Concordant Health Coaches Team with Residents to Help Improve Patients' Self Care Skills, Leading to Better Diabetes Management
Practical Tools for Scaling Innovations
- Asthma Return-on-Investment Calculator
- Dissemination Planning Tool from Development of a Planning Tool to Guide Dissemination of Research Results
- On the CUSP: Stop Blood Stream Infections — Resources
- Will It Work Here? A Decisionmaker’s Guide to Adopting Innovations
- Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality: Building National Health Care Quality Improvement Campaigns to Succeed: Lessons from the CUSP: CLABSI Project
- Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality: Taking Best Practices to Scale: Spreading Effective Healthcare Practices & Programs
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Program: Five-Part Webcast on Economic Evaluation
- ExpandNet: ExpandNet is a global network of representatives from international organizations, non-governmental organizations, academic and research institutions, ministries of health and specific projects who seek to advance the science and practice of scaling.View ExpandNet’s Scaling-Up Bibliography
- The Conference to Advance the State of the Science and Practice on Scale-up and Spread of Effective Health Programs was held July 8-10th in Washington D.C., with funding from AHRQ, Commonwealth Fund, US Department of Veterans Affairs, Donaghue Foundation and John A. Hartford Foundation:
- The Conference to Advance the State of the Science and Practice on Scale-up and Spread of Effective Health Programs Literature Database
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- The Conference to Advance the State of the Science and Practice on Scale-up and Spread of Effective Health Programs Resource Database
(Adobe Reader is required to view or print the PDF. Download a free copy here.
Voices from the Field Expert Perspectives on Scale Up and Spread
Spotlight on Innovators’ Spread Efforts This AHRQ Health Care Innovations Exchange video series, Can This Innovation Be Scaled?, features presentations from two innovators who are attempting to scale their programs, as well as reactions from a panel of stakeholders. These videos were filmed at the Scale Up & Spread Round Table, held in Rockville, MD on May 11, 2011.
Presentations and Reports Spread Models and Lessons: Learning from the ARHQ Health Care Innovations Exchange
- Presentation at the 4th Annual NIH Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation: Policy and Practice, March 21-22, 2011
- Presenters: Mary P. Nix, AHRQ; Veronica Nieva, Westat; Bruce Leff, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine; and Tracy Novak, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
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