domingo, 11 de enero de 2015

AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Am I my brother's keeper? A survey of 10 healthcare professions in the Netherlands about experiences with impaired and incompetent colleagues.

AHRQ Patient Safety Network

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Am I my brother's keeper? A survey of 10 healthcare professions in the Netherlands about experiences with impaired and incompetent colleagues.

Weenink JW, Westert GP, Schoonhoven L, Wollersheim H, Kool RB. BMJ Qual Saf. 2015:24:56-64.

In this survey study, one-third of respondents reported an experience with an impaired or incompetentcolleague within the last year. One limitation to the survey findings was the low 28% response rate, but the authors note that even if all non-respondents had no such encounters, the results suggest at least 9% of health care professionals have dealt with impaired or incompetent colleagues.

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Conflict of interest, Dr Charles Denham and the Journal of Patient Safety.
Wu AW, Kavanagh KT, Pronovost PJ, Bates DW. J Patient Saf. 2014;10:181-185.
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