miércoles, 14 de enero de 2015

Use of a Nationwide Call Center for Ebola Response and Monitoring During a 3-Day House-to-House Campaign — Sierra Leone, September 2014

Use of a Nationwide Call Center for Ebola Response and Monitoring During a 3-Day House-to-House Campaign — Sierra Leone, September 2014

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MMWR Early Release
Vol. 64, Early Release
January 13, 2015

Use of a Nationwide Call Center for Ebola Response and Monitoring During a 3-Day House-to-House Campaign —
Sierra Leone, September 2014

Leigh Ann Miller, PhD, Thomas Sukalac, Emily Stanger, et al.
MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2015;64(Early Release):1-2

During May 23, 2014-January 10, 2015, Sierra Leone reported 7,777 confirmed cases of Ebola. 

On August 5, Sierra Leone's Emergency Operations Center established a toll-free, nationwide 

Ebola call center. This report describes calls received during a 3-day national campaign and 

reports the results of an assessment of the call center operation during the campaign.

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