martes, 4 de agosto de 2015

Skilled Nursing Facility- Long Term Care Open Door Forum Update

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

The next CMS Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNF)/Long Term Care (LTC) Open Door Forum scheduled for:  

Date:  Thursday, August 6th, 2015
Start Time:  2:00 PM Eastern Time (ET);
Please dial-in at least 15 minutes before call start time.

Conference Leaders: Jeanette Kranacs & Jill Darling

**This Agenda is Subject to Change**

  1. Opening Remarks
Chair – Jeanette Kranacs (Center for Medicare)
Moderator – Jill Darling (Office of Communications)

  1. Announcements & Updates
  •  SNF/LTC Final Rule

III. Open Q&A

**Next ODF: September 17th, 2015**
Open Door Participation Instructions:
This call will be Conference Call Only.

To participate by phone:
Dial: 1-800-837-1935 & Reference Conference ID: 6583445
Persons participating by phone do not need to RSVP. TTY Communications Relay Services are available for the Hearing Impaired.  For TTY services dial 7-1-1 or 1-800-855-2880. A Relay Communications Assistant will help.

Encore: 1-855-859-2056; Conference ID: 6583445
Encore is an audio recording of this call that can be accessed by dialing 1-855-859-2056 and entering the Conference ID beginning the following Monday. The recording expires after 3 business days.

For ODF schedule updates and E-Mailing List registration, visit our website at
Thank you.

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