MMWR Weekly
The MMWR weekly contains data on specific diseases as reported by state and territorial health departments and reports on infectious and chronic diseases, environmental hazards, natural or human-generated disasters, occupational diseases and injuries, and intentional and unintentional injuries. Also included are reports on topics of international interest and notices of events of interest to the public health community.Download .pdf document of this issue
CE Available
- Antibodies Cross-Reactive to Influenza A (H3N2) Variant Virus and Impact of 2010–11 Seasonal Influenza Vaccine on Cross-Reactive Antibodies — United States
- Rabies Risk Assessment of Exposures to a Bat on a Commercial Airliner — United States, August 2011
- Human Orf Virus Infection from Household Exposures — United States, 2009–2011
- QuickStats: Percentage of Adults with Activity Limitations, by Age Group and Type of Limitation — National Health Interview Survey, United States, 2010
- Notifiable Diseases and Mortality Tables
Download .pdf document of Notifiable Diseases and Mortality Tables
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