About Research ActivitiesFeature Story
AHRQ expert discusses trends and challenges in health information technologyFrom the Director
Primary Care
Majority of conditions treated in emergency departments are treatable in primary care clinicsPrimary care providers who provide contraceptive counseling increase patients' contraceptive use
Primary care visits every 2 weeks linked to better treatment outcomes for patients with diabetes
Patient Safety and Quality
A "diabetes dashboard" screen helps clinicians quickly and accurately access patient data needed for quality diabetes carePatient surveys are an additional useful tool for identifying adverse events occurring during hospital stays
Public reporting of performance data seems to motivate and energize improvements to hospital performance
Chronic Disease
Injection of hyaluronic acid, a natural joint lubricant, appears effective in reducing pain from wear and tear on the kneeHeart failure hospitalization and mortality rates drop between 1998 and 2008
Drug-eluting stents appear safe for older patients with chronic kidney disease
Market forces underlie provision of peritoneal dialysis by dialysis facilities
Outcomes/Effectiveness Research
Blood pressure control persists after physician-pharmacist intervention endsPhysician personality factors do not seem to influence whether patients with symptoms undergo extended diagnostic evaluations
C-reactive protein testing is not more effective than an educational intervention to decrease antibiotic prescriptions for patients seen for acute cough
Accuracy of ultrasound for ectopic pregnancy in the emergency department is not helped by measuring a key pregnancy hormone
Performance measures for gastroenterology can lead to improved accountability
Clinical algorithm can identify and locate serious internal bleeding related to oral anticoagulant use
Comparative Effectiveness Research
Self-measured blood pressure monitoring to manage hypertension may offer a small benefitNot enough evidence to recommend fecal DNA testing for adults at average risk for colorectal cancer
Elderly/Long-Term Care
Elders and families find it difficult to interpret data from passive sensors that help monitor elderly activityImproving quality of care for falls and urinary incontinence also improves quality of life in elderly patients
Disparities/Minority Health
Lower flu vaccination rates for black nursing home residents a cause for concernAgency News and Notes
Six in 10 obese adults have joint painHospital readmissions higher for chronic conditions
Midwest hospitals lead in newborn male circumcision rates
New resources available for comparing osteoarthritis pain medicationsRegister for the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) Data Users' Workshop
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AHRQ offers public reporting organizations communications tips
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AHRQ announces funding opportunity on patient-centered outcomes research dissemination
AHRQ solicits measures of children's health care quality for CHIPRA 2013
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AHRQ Publication No. 12-RA007
Current as of April 2012
Current as of April 2012
Internet Citation:
Research Activities Newsletter. April 2012, No. 380. AHRQ Publication No. 12-RA007. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.
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