sábado, 25 de abril de 2015

CDC MMWR Summary

CDC MMWR Summary

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CDC MMWR Summary for April 23, 2015

Occupational Traumatic Injuries Among Workers in Health Care Facilities — United States, 2012–2014

Injury prevention measures that reduce the risks associated with nurse and nurse assistant duties are urgently needed. Safety cultures that emphasize continuous improvement and support resources, such as routine use of lifting equipment and training, can protect health care personnel from disabling injuries. The Occupational Health Safety Network is a web-based portal that collects data about injuries among healthcare personnel at U.S. health care facilities to help target prevention efforts and measure their impact. This report states that between 2012 and 2014, the rates of patient handling and workplace violence injuries were highest among nurse assistants and nurses; rates of slips, trips, and falls were high for nursing jobs and for non-patient care staff. During the period, workplace violence injury rates increased for all job classifications and nearly doubled for nurse assistants and nurses

Work-Related Asthma Cluster at a Syntactic Foam Manufacturing Facility

Physician recognition and reporting of work-related illness can improve public health and patient care. Early diagnosis of work-related asthma and action to stop exposures can help workers with existing asthma become symptom-free and prevent future cases. Work-related risk factors should be considered for people with asthma-like symptoms and those with existing asthma.  Physician reporting of work-related asthma to local public health authorities can lead to efforts to prevent future cases of disease.

Tracking Progress Toward Polio Eradication — Worldwide, 2013–2014

Improvement in the quality of surveillance for polioviruses is needed to help strengthen global polio eradication efforts.There are only three countries where poliovirus circulation has never been interrupted: Afghanistan, Nigeria, and Pakistan. Outbreaks occurred during 2013 and 2014 as a result of spread from these countries. Monitoring the progress of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative requires sensitive and timely polio surveillance. This report presents 2013 and 2014 poliovirus surveillance data, focusing on reports during 2010-2014 from 29 countries with at least one case of wild or circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus. In 2013, 25 of the 29 countries met the two primary surveillance quality indicators: sensitivity and timeliness; in 2014, the number decreased to 21. To complete and certify polio eradication, gaps in surveillance must be identified and surveillance activities, including supervision, monitoring, and proper specimen collection, must be further strengthened.

Optimal Serum and Red Blood Cell Folate Concentrations in Women of Reproductive Age for Prevention of Neural Tube Defects: World Health Organization Guidelines

Neural tube defects, such as spina bifida and anencephaly, are a severe, costly, and preventable global public health challenge. Countries can help lower the risk of neural tube defects by adopting a new WHO guideline to assess population risk and by implementing prevention programs. About 300,000 neural tube defects (serious birth defects of the brain and spine) are estimated to occur in babies worldwide each year. The true count is not currently known because of a lack of birth defects data in many countries. Countries that adopt the new WHO guideline can determine the need for and effectiveness of neural tube defects prevention programs, including folic acid fortification and supplementation. They can also work to identify the risk of neural tube defects while birth defects surveillance systems are under development or complement data from existing systems.

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