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National Health Statistics Reports
Notice: Effective January 2008 the title, National Health Statistics Reports (NHSR), replaces Advance Data from Vital and Health Statistics (AD). NHSRs will be numbered sequentially beginning with 1. The last AD report number is 395.These reports provide annual data summaries, present analyses of health topics, or present new information on methods or measurement issues.
Full text (.PDF) files are linked to each item appearing in these lists. If for any reason a .PDF file does not exist, a note will indicate that fact. Paper copies of NHSRs may be available for review in a Federal Depository
Citation of the source is appreciated when using quotations from the National Center for Health Statistics publications. Please see How to Cite NCHS Publications for examples.
No. 50. Trends in Nutrient Intakes and Chronic Health Conditions Among Mexican-American Adults, a 25-year Profile: United States, 1982–2006. 21 pp. (PHS) 2012-1250. March 28, 2012.
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