Current Cancer Statistics
- Cancer Incidence 1999 - 2009 (National Program of Cancer Registries states only): By year, state, age group, race, ethnicity, gender, childhood cancers and cancer site classifications for NPCR states.
Data Request More information - Cancer Incidence 1999 - 2008: By year, state, metropolitan area, age group, race, ethnicity, gender, childhood cancers and cancer site classifications.
Data Request More information - Cancer Mortality 1999 - 2008: By year, state, metropolitan area, age group, race, ethnicity, gender, and cancer site classifications. See below for more information on mortality rate comparisons.
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Archive Cancer Statistics
- Cancer Incidence 1999 - 2006: By year, state, metropolitan area, age group, race, ethnicity, gender, childhood cancers and cancer site classifications.
Data Request More information - Cancer Mortality 1999 - 2006: By year, state, metropolitan area, age group, race, ethnicity, gender, and cancer site classifications. See below for more information on mortality rate comparisons.
Data Request More information - Cancer Incidence 1999 - 2005: By year, state, metropolitan area, age group, race, gender, childhood cancers and cancer site classifications.
Data Request More information - Cancer Mortality 1999 - 2005: By year, state, metropolitan area, age group, race, gender, and cancer site classifications. See below for more information on mortality rate comparisons.
Data Request More information - Cancer Incidence 1999 - 2004: By year, state, metropolitan area, age group, race, gender, childhood cancers and cancer site classifications.
Data Request More information - Cancer Mortality 1999 - 2004: By year, state, metropolitan area, age group, race, gender, and cancer site classifications.
Data Request More information - Cancer Incidence 1999 - 2002: Incidence data by year, state, metropolitan area, age group, race, gender, childhood cancers and cancer site classifications.
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The United States Cancer Statistics (USCS) are the official federal statistics on cancer incidence from registries having high-quality data and cancer mortality statistics for the United States. USCS are produced by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Cancer Institute (NCI), in collaboration with the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries (NAACCR).
Incidence data are provided by:
Mortality data are provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Vital Statistics System (NVSS).
About mortality rate comparisons:
Incidence data are provided by:
- The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Program of Cancer Registries (NPCR)
- The National Cancer Institute Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) program
Mortality data are provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Vital Statistics System (NVSS).
About mortality rate comparisons:
- For consistency with the data on cancer incidence, the cancer sites in mortality data were grouped according to the revised SEER recodes dated January 27, 2003 (see SEER Cause of Death Recodes). Because NCHS uses different groupings for some sites, the death rates in this report may differ slightly from those published by NCHS.
- The population used to age-adjust the rates in this report is the 2000 U.S. standard population, which is in accordance with a 1998 recommendation of the US. Department of Health and Human Services. The 2000 U.S. standard population is based on the proportion of the 2000 population in specific age groups (younger than 1 year, 1-4 years, 5-9 years, 10-14 years, 15-19 years, . . . 85 years or older); the proportions of the 2000 population in these age groups serve as weights for calculating age-adjusted incidence and death rates. NCHS, however, uses a different set of age groups in its age adjustment of death rates, and thus the cancer death rates in this report may differ slightly from those published by NCHS.
- Deaths of persons of unknown age are not included in this data set. Death rates may differ slightly from other reports where deaths of persons of unknown age are included.
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