sábado, 22 de junio de 2013

CMS NEWS: Consumers saved $3.9 billion on premiums in 2012

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services  

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
News Division                                   


Thursday, June 20, 2013

Consumers saved $3.9 billion on premiums in 2012
Health care law will provide families an average of $100 back in premium rebates

Today, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announces that nationwide, 77.8 million consumers saved $3.4 billion up front on their premiums as insurance companies operated more efficiently.  Additionally, consumers nationwide will save $500 million in rebates, with 8.5 million enrollees due to receive an average rebate of around $100 per family. 

Today’s report includes the 2012 health insurer data required under the Affordable Care Act’s Medical Loss Ratio(MLR), or “80/20 rule.”  The report shows that, compared to 2011, more insurers are meeting this standard and spending more of their premium dollars directly toward patient care and quality, and not red tape and bonuses.  

Created through the Affordable Care Act, the rule requires insurers to spend at least 80 cents of every premium dollar on patient care and quality improvement.  If they spend a higher amount on other expenses like profits and red tape, they owe rebates back to consumers.  For many consumers, the report found that the law motivated their plans to lower prices or improve their coverage to meet the standard.  This new standard and other Affordable Care Act policies contributed to consumers saving approximately $3.9 billion on premiums in 2012, for a total of $5 billion in savings since the program’s inception.   

“The health care law is providing consumers value for their premium dollars and ensuring the money they pay every month to insurance companies goes toward patient care,”   HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said.  “Thanks to the law, 8.5 million Americans will receive $500 million back in their pockets and purses.”

If an insurer did not spend enough premium dollars on patient care and quality improvement, rebates will be paid in one of the following ways:
  • ·       a rebate check in the mail;
  • ·       a lump-sum reimbursement to the same account that they used to pay the premium if by credit card or debit card;
  • ·       a reduction in their future premiums; or
  • ·      
Insurance companies that do not meet the standard will send consumers a notice informing them of this new rule.  The notice will also let consumers know how much the insurer did or did not spend on patient care or quality improvement, and how much of that difference will be returned as a rebate.
The 80/20 rule, along with the required review of proposed double-digit premium increases, works to stabilize and moderate premium rates.  And, with the new market reforms, including the guaranteed availability protections and prohibition of the use of factors such as health status, medical history, gender and industry of employment to set premiums rates, this policy helps ensure every American has access to quality, affordable health insurance.

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Follow HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius on Twitter @Sebelius

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