Vital and Health Statistics Series
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Vital and Health Statistics Series reports from the National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The following report was recently added:
Series 2, Number 158. Responsive Design, Weighting, and Variance Estimation in the 2006–2010 National Survey of Family GrowthThe National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG) is designed to provide national statistics on factors affecting childbearing, marriage, and parenting from a national probability sample of women and men aged 15–44. The 2006–2010 NSFG used a responsive design approach to manage the field work of the survey, to control costs, to oversample teenage and minority groups, and to reduce bias in the resulting sample. This approach represented a significant change in the design, methodology, and procedures of the survey. These changes in methods and the extended 4-year interviewing period required the release of two previous technical reports that described how the survey was planned and designed. This report describes the outcomes of the fieldwork and responsive design and the corresponding procedures used for weighting, imputation, and variance estimation in the 2006–2010 survey. This information should be useful for those who intend to do statistical research with NSFG data, and for survey methodologists who want to compare their procedures with those used in the NSFG.
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